Oct 5 – NCSAM Daily Reminder

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) has officially begun! join us in spreading cybersecurity awareness and encourage everyone to own their role in protecting Internet-connected devices. “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.”

The focus of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month’s first week is “If you Connect It, Protect It.” This emphasizes the potential vulnerability of all Internet-connected devices.

Cybersecurity starts with YOU and is everyone’s responsibility. There are currently an estimated 4.8 billion Internet users—over 62% of the world’s population!4 This number will only grow, making the need to “Protect It” more important than ever.

Throughout the month of October, MU Information Technology will provide daily tips on how to become more CyberAware both at work and at home. We will also ask the entire university community to get enrolled in multi factor authentication, use the password portal for password assistance, take part in awareness training, and take part in online discussions on our Facebook page or during other online opportunities.

Join us and get involved by visiting cisa.gov/ncsam.

#BeCyberSmart #Cybersecurity #NCSAM2020