Welcome from the Dean

Welcome to Millersville University’s Spring 2019 edition of MUsings: The Graduate Journal.  Our journal continues to be a creative and scholarly outlet for our graduate students as they explore unique topics and share their expertise with a broad audience of peers, the wider Millersville community, and the academic disciplines represented by our graduate students.

This edition of MUsings once again shows the high quality of intellectual inquiry of our student authors.  I applaud each of them for having the confidence to publish their work in these pages.   The process of sharing results of research and creative work with the broader community is a critical part of becoming a professional.

Whether submitting your work to MUsings or traveling to present at a professional conference, exhibiting your work invites opportunities for collaborating with other scholars, offering valuable feedback to your refine your ideas, opening new lines of investigation.  The benefits from sharing your research and entering a community of scholars include meeting colleagues working on similar project, getting a jump start on a career, or preparing for more advanced study in your field.

With the arrival of our new president, Dr. Wubah, our new doctoral programs have grown to become a part of our university culture. As graduate studies at Millersville continue to grow, I am looking forward to seeing new contributions to the journal. For those moving on to careers and more advanced study, this publication will be the first step in your journey toward success.

I would like to offer my sincere appreciation to the faculty, student editors, and all of our now-published authors who contributed to this edition of MUsings.  The College of Graduate Studies and Adult Learning is fortunate to have so many talented people committed expanding the opportunities for graduate student research.

All the best,

James A. Delle, PhD
Acting Dean, College of Graduate Studies and Adult Learning
Associate Provost, Academic Administration