On Sunday, February 11th, the Millersville National Association for Music Education, NAfME,  chapter hosted the PCMEA Region V Colloquium. The goal was to allow future music educators to connect, network, and develop their teaching and musicianship skills. Three speakers presented a variety of topics related to the music education field. Dr. Jennifer Jester, coordinator of Live Audio at Millersville, began the day by demonstrating how implementing a Modern Band curriculum can benefit students’ social and emotional learning. Dr. Jeffrey Gemmell, coordinator of choral studies,  then spoke to the attendees about creating an effective and cohesive choral music curriculum, leading a related interactive rehearsal workshop. Finally, Dr. Michael Houlahan, chair of music,  conducted an interactive lesson on building the skill of audiation to improve students’ musicianship, providing attendees access to Sound Thinking Interactive, an online tool kit for developing musicianship. The Millersville NAfME chapter was delighted to host such outstanding students and speakers!

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