Please use this page to sign up to help out at Science Olympiad! Thank you for visiting and being willing to donate your time!
If you wish to help out in a specific event at Science Olympiad, go here for Division B events and here for Division C events. This page is for all other helpers needed for Science Olympiad to run smoothly!
You may sign up as a volunteer for Science Olympiad or, if you are ALREADY on payroll at MU, you may opt to be paid the MU hourly rate.
*Please note: You will be paid the hours you work, not the duration of the event.*
Science Olympiad runs from 7 am to 7 pm on the Millersville campus. We respect that an all day commitment is difficult for most people. Please sign up for what you are able/willing to do!
Rules for Helping out with Science Olympiad:
- Please dress professionally. No ripped jeans, flip-flops, t-shirts. Dress as if you wish to make a good impression.
- Please check-in at registration outside Caputo 206 on the day of the event!
- Lunch and breakfast are provided for all event staff in Roddy 266!