Today we finally solved a lot of the issues that we found last class. First, our water pump’s smallest fitting was for a 0.375″ tube rather than Dr. Brusic’s 0.5″ vinyl tubing and the many accesories for that size tubing. We had already tried fitting the tubes together, cutting holes in the larger tube, and even using everything from strawa to screws as spouts. We couldn’t figure out how to funnel the two sizes together until today. We realized that, if we used a small section of an eyedropper, we could use the smaller tube and simply wedge the piece into the inside of the pump’s fitting. This solved a lot of our issues because it meant that we knew how to make the water drip and we wouldn’t need to buy any additional parts and pieces for our system. We also didn’t know how to seal off the top of our system until we realized that the container’s lid was meant to seal so if we just cut a piece out for the smaller container it would both prevent water damage to the property and hold the smaller container in place. We then drilled holes for the water tubing and a hole in the lid for the submersible pump’s power cord. The only other major system construction we need to do is drill holes in the bottom of the smaller container for drainage. Hopefully, we will be planting by Wednesday.