Blog#6 My first semester in Millersville

Time goes too fast, this semester will  end after one week.  I feel so good for my first semester in Millersville.  I learned a lot, joined some activities and made some new friends. Everything is new for me because it is my first time I have come to the United State.

I studied ELI classes and academic classes at the same time. My professors were so nice, they listened to me patiently and gave me some important advice. I met many nice classmates, they were friendly and helped me in team tasks. I made great progress in my English.

In this semester, I also took prat in some activities organized by global education. I watched a baseball game, went to New York city and met some interesting people. During the break, I went to Chicago and Philadelphia. I have learned more about American culture and life. The campus is also very beautiful and peaceful. I love here!

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