YOU Can Do This!


Hello! Welcome back to my blog! Last week I talked about self-care for families and students. This week I will be focusing on self-care and some general tips for teachers. Self-care is so important at all times, but especially now during the Covid-19 pandemic! The world can feel scary, uncertain, and confusing at this time. As a result, the emotions of students, families, and teachers can be all out of sorts. Self-care for teachers IS important.


Quarantining is the perfect opportunity to take on some new activities and hobbies with the added extra time. Yoga is a relaxing opportunity to get some physical activity in. Not only does yoga benefit physical fitness, but it also is a great way to cleanse your mind and emotions.

5 minute yoga | Beginners yoga

This 5 minute yoga class | Beginners yoga is for those days when you don’t have much time, but feel like you need to get your energy moving! Perfect first th…


Everyone has heard of journaling, but what about calligraphy? Calligraphy, also known as hand-lettering, is a fun activity to learn and take on during quarantining. Learning calligraphy can be a mind challenger, in a good way. It is stress-free and fun to play around with whether if you are good at it or not!

Physical Activity:

It is very easy to become a couch potato while quarantining! While snuggling on the couch watching Netflix with a bag of chips and a carton of ice cream is OK (in moderation), there are many physical activities that can be just as fun! Learning a new dance, going on a jog, jumping rope, and going on a bike ride are just a few examples of fun physical activities. Listen to some fun music and that will make it all the better! The benefits of physical activity are many!

YOU Can Do This!

My final message to you is to not give up! This too shall pass…though you would much rather be in your classroom with your students right now, we will get there! Practicing self-care, believing in yourself, having hope, and continuing to be rockstars for our students will get every teacher through this!

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” -Walt Disney