Corona Quarantine

Let’s face it, quarantine and home-schooling can be very stressful for both parents and children. It is important to inform children about what is happening and the importance of doing what is suggested. For some children, this whole thing can be very confusing. It is important for this situation to be explained to them so they can have a better understanding because although they may be young, this is throwing off their typical routine as well.

How to keep children engaged:

  • Add movement into lessons
    • Teach lessons with songs and dances to get them moving around. For example, the Water Cycle Song. This can help them memorize the cycle along with work on gross motor skills.

Water Cycle – Blazer Fresh | Science Video | GoNoodle

Round and round and round goes the Water Cycle! C’mon y’all get down with the Water Cycle! Create a free account on now and find hundreds of way…

    • Going on mini field trips with your kids can get them excited to learn about different things.
  • Allow “brain breaks”
    • For some students, having school at home can be very distracting. It is okay to give them some time to move around and shake around to get back into focus.

  • Have “centers” where they can play with blocks or legos.
    • This can engage their fine motor skills while they still play.

Dealing with emotions:

It is okay that you don’t know exactly what you are doing to school your child(ren). In the article, Teacher: ‘You Don’t Have to Strive for Perfection’ When Homeschooling your Kids, Terri Peters writes to parents saying that it is okay to feel overwhelmed.