
The easiest project I had in my “ Learning by Doing”  class was the Typography assignment.  I had to choose fonts using my name to make name tags for different jobs.  I thought it was fun matching the careers with a font that helped to communicate what it is that they do for a living.  This activity  made you step back and look at something so simple as fonts and colors to how they help to portray a message.


3D Printing and Modeling

I found this two part “Learning by Doing” activity to be the most challenging.  Our task was to create a LEGO brick from scratch.  The first step to understanding how 3D printing and modeling  works is to learn how the 3D printers create the depth of an object.  To do this we created a cardboard LEGO layer by layer using items like pipe cleaners, rulers, and measuring tape.  The next step was to create a real LEGO using a software called Autodesk Fusion, this was the part I found challenging as I was not familiar with this software.



This group activity had us work together to assemble a functioning simple circuit using given materials.  We planned and  sketched out the schematics and then executed our design.  We used wires and a 9 volt battery to light the bulb.  To take it a step further we then designed 3 different switches for the circuit.  Our group used items like aluminum foil, index cards, tape, rubber bands, and a hole puncher to create our switches.

Materials Processing

The activity we used to learn about material processing was Laser engraving.  We created our own design using the computer software ADOBE.  After completing  our design the computer sends instructions to the print driver.  The laser then engraved the design I created onto the wooden rectangle and cut the hole for the chain.  In this activity I had to pay close attention to details like the height and width of the material I was using.  I worked independently using my creativity to create something custom.  Laser engraving is just one of the many processes used to make or manufacture consumer products.

My Keychain

Worker Safety

Federal law entitles workers to a safe workplace. Worker safety protects employees from work related injuries and illness.  It is the responsibility of employers to provide tools and equipment needed to do the job safely, develop and implement safety programs , and provide safety training.  In this particular activity we had a mock situation where a cup of toxic popcorn contaminated a 2 ft. square area in Osborn Hall.  The goal was to use the available tools and materials to safely transfer the popcorn into a safe container using certain criteria and adhering to certain constraints.   My engineering team was the Braves and we used items like dowel rods, resistance bands, rope, and pool noodles to design and test our solutions.  All three of our solutions were successful and we were able to save Osborn Hall.  This learning by doing activity teaches about problem solving, team work, uses critical thinking skills, and is a great example of why safety policy and procedures need to be followed to avoid workplace incidents.


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Course Portfolio

Academic Goals 

My career goal is to leverage my college education to gain a deep understanding of Osha and other knowledge from courses and develop key skills relevant to my career. I aim to secure a position in an industry where I can contribute to meaningful projects, grow as a leader, and make a positive impact on specific goals or outcomes relevant to the field I am in. To reach this mark I will have to complete all my coursework, meet regularly with advisor,  set aside plenty of time to study. I also will be seeking internships to get hands on experience and tips from professionals to help better communication and leadership skills.