I traveled to London during the Fall 2017 semester. I chose this location because London is full of amazing history and being in the city made it easy to travel throughout the city and surrounding countries.
While abroad I wanted to meet as many new people as I could. Meeting new people from different countries and different backgrounds gave me a whole new perspective of the world and people from different cultures. Academically, I wanted to improve my writing skills and learn more about the public relations industry within the United Kingdom. I was enrolled in a Public Relations Campaign class that explained the structure of campaigns for different companies in the UK. Our professor was in the PR field and had his own firm in London.
I traveled to Nuremburg and Munich in Germany. I went to Oktoberfest with a couple of friends from University. While we were there, we stayed at a campsite. After Oktoberfest was over, we visited the Dachau Concentration camp that was located outside of Germany. Seeing the concentration camp was a life changing experience. During my semester, I also traveled to different parts of Italy, Ireland, and Northern Ireland.
I think Millersville students should study abroad because traveling outside of the United States and outside of Lancaster County gives individuals a well-rounded view of the world. It is amazing to get to meet new people from different countries and hear about their background and their own personal experiences. Studying abroad also gives students the opportunity to share their own background with the rest of the world.
The best advice that I could give someone is, don’t have any expectations of what your time abroad is going to be like. This was the best advice my mom gave me. When I got to London, I had the most amazing experience because I didn’t know what to expect. It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life and I think everyone should get the chance to experience studying abroad.