1901-1904 Faculty Minutes: Ladies some times make candy in the closet with lamps and stoves.

Below you will find extracts of the faculty meeting minutes of the Pennsylvania State Normal School of the Second District (now known as Millersville University). These extracts are from the volume covering 1901-1904. A digitized copy will soon be availableĀ at the Keystone Library Network’s Digital Collection. When it is uploaded, you will find it atĀ http://digital.klnpa.org/cdm/search/collection/mvsminutes.

Sept. 2, 1901
Bad boys are to be looked after- They are Wells, Dietrich.

Sept. 18, 1901
The Prin. stated that an unknown youngman, who is thought not to be a student, because he was seen smoking on the campus, had climbed up a fire-escape of the Ladies’ building. He was discovered by some of the ladies before he was fully up, and then beat a hasty retreat.

Sept. 23, 1901
There must be no conversation between the sexes on Sunday…
There will be no lecture at the Normal School on the Boer War.

Oct. 7, 1901
Miss Lyle spoke of a boy who fell asleep in his closet with his lamp burning by his side. Ladies some times make candy in the closet with lamps and stoves.

October 14, 1901
Miss Winters of the B division is doing fairly well in class, seems to have a pleasant room-mate and should be contented and happy.

Nov. 11, 1901
Ladies are not to go to the evening entertainments unless accompanied by a teacher.

Feb. 3, 1902
In sociables reunions and-so-forth: all exercises that require the boys to take hold of the ladies must be ruled out. There must be no exception to this rule.

Mar. 31, 1902
Mr. Hanlon was reported for striking Mr. Hachman in the nose causing it to bleed. Then while he (Mr. Hachman) was washing off the blood, Mr. Hanlon struck him again. There seems to be no occasion for the attack.
Mr. Hanlon said – “I lost my head, and it was my fault. Mr. Hachman did say to me that he could not hurt me as I had the jaw of an ass.

April 1, 1902
The following questions were given for debate:
Resolved – That the formation of combinations to control manufacturers and transportation is a menace to our country.
B. A. Heydrick.
2. Res. That the canteen system should be reestablished.
B. A. Heydrick.
3. Res. That a compulsory voting law should be passed.
Anna Lyle.
4 – Res. That the Nicaraguan canal route offers greater commercial and political advantage to the people of the United States that the Panama Canal route.
W. Mason Neff.
5 – Res. – That further annexation of territory would be injurious to the United States.
Amanda Landes
6 – Res. – That the re-passage of the Chinese Exclusion Bill was Justifiable.
Amanda Landes.
Res. – That United States senators should be elected by popular ballot.
Geo. W. Hull

May 12, 1902
Mr. Hanlon was reported for spending too much time in the engine house reading novels. He received 10 dem…
It was stated that the lady students sit on the gentlemen’s side of the chapel at lectures and engage in conversation with the gentlemen. Mr. Heydrick will see to this.
A boy in the supper hall has Megaphone with which he disturbs the students…
Note- At the meeting of the teachers of the seniors it was decided to say nothing to the weak seniors about their probability of graduating – It was suggested as this is the last year for the old course that it would be well to recommend all the seniors for graduation.

May 26, 1902
Committee on Discipline.
Mr. McGuinness’ case.
Mr. Krabill was informed that Messers. McGuinness and Moppit were tussling in Mr. Moyer’s room. Mr. Moppit had the advantage in the scuffle and this made Mr. McGuinness angry, and he struck Mr. Moppit and pulled his hair.
Messers. Beer and Laudenmilch told the Prin. essentially the same story.
Mr. McGuinness was brought before the committee and said : “I threw Mr. Moppit on the bed and he then threw me on the floor and bent my neck, thus shutting of the wind, I pulled his hair to make him get off, as I could not speak.
Mr. Moppit then struck me first, and was so mad he could not speak. I chew tobacco in the halls and several times spit on the wall paper. I went down to Mr. Moppit the next evening to apologize; but he would not admit that he struck me first and would not accept my apology.
Mr Beer was called before the committee and said that he had seen the last part of the fight – He heard Mr. Moppit scream and say “what do you want to kill me.” Mr. McG. said “I would just as soon kill you as not.” Mr. Moppit said he did not want to fight and did not strike Mr. McG.

June 2, 1902
Question referred to the Faculty – Should we have school on Saturday and none [sic] on Monday as they have in many places?

June 9, 1902
We mourn the death of Mrs. Anna Roddy. Our hearts go out in warm sympathy to our fellow member of the faculty, for whom the tie that binds husband and wife, the sweetest, dearest that earth can know, has been severed; for the little children whose tender years shall no more have the loving watchful care of a fond mother; for the parents who will no longer be cheered by the occasional home coming of a beloved daughter; for one another of ourselves who shall miss the pleasant greeting and the daily society of a genial friend.
We mourn indeed; but the chamber of our sorrow is lighted up, made all bright with the blessed hope of a happy reunion, – a hope that comes streaming in upon us from beyond the river: – the heart is heavy; but the weight that rests upon it is wonderfully sustained by the comforting thought that what for a few days is our apparent loss is now and shall forever be an infinite gain to her.
A.R. Byerly.
Anny Lyle.
H. F. Bitner.

Nov. 24, 1902
Miss Stella Belknop burnt the names of a club that meets in her room on the room door. She is willing to pay for removing it.

Feb. 3, 1903
He also wishes to know if we would not be the first Normal school to adopt the Modified spelling of N. E. A. The N. E. A. has endorsed the reformed spelling of 12 words, among them are: –
Through – throughout – thorough – thoroughfare – catalogue – demagogue – pedagogue – although – through &c…There was no strong desire to adopt the new spelling…
Dr. Huebeuer [a member of the Board of Trustees] was then called upon and said in substance: – “I am glad to see the interest manifested by the teachers in the progress and welfare of the students. I had no idea that such close supervision and careful analysis of each student was even made. I am glad to be present with you.”

Mar. 11, 1903
Mr. Gordon was called before the committee and accused of taken [sic] the following articles: –
Foot-Ball – He said he took the ball from small room in the front part of the gymnasium and put it in his locker, and afterwards took it to his room. He said some evil spirit got hold of him and could not resist.

Mar. 30, 1903
Dr. Bitner asked if a student in Ethics can receive $1.50 a week and substitute Ethics for Latin. No decision.

Apr. 20, 1903
In-as-much-as there are a number of irresponsible Italians in the vicinity of the school, it is thought wise that botanizing parties of ladies should go in groups of six or more, attended by a gentleman teacher if possible, should not go in the direction of the new trolley line, and be back early. To throw additional protection around the ladies the work will be lessened this term.

Apr. 27, 1903
Some of the boys bring ice-cream and other eatables to the reception room window for the ladies on Friday and Sat. evening. This is not a good practice, and should be discouraged.
In the match game of Base ball last Saturday, with the Kutztown Normal School, our team was defeated. It is thought that there is something wrong with the Management of our athletics. The game on Sat. should have been won by our club. The athletic committee should meet and see if our athletics cannot be improved, so that they are a credit to the school.

May. 8, 1903
A special faculty meeting was held this evening in the Public office, to consider the questions for the contest in debate…The following questions were presented:
1. A college education is an advantage to a business man.
2. Res. That trial by Jury should be abolished.
3. Res. That co-operation is better than the employment of labor by capital.
4. Res. That Booker T. Washington’s plan will solve the Negro question.
5. Res. That the present tendency to give a commercial value rather than a scholarly value to educations will result in detriment to our people.
6. Res. That the indifference of educated men to public affairs is greatly to be condemned.
7. Res. That the Africans in the United States will ultimately be detrimental to the advancement of the Anglo-Saxon race.
8. Res. That idlness should be forbidden by law, and work be provided by the state for all who cannot secure employment for themselves.
9. Res. That independent action in politics is preferable to party allegiance.
10. Res. That the Moral and Religious condition of the world is better today than in any previous century.
11. Res. That there should be a property and educational qualification required for voting.
12. Res. That it was a mistake to enfranchise the Negro at the time he was set free.

May 22, 1903
A petition was read from the gentlemen asking permission to appear on the grounds and in the buildings without coats. It was the opinion of those who discussed the matter that the petitions should not be granted.

June 22, 1903
Miss Ida P. Hamish wishes a recommendation for character and ability. It was stated that she was careless and indifferent, spent much time before a looking glass, some time with boys, &c.

October 5, 1903
Mr. Furgus Franey asks if he can return to school. When he was here he was not a good student. The Prin. will write him in such a way that he may not return.

December 21, 1903
Misses Ruth Losh, Rose Leirton and Mattie Glasgow were reported for dancing with three gentle[men] not connected with the school. Miss Losh rec. 15 dem[erits] – Miss Leirton, 10 – and Miss Glasgow 10 dem…
Mr. Ahrens stated that Messr. Breen and Moyer put decayed apples and water in Mr. Strouse’s bed, and remained in the closet to witness the result. They threatened him with a glass of water if he told.
He also said that Messrs. Moyer and Carrigan took a piece of sausage from the dining room and put it in Mr. Strouse’s bed.
He also stated that his door had been defaced, and cat was thrown into his room. Mr. Deaver was heard to say the evening the cat was on the hall, “Throw it in Mr. Ahren’s room.” Later the cat was found there. It is thought that Mr. Deaver was connected with other misdemeanors on the hall. He was stated that Mr. Deaver threw bricks through the hall on the evening of the Normal Anniversary.
Mr. Bitner stated that Messers. Lan and Prince had collected paper in the water closet and twisted it together and set fire to it.

Jan. 13, 1904
Miss Clarkson, Linten and Gowtner are reading too many novels. Prin. will see them

Jan. 18, 1904
The Prin. stated that Miss Clarkson had read three novels since Sept. Miss Linten and Miss Gowtner each one this year.

Jan. 18, 1904
The Prin. made the following suggestions:
1. – The Faculty should improve in at least one thing: – They are too careless in putting work on the board and with the papers.
2. – Some of the members use tobacco, but they should observe the general rules of the school – not to use it in their rooms and on the grounds.
3. – Basket-ball is not doing us any good – Games should not be arranged for until we are sure that we will have a good team to play them; and all games should be played on Saturday afternoon.

Jan. 21, 1904
He confessed to the committee that on the day when we was in Lanc. and drank with his friend, he also visited a house of ill fame. He expressed great sorrow that he had gone that time, and had not gone since and never would repeat the offense. He said we could call in his chum and ask him about where he was last night. Having spoken so confidently and apparently so truthfully, his chum was not called in and he left the office leaving the committee under the impression that Mr. Hart had made a mistake in the voice [that he heard].

February 15, 1904
The case of the girls that threw crockery on the stair-way between the 2d and 3d halls was considered. It had been ascertained by inquiry that Mary Mowery and Edith Strunck did it. They had denied it to Miss Lyle and Miss Gilbert but had afterwards confessed to Dr. Lyte and to Misses Lyle and Gilbert.
The report that led to their detection involved Clara MacDougal and Nannie Taylor as helping plan it. So when a motion was made to inflict demerits upon Misses Mowery and Strunck, it was objected that the other two girls should suffer punishment also. It was then decided to interview these girls and, first, Florence Cornell, through whom some of the information came. She came before the committee and said that shortly after she entered school in January she was in a room where were the girls mentioned, Florence Kupp, Ethel Clark and herself. the matter was broached and the affair planned then, each girl pledging herself to shield the others. It was long before it was carried out, and several of the girls, herself included, had lost track of it, and thought it abandoned. She heard Nannie Taylor urge, “Girls, it must be done tonight” several times. It was her trunk strap that was used to pull the articles down the steps; she had gone and asked for it before it was used, but was refused. She had just entered the school at the time and knew nothing of the spirit of the school or the kind of girls she was thrown with.
Miss MacDougal denied knowing more of the trick than many other girls, who , she said, had heard it talked over. She insisted it had been generally known through the school. She denied any knowledge of the throwing of the glass in the hall a few evenings later. Miss Nannie Taylor who came to the committee after Miss MacDougal said in effect, the same.
On motion it was decided to give Miss Mowery and Miss Strunck each twenty-five demerits, fifteen for disorder and ten for lying. Miss Lyle was instructed to censure Miss Taylor and Miss MacDougal for abetting the scheme.
Miss Landes reported Miss Dora Bordner for throwing a bottle through the hall after the retiring bell on Thursday evening Feb 11. She was caught in the act and afterward no denial. Fifteen demerits were given to her. Miss Landes also reported Pauline Stonesifer for throwing a broken glass pitcher and a tin can on Friday evening, Feb. 12, and Miss Florence Gingells for aiding and abetting her and furnishing the pitcher. Miss Stonesifer went to Miss Gherst and Miss Lyle next day and denied having done the mischief. Her room-mate Miss Mary Robinson said she had nothing to do with it; but acknowledged that the missiles came from their room. The girls next door heard the door of Miss Stonesifer’s room open and close at the time of the throwing. A girl across the hall saw some girls oiling the hinges of Miss Stonesifer’s door, but did not see who they were as she thought nothing of it until she heard the crash in the hall. On the strength of this evidence Miss Stonesifer was given fifteen demerits for the mischief and then for lying, twenty-five in all, and Miss Gingells who did not deny her share in the affair was given fifteen demerits.

May 23, 1904
Ladies and gentlemen must not play tennis together before 3.15 p.m.

May 31, 1904
Ladies must get permission of Miss Lyle when they go out with gentlemen members of the Faculty.

June 18, 1904
Messers. Lan and Likens were reported for playing cards. Mr. Likens entered Mr. Garber’s room and abused him, threatening him in case he reported them for card playing.
Likens was suspended…
Arnold Lloyd was reported for shooting an owl from his room window. He rec. 10 dem. and must sur. the gun.

Mis Lana Crist’s case.
Millersville, Pa.
Dec. 16, 1902.

The Committee of Discipline, con-
sisting of Misses Lyle, Gilbert, Taylor and
Landes, met in Miss Lyle’s room about
four o’clock to consider the case of Laura
Crist. On the preceding evening dur-
ing supper time, Grace Haun and
Bertha Henry had eleven dollars stolen.
Miss Crist had not gone down to supper,
being sick in bed, but was dressed and
had on gynasium [sic] shoes when the girls
came up from supper. From the remarks
she made when the story of the theft
was told, in her presence, and from
her actions, some of the girls became
suspicious of her. Her room-mate, Miss
Ada Habecker, with two other girls, Grace
Haun and Dora Boduer[?], went to the trunk
room and opened Miss Crist’s trunk.
They discoverd in the trimming of her
hat, a roll of bills. They went to Miss
Landes and reported the matter to her.
She went with one of them to the trunk
and took the hat. The bills were of the
same denominations as those stolen,
except that one two dollar bill was want-
ing. Miss Crist had shown a two dol-
lar bill in her purse to the girls, say-
ing that was all the money she had.
Miss Landes took the hat and money to
Dr. Lyte, and he asked the committee to
meet and consider it. Miss Crist was
sent for. She denied having taken the
money. After talking a little she offered
to pay the girls, Miss Haun and Miss
Henry, the money they had lost and let
the matter rest there. She said the stories
she had told the girls, especially her room-
mate, about not having money were to
mislead them. She tried to account for
the amount of money she had on hand.
She said she had taken the money up
to her hat in the garret the preceding
week, so that it would be safe. Later
she said the evening before. She said
that she would say that she took the
money and give it back. She said that
a number of times. Finally she said
that she had taken the money. She
offered to get the two dollar bill in
her purse for Miss Landes to give to
the girls and did so. She also told
Miss Landes that she wanted Miss
Landes to give the money in the hat
to Miss Haun and Miss Henry.

Dec. 16th, 1902,
6 o’clock.

The committee met again in Miss
Lyle’s room, with Dr. Lyte, who had
been informed of their previous action,
and Mr. Lansinger, as an old parish-
ioner and friend of Miss Crist’s father.
Miss Crist was again sent for. She
said she had confessed under com-
pulsion that she took the money, that
she did not take it. Finally, Dr.
Lyte said, “Laura, you are not now
under compulsion, are you?” She said
“No.” “And you took the money?” “Yes.”
She went to her room saying she ex-
pected to go home the next mor-
ning. No action was taken by the

Dec. 19, 1902.
Mr. Geo. W. Crist visited the school
to investigate his daughter’s conduct.
He met the committee in the reception room,
also Messrs Lyte, Lansinger, Byerly and
Bitner. Mr. Crist tried to account for
the money that Laura had, saying he
had sent her some bills from time to
time. Misses Henry, Boduer, Haun, and
Habecker were called in. They told
what they had told Miss Landes, Misses Henry and Miss Haun could not iden-
tify positively the bills returned to
them, but felt confident that they were
the same. Miss Haun’s five dollar bill
had had a peculiar fold lengthwise
and creases of that kind of folding
were in the bill returned to her. It
was told that Laura had taken Dora
Boduer’s handkerchief, and had written
her name over Dora’s. She had listen-
ed at the door next day when the girls
had talked about the theft. Her father
thought she might have been passing
along the hall, but the girls said
she had come and apologized to them
afterward for eavesdropping. Miss Hab-
ecker said she saw Laura’s letters from
home and knew she always got re-
mittance in checks. Mr. Crist said he
sometimes sent money in bills. Mr.
Crist asked if Laura has not had
a good reputation in the school before.
It was testified that she was coarse and
vulgar. After talking over an hour,
the meeting adjourned without any

Jan. 21, 1903.

Laura Crist brought suit for lar-
ceny against Amand Landes, Ada
Habecker, [?] Henry, and Grace
Haun. The hearing was set for Jan.
21st, before Alderman [?] in his

After hearing the testimony on the side
of the plaintiff, namely, Laura Crist,
Geo. W. Crist, Mr. Gibble, and Mrs. Giblle,
the last two of whom said that they had
seen laura have some money about
Thanksgiving time, the lawyer for the
plaintiff acknowledged that there was no
case of larceny and offered to withdraw [sic]
The lawyer for the defendants, Mr. Coyle,
asked to have some witnesses heard
on the other side. Misses Landes,
Habecker, Haun and Henry, and
Messrs Lyte, and Lansinger testified.
Miss Habecker said on the witness stand
that she had read a letter written by
Laura to her father in which she con-
fessed the theft. Mr. Crist, when recalled
said he did not remember whether he
had received such a letter or not.
The Alderman dismissed the case
and discharged the defendants.