We were very worried that since we were not able to tend to our system, due to spring break, that our plants might have died. Thankfully when we showed up this morning our plants were alive and healthy. While were we away for a little over a week, we were surprised to see how much our lettuce had grown. Unfortunately our radish doesn’t seem to be doing very well. Our water level had dropped so we were able to bring our water level up as well as check the PH level. The solution we added to our system had a slightly high of PH so we brought it down to around 5.5 before we added it to our system. Our rockwool is now sitting in about a quarter inch of water which seems to be working nicely.

6 thoughts on “WE MADE IT!”

  1. So we didn’t start our system until after break because we had the same worries. Glad you guys made it though, and your system looks great! Best of luck with your radish btw, I hope it works out for you.

  2. Your concerns about not tending to our system over the break were the same as ours. We did not know how our plants would respond to having roughly 10 days without any attention. It just so happens we were also happy with the results when we returned. We have been having the opposite problem that you have been having with our pH actually being a little low. Glad to see you have gotten your pH under control and that your system is working nicely- Ryan Knarr

  3. I was wondering why you are putting your pH level at 5.5 instead of around 7? If a quarter inch of water in the cups seems to be working than I may switch to that because we have been leaving less water in the cups and our plants seem to be growing slower than others. Thanks for the insight.

    1. The pH level of our nutrient solution in our system seems to always go up a little to around 7. So when we add the solution which we bring the pH down to around 5.5, that is to try to bring down the 7 that’s already in our system. Also the level of 5.5 or 6 seems to work really good for our lettuce.

  4. Your system looks awesome and the plants look extremely great too! I really like the design of your system and the lettuce just goes to show how great the system is.Were growing lettuce as well and Scott had commented on our blog telling us to lower our pH level to 5.5. I think that sounds like a great idea. Our plants look healthy, but I want to try something new to help speed-up the growth.

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