Reservoir Problems!

Here is a photo of our original reservoir. After some design changes we had to use a reservoir that held more water. We ended up using a five gallon water jug as our reservoir because the extra water created more water pressure which would allow our airlift pump to work properly.


About four days into seed germination the tap roots start to sprout into growing radish plants. These bad boys are ready for planting.

We have tap roots!!!

Here is the first day after seeds were placed in a wet paper towel for seed germination. It didn’t take long before the tap roots were visible.

Fresh Start

Chris & I are in the beginning stages of production of our new hydroponic system. We plan on using a drip design that incorporates recycled materials such as plastic bottles. These are some of the options of materials and seeds we have to build our system.

Chris began work on the construction of the recycled bottles and converting them into containers for the plants. He cut out foam that fits into the bottles to hold the net pots.