Welcome Back Marauders!

Spring 2020 Semester has finally arrived! Hope everyone has gotten settled in for a brand new semester/year. This can be a difficult time of the semester for some, what with getting settled back into Residence Halls, getting back into a routine, and new classes/professors. It can be a bit overwhelming but it is not impossible.

Here are a few ways of getting back into routines and Residence Hall life:

Print out your class schedule

It is important to know your class schedule. Having a print out of your classes will definitely help you the first couple of weeks, at least until you have it memorized.


Once classes and work start, it is important to find consistency within your schedule. This may have seemed easier in high school when you had a strict schedule everyday, but once you figure out your classes and work schedules it can be easy in college as well. Balancing your priorities will make it possible to find consistency in your college routine.

Look over your syllabus before class

This may not be possible for every class. Some professors prefer to give you a printed copy on the first day. If you can get the syllabus early, though, it would be a good idea to take a look at it before the first day.

Have a planner ready

A commonly used phrase among college students is “I will remember that later.” We all say this yet most of the time we forget. It is a good idea to get some sort of a planner for the semester. If you are in need of one then stop by the school store.

Set your alarms

After being home for a while and getting out of your routines, it is easy to forget to set an alarm in the morning. Don’t forget to set an alarm because you do not want to be late on the first day of classes!

Try to get ahead of your work

There is nothing like getting behind the first couple of weeks of school. This will not only cause you stress but can also foretell what the rest of your semester will look like. If you get ahead of your work it will make the first couple of weeks smoother and help you for the rest of the semester.

All these tips are great but don’t forget to eat healthy, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. If you keep yourself healthy there is a good chance you will be better prepared for class and work.

I want to wish you all a great start to your semester! I know you will all do well this semester!

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