Starting college for the first time can be daunting if you don’t know what resources are available on campus. Millersville University offers many different resources, so here is a compiled list of resources both new and returning students can benefit from.
Academic Advisement
Academic Advisement strives to help students develop educational plans, clarify career and life goals, and reinforce self-direction among many other things. Academic Advisement also spearheads the retention initiatives — these initiatives are for students in academic jeopardy. They are here to help you, no matter what!
Campus Ministries
Through Campus Ministries, there are several campus clubs, campus ministers, and off-campus worship opportunities. Wherever faith takes you, Millersville has something to offer.
Center for Counseling and Human Development
The Counseling Center is committed to providing quality mental health care to Millersville’s campus. The Center offers bibliotherapy, lightbox therapy, pet therapy, drug and alcohol counseling, crisis intervention, support groups, and counseling for issues such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, grief, homesickness, stress, and test anxiety. Students may receive up to five counseling sessions a semester, but if students seek long-term counseling, they may be referred to resources in the community.
Center for Health Education and Promotion
The Elsie S. Shenk Center for Health Education and Promotion (CHEP) educates students on topics including alcohol and other drugs, body image, dating and domestic violence, healthy relationships, safer sex, sexual assault, stalking, and stress. Students have the opportunity to train to become peer educators and teach their fellow students how to lead a healthy lifestyle and safely make the most out of their college experience.
Center for Student Involvement and Leadership
The Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL) is Millersville’s go-to place for students who want to get involved. CSIL allows students to get involved on campus, serve Millersville’s community, and develop their leadership skills.
Dating and Domestic Violence Awareness
If you are a victim of sexual and/or dating violence, Millersville and the surrounding community can help. Millersville provides resources and services on- and off-campus to students in need. CHEP has sexual assault and dating and domestic violence advocates that students can talk to on Mondays and Tuesdays, located in the Montour House. The Counseling Center, Health Services, and Title IX can help as well. The Millersville Police Department is also available to students, as well as the YWCA and Domestic Violence Shelter, both located in Lancaster City.
Digital Learning Studio
The Digital Learning Studio offers support for faculty and students with various new technologies, including Microsoft Office, Adobe Suite, iMovie, MU Video, 3D printing, and more. The Digital Learning Studio provides one-on-one instruction to help the Millersville community gain experience with state-of-the-art technology.
Dr. Rita Smith Wade-El Intercultural Center
The Dr. Rita Smith Wade-El Intercultural Center helps to create and sustain a welcoming and inclusive campus. The Center aims to provide students a space to explore their multiple and intersectional identities and learn about the background and experiences of others.
Experiential Learning and Career Management
Experiential Learning and Career Management (ELCM) provides student-centered career programs, experiences, and learning opportunities to help students achieve their personal and professional goals. They host job and internship fairs, graduate school fairs, and career week. ELCM also assists students seeking traineeships, internships, or volunteer opportunities.
Field Services
The Department of Field Services encompasses Early Field Experience, Advanced Professional Studies (APS), Student Teaching, and Certification. Students will complete several field experiences before obtaining their degree or certification. Clearances are required before students are allowed in the field. Information about clearances can be found here.
Financial Aid
The Office of Financial Aid helps students obtain financial assistance to help pay for college. The Office answers questions about FASFA, eligibility of financial aid, grants, scholarships, and loans.
Fitness Center
The Fitness Center, located in the Student Memorial Center, is designed to meet the fitness needs of students, faculty, staff, and the community. The Fitness Center has cardio equipment, free weights, weight machines, and open recreation areas. Kickboxing, taekwondo, yoga, and more classes are offered. Membership is included in tuition if students are enrolled in 12+ credits.
Health Services
Health Services sees students by appointment for a variety of services including, but not limited to, athletic physicals, pre-employment and driver’s license evaluations, STI testing and treatment, laboratory testing — both in-house and outside, and evaluation and treatment of acute illness and injury. There is a self-care cart located in the waiting area of Health Services for students who need wound care and upset stomach, pain, allergy, cold, and flu relief. Sanitary supplies and condoms/dental dams are also available in this cart.
Help Desk (IT)
The Help Desk is available to students who need help accessing their student accounts, have questions about Office 365, or need assistance in an on-campus computer lab.
ID Cards
Students will need their IDs to use the facilities and services at McNairy Library, the dining halls, Pucillo gymnasium, Biemesderfer Stadium, the Student Memorial Center, Health Services, the Fitness Center, and other areas around campus. ID Services assists students who have damaged or lost their IDs. If students wish to use Marauder Gold, they will use their ID to access those funds.
MU | Alert
Subscribing to MU Alert allows students to receive text messages and/or emails notifying them if there is an emergency on or near campus and if campus closes or is delayed due to inclement weather.
McNairy Library and Learning Forum
McNairy Library provides many different services to students. The library’s collection includes roughly 300,000 print books, more than 400,000 electronic books, government documents, videos, special collections, thousands of print and electronic journals, and several hundred databases. Students can also access resources held by other libraries through RequestIt and E-Z Borrow. Librarians have created course- and discipline-specific research guides. They are also here to assist students in formulating research questions and identifying, locating, and evaluating the information needed to answer these questions. The library also has an Ask a Librarian service where students can contact a librarian by chat, telephone, in person, or via email. A message board on the main floor of the library indicates who is responsible for answering questions for the Ask a Librarian service and where they are physically located.
Office of Learning Services
Students who are eligible for accommodations will work with the Office of Learning Services to ensure accommodations are provided. Documentation is required before Learning Services can complete a list of accommodations. You can learn about the required documentation here.
Office of Student Accounts
The Office of Student Accounts is responsible for collecting student tuition and fees. If there are any questions surrounding refunds, housing and dining rates, or payment options, the Office of Student Accounts can help.
The Registrar assists students in registering for classes and with their degree audits. Degree audits are reviews of past and current coursework that provides information on completed and remaining requirements necessary to complete their degree. Transcript requests are also processed through the Registrar.
Shuttle Schedule
Students may access the MU Xpress, MU Park City Xpress, and Route 16 at no charge by showing their ID during the fall and spring semesters. Students can travel to other locations on Red Rose Transit Authority’s buses but will need to transfer.
Student Conduct and Community Standards
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards is in place to educate students about the expectations of Millersville University. Students who wish to file a report of sexual misconduct or aggressive, erratic, or hostile behavior can do so from the Office’s homepage.
Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” Millersville will not tolerate any acts of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. If students believe they are the victim of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, Title IX is here to help.
University Police
The University Police provides 24-hour coverage year-round with a full staff of state-commissioned police officers. The Department assists with investigating criminal and suspicious activity, enforcing University rules and regulations and Pennsylvania laws, directing pedestrian and vehicular traffic, providing security, and much more. The University Police are also available to assist with non-emergencies.
Veterans Resource Center
The Veterans Resource Center provides resources for veterans ranging from healthcare to education benefits. Any questions veterans would have for the VA, the Resource Center provides a stepping stone on where to go.
Writing Center
The Writing Center is available for students who are struggling to start writing a paper, are unsure if the paper makes sense, or need someone to look at the paper before turning it in. The Writing Center offers walk-in tutoring, online tutoring, and 30-minute appointments.
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