Tag Archives: Stress

How to Handle Stress

Stress is totally normal – and it totally stinks. Whether your stressed about a job, schoolwork, personal relationships, or pretty much anything else, it can be hard to cope with. Fortunately, there are some ways that you can manage your stress and stop it from controlling your life. Keep reading to find out what they are and how you can use them to start feeling better:

1. Talk to someone

Source: http://gph.is/1E2gEVj

Reaching out to people who care is one of the best things you can do when you’re feeling overwhelmed. You’re not alone – stress affects everyone in some way, and it really helps to get things off your chest. If you feel like there’s no one you can reach out to, Millersville’s Counseling Center is open for the summer and you can schedule a teletheraphy appointment either through Zoom (preferred) or over the phone. Call 717-871-7821 to schedule an appointment.

2. Look at the positives

Source: http://gph.is/Z13tvg

Is the glass half full or half empty? That depends on how you look at it! If you send all of your time focusing on the negatives, you’ll never be happy and it’ll be much more challenging to de-stress. When you’re faced with something that stresses you out, try to think: “What are the positives of this situation?” “Are the negatives really as bad as I’m making them out to be?” You may not be able to make the situation better, but you can improve how you respond to it.

3. Practice relaxation techniques

Source: http://gph.is/1nsl36C

Close your eyes, imagine yourself in a calm environment, relax your muscles, and take a few deep breaths. Try to clear your mind by focusing on your breathing rather than whatever is stressing you out. You may feel like just closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths won’t help anything, but it really does!

4. Take time to yourself away from stressors

Source: http://gph.is/1X5vRNX

What are some things that help you relax? For me, I love cooking/baking and watching my favorite shows on Netflix. Whatever it is you like to spend time doing, take a bit of time out of your day when you’re feeling overwhelmed to enjoy that activity. Whether it’s for ten minutes or two hours, take however long you need to regroup and relax your mind.

5. Accept that there are things you can’t control

Source: http://gph.is/1sF95B4

As much as we’d like to be able to control all aspects of our lives, we can’t. There are things like the COVID-19 pandemic that happen and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. Stressing out about the things you can’t control won’t help anything. There’s nothing you can do to change the situation, so it’s important to recognize that, realize it’s okay, and do what you can to make the things you can control better for yourself.

6. Take care of your health

Source: http://gph.is/2n0kdZJ

Making sure you’re physically healthy can help improve your mental health. Eating healthy and exercising can help you relax and manage stress. I like going on walks after a long day to unwind and decompress, and I think it really helps me feel better after I’ve had a stressful day!

Stress is extremely common, but manageable. Don’t let it control your life.  Practice the techniques above or let us know what techniques you use to cope with stress in the comments! Remember, tough times don’t last forever, and you’re not alone!

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Self Care Tips

It’s so important that we take care of our bodies and our minds in order to stay healthy and happy. Make sure to make time for self care in your daily routine. Even little things like taking a walk or listening to your favorite music can have a positive impact. It can be easy to forget to take good care of ourselves when there’s so much going on around us, so here are some tips to remind you of how and why you should look after yourself:

1. Get Organized

Source: https://cartl.tumblr.com/post/52858406827

I’ve noticed that when my room is cluttered, my mind is cluttered too. Having a clean and organized living space makes it easier to focus. When I’m finished cleaning, I always feel accomplished and like I have one less thing to worry about. It can be hard to get the motivation to organize your stuff but once you do, you’ll thank yourself for it! Check here to check out an article that shares 100 organization tips.

2. Meditate

Source: https://gph.is/g/4oydmO0

Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat. Meditation is a great way to help you relax and reflect. It’s a nice pause from everything going on around you. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or just want to spend some time to yourself, meditating is a great way to clear your mind and be calm. There are plenty of YouTube videos, articles, and apps that help you learn how to properly meditate, like this article or this website that also has a free app you can download.

3. Take Time for Yourself

Source: https://tenor.com/view/amy-adams-party-alone-myself-solo-gif-9401802

Even if you have a super busy schedule, it’s so important to take time (even if it’s just a few minutes) to do something that makes you happy. Whether it’s online shopping, drawing, playing a game, calling a friend, or listening to your favorite song, just schedule time in your day to spend doing what you enjoy. You’re never too busy to show yourself some love! Click here to read an article on Oprah.com about how and why you should prioritize spending time with yourself. 

4. Stay Healthy

Source: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=354975365104205

Getting a good night’s sleep each night, eating right, and exercising are all good ways to take care of yourself and your body. Sometimes, it can be hard to get the motivation to workout, eat healthy foods, and not stay up until 3am watching Tik Toks, and that’s okay! You don’t have to be a gym rat or vegetarian to practice self care, but staying healthy in a way that is sustainable and makes you happy is really beneficial. Click here to learn some simple ways to improve your health and happiness. 

5. Don’t Pressure Yourself to be Great

Source: https://gph.is/2Kzmpkm

I’ve seen a lot of posts, articles, and videos about people using the extra free time they have because of quarantine to lose weight, develop a new skill, etc. Don’t feel pressured to use this time to be more productive than usual. It’s okay to take this time to relax without making a major change. As long as you’re doing what makes you happy, there’s nothing else you need to do. 

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Stress and Time Management Skills

It is getting to the point of the semester where deadlines keep coming up faster than you expected. Semester projects are in full swing and maybe some of the procrastination you have been doing is catching up to you. I know for me personally, I have group projects in all of my courses, so my schedule has been hectic trying to coordinate what times I can meet with each group in order for us to work on our project effectively. I know this is the case for many of my friends and I think college students as a whole, which causes stress making the situation worse. To combat this, we can try to participate in stress and time management techniques. Here is a list of effective time management skills that also help with stress management. 


Photo courtesy of Canva.


  1. Use a planner.

A planner can help you to remember deadlines for projects and days that exams will be held. At the start of each semester, I like to write in the days that projects are due for each of my courses that way I do not forget. My favorite brand of planners are the Happy Planners because they have big blocks to put all of your daily tasks!

2. Learn to say “No”.

Being in college sometimes it is hard to say “no” in some situations because you may experience ‘FOMO’ or the fear of missing out. Your friends may ask you to do something fun, but you may have a test the next day which may lead you to say “no” even though you really want to say yes. Saying “no” sometimes can benefit you and save your grade. Trust me, you will be happier not going than getting a bad grade.

3. Plan “me” time to de-stress for a small amount of time each day.

Having a time set away each day to do something you like will give you the break you are in need of, but will also keep you on track. This time will help you to relax and participate in an activity you find joy in. For example, during this time you could take a walk outside, exercise, read or watch a movie!

4. If you have free time, work ahead on assignments.

If you somehow come across free time, use it to your advantage! Spend this time getting ahead on your assignments and studies. By getting ahead, you will be more prepared for class which can help to alleviate your stress.

5. Break up big tasks into a couple smaller achievable tasks.

Sometimes working on very large projects can be intimidating and can lead to procrastination. To avoid this, split your projects into smaller sections and work on it little by little.

6. Talk to a friend or family member.

If you have stress about an assignment or something else, try talking to a friend or family member about it. They can give you advice on how to approach the assignment or maybe even make you feel a little less worried about it.

7. Keep a time log.

Keeping a time log can give you insights on what exactly you are using your time on during the day. This can also help to show you where you are using your time unproductively and things you may need to do less of each day.

8. Prioritize more important tasks or projects that are due sooner.

If you have a lot on your plate, try to prioritize the assignments or projects that are due sooner to make sure you get them done on time!

9. At the end of the day use 5-10 minutes to clean up your space whether it be your desk or bedroom.

By decluttering your desk or bedroom at the end of the night, you will be able to start off the morning with a fresh perspective and a clean space.

10. Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” if you are completing homework, studying or working.

If you are completing an important assignment or project, it may be a good idea to put your phone on “Do Not Disturb.” When your phone is buzzing and constantly illuminating with new notifications, you can easily get distracted which can lead to being unproductive. If you make the switch to putting your phone on DND, you will be able to get more work done and be able to fully focus on your task.

By trying new techniques and managing our time better, we can be less stressed and more productive. If we missed any of your top time management skills make sure to tweet us! Our username is @VilleHousing .


Quotes to Get You Through Your ‘Burnout’

As college students it is very common for us to feel the sensation of ‘burnout’. This feeling very often comes right after we come back to school from Thanksgiving break to make our final stretch. We are experiencing  a cycle of ongoing stress, we are tired, lose motivation and are focused on other things like the holidays instead of our upcoming tests. The last couple weeks of the semester are very hard and after a break we do not want to get back into the work loads ahead of us. If you need motivation to make that last push and ace your finals, here are some inspirational quotes to get you back on the grind.


  1. “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” H. Jackson Brown Jr.
  2. “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to  bed with satisfaction.” – George Lorimer
  3. “Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder.” – Mason Cooley
  4.  “A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure.”
  5. “Destiny is for losers; it’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.” – Blair Waldorf
  6. “Sometimes, you need to step outside get some air and remind yourself who you are and where you want to be.” – Gossip Girl
  7. “There is no secret to success. It is the result of preparation , hard work and learning from failure.” – General Colin Powell
  8. “When it’s finals week and you’ve been studying for five hours straight, you need three things to get you through the night. The biggest Slurpee you can find, half cherry half Coke. Pajama pants, the kind that have been washed so many times they are tissue-paper thin. And finally, dance breaks. Lots of dance breaks.” – Jenny Han
  9. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela
  10. “You are so close to the victory, don’t you dare give up now.”
  11. “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” – Kerim Seddiki
  12. “Don’t let perfection become procrastination.” Danielle LaPorte
  13. “Don’t study because you need to. Study because knowledge is power. Study because they can never take it away from you. Study because you want to know more. Study because it enhances you. Study because it grows you.” – Anonymous
  14. “Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing.” – William A. Ward
  15. “Don’t stop until you’re proud.”

Happy studying! Good luck on all of your upcoming exams and projects and may the curve be ever in your favor.

Cover photo courtesy of Canva. 

Avoid the “Winter Blues”

Since it is Winter, there are less hours of sunlight  in the day and most of the time it is gloomy outside. During this time, it is common for many people to  suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder or (SAD). SAD is a type of depression that occurs during the cold and darker months of the year, mainly fall and winter. This disorder makes people feel moody and it takes away their energy levels.

Here at Millersville you do not need to brush off that yearly feeling as simply as a case of the “winter blues”. This feeling is very common, so the Counseling Center offers relief to those experiencing this during the winter months. The Counseling Center , located in Lyle Hall,  have launched Light Box Therapy which has been available since October and will be available until March.

Light Box Therapy involves sitting down in front of light boxes. During this time , students can sit there and relax or they can complete their work while in front of the light. The light that is projected mimics sunlight which can lift your mood. The science behind it is that when you are in the presence of the light there is a chemical change in your brain and more levels of serotonin are produced. Serotonin is a brain chemical that affects your mood. 

Light Box Therapy sessions may be scheduled on Mondays through Fridays  from 8 am to 11:30 am. The Counseling Center has found the best results when students make an appointment in the morning. Completing a session in the morning helps to create better regulation of the body’s sleep cycles. So if you have 20-30 mins in the day , why not try out Light Box Therapy to increase your mood.

Information was provided by Erin Haggard, the Graduate Assistant at the Center for Counseling and Human Developemnt here at Millersville University.

To make an appointment or get more information you can go to the Counseling Center’s website or call them.

Cover photo courtesy of Canva.

‘Donut’ Stress Event

On October 24th, West Village A hosted an event called Donut Stress. During this event, students were able to express their sources of stress and learn more ways to deal and cope with it. Along with learning about stress, students were offered free donuts and coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts.

Throughout the semester, it is very common for students to feel stressed and overwhelmed. This event showed students that many other students are feeling the same way and that they are not alone. At this event, students were asked to write down what was stressing them on a sticky note and then post it on a paper that had a tip for reducing stress for the students to try.

Many of the causes of stress for Millersville students include classes, exams, sleep schedules , registration for next semester, relationships, tuition, and class readings. Many of these subjects are very stressful for every student who goes here , but there are ways to cope with these concerns. For example, the RA who designed this event displayed coping mechanisms on the sheet where students wrote what was stressing them. These techniques included communicating, going for a walk, utilizing counseling services, taking a long shower, spending time with friends or family and taking deep breaths. Other examples can also be watching  a movie, listening to music, doing something that makes you happy, exercising and talking to professors.

This was a great event to help students destress and enjoy a treat they deserve. RA events can be a great way for students to meet new friends and have a great and fun time. Make sure you look for similar or other events that are going on in your residence hall!

National Mental Health Awareness Week: Tips on How to De-stress

October 7- 13, 2018 is National Mental Health Awareness Week (Also known as Mental Illness Awareness Week). This week is important because it brings awareness to the crucial topic of mental health and mental illnesses. In a recent study from spring 2017, researchers from the American College Health Association found that nearly 40% of college students said they felt so depressed it was difficult to function (Reilly, 2018). The researchers also found that 61% of college students said they had felt “overwhelming anxiety.”  Anxiety, depression, stress and sadness are all challenges that college students face , but there are many resources and ways to cope with these challenges.

To help you cope with stress and anxiety here is a list of tips and tricks on how to de-stress and relax.

  1. Make minor adjustments to your room.

A cluttered space can make you feel disorganized. One way to create a less stressful environment is to open your bedroom blinds to let natural light into your space. Students can also decorate their rooms in soothing colors such as light blue or grey. These colors may make you feel calm . Another option is to buy a small plant. Plants bring life to the room and give you a chance to take care of a living being.

  1. Take time to read a book.

One of the best things to do when stressed out is to engross yourself in a book. Some of the best books to read during stressful times are motivational or inspiring works. Examples of books that help you feel great again are Eat, Pray, Love, The 5 Second Rule, or Milk and Honey

  1. Write in a journal.

Putting pen to paper is one of the best ways to avoid stress. If you write out your troubles, it can help you express your worries and help you assess the situation with fresh eyes. Writing in a journal can also help you to recognize when you overcame obstacles and give you the confidence to overcome obstacles in the future.

  1. Plan and get work done ahead of time.

Personally, one of the best tips when it comes to lessening stress is to plan ahead to get work done. There are so many deadlines for assignments, and students tend to get overwhelmed and forget to do them. If students make the switch to writing out deadlines in the beginning of the semester and using free time to complete work, they can get ahead and alleviate the stress of completing the assignment on time.

  1. Turn off your phone.

Sometimes phones can do more harm than good. They can produce constant worry about likes, retweets or receiving messages back, that by the end of the day this adds stress. Turning phones off for a couple minutes a day can help to relieve stress and give more time to think or do other activities.

  1. Visit the University Counseling Center.

Millersville has  resources on campus such as the Center for Counseling and Human Development where students can set up counseling appointments to talk about their stress or anxiety. The Center for Counseling and Human Development will also be introducing light box therapy starting October 2nd, which can help students who experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or depression during the winter months.

  1. Just breathe.

This may sound cheesy, but it can really help in any situation. If you take a deep breathe, it can slow thinking down and release built up tensions. It can also bring the realization that things will be okay and to just be patient.


Photos courtesy of Canva. 

Reilly, K. (2018, March 19). Anxiety and Depression: More College Students Seeking Help. Retrieved from http://time.com/5190291/anxiety-depression-college-university-students/