Tag Archives: spring 2021 move in

COVID Testing and Housing Move-In Directions & Parking

Scheduled COVID testing and corresponding residence hall check-in will occur on Monday, January 18th and Tuesday, January 19, 2021 from 7:30 – 11a.m. and 1 – 5 p.m. There will be a strict adherence to this schedule in order to manage the flow of students arriving on campus, so late arrivals cannot be accommodated. If you have not already, please review the procedures for the Spring 2021 Move-In: Testing & Process. You must schedule a time for Monday or Tuesday.

Health Services Testing Location & Parking

  • Make your way to Millersville University coming on North George Street and turn left onto East Frederick street at the stop light.
  • Travel 260 feet, and then turn left onto Highschool Avenue.
  • Susan P. Luek Hall and its parking lot are located on the right.
  • Enter for testing from the rear entrance.
  • Handicapped accessible entrance is located on the opposite side of the building by the front parking lot.
  • Family should wait in the vehicle while the student enters for testing or to show verification of a previous result.

Result Wait Lot

  • After being tested, the student should return to the vehicle and travel to the Result Wait Lot, which is the Creek Drive parking lot.
  • From Luek Hall, take a right onto Pucillo Drive and continue through campus past the academic buildings and down a large hill to Creek Drive.
  • Turn right onto Creek Drive and another right at the next stop sign (Creek Drive).
  • The Creek Drive parking lot is on the right where you should park and wait until you receive your result on the NAVICA app.

Residence Hall Move-In

  • Those with a negative result can make their way to their prospective residence hall to check in. You will need to show your negative result in order to be able to receive your keys.
  • Family should remain with the vehicle until the student returns with their keys to move in.
  • Those who may have a positive result will be called by Health Services and be given further instructions at that time.

Late Arrivals

To reiterate, there will be a strict adherence to this schedule in order to manage the flow of students arriving on campus, so late arrivals cannot be accommodated.