Tag Archives: residence halls

Returning Student Room Assignment Sessions

RETURNING STUDENTS: Want more information about living on-campus for the next academic year? Come to one of our upcoming room assignment sessions:

WEDNESDAY MAY 12th at 6pm

Link: https://millersville.zoom.us/j/94843301185

FRIDAY MAY 14TH at 3pm

Link: https://millersville.zoom.us/j/92894348941

We can’t wait to see you on campus in the fall!


Lydia Shaloka is a senior Business Administration major with a concentration in Marketing at Millersville University. Her interests include digital marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing.  When she graduates in May 2021, Lydia hopes to work for a digital marketing agency either in or near her hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 

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Meet the RA’s: South Village RA’s Jenna Masenheimer and Logan Vandeweghe

Welcome to the fourth post in our series “Meet the RA’s”! This series consists of posts that will help you get to know more about some of the RA’s that help make the residence halls great. This post will be about South Village RA’s Jenna Masenheimer and Logan Vandeweghe!

Jenna Masenheimer

Where are you from?

Jenna (J): Fleetwood, PA

What is your major?

J: Music Industry with concentrations in Music Management and Live Audio

What is one fun fact about yourself?

J: I have an emotional support cat living with me named “Keys” who likes to cuddle

What is your favorite hobby/pastime?

J: Dungeons and Dragons

Who do you see as a role model?

J: Claire Wineland

What advice do you have for new Marauders?

J: Learn to budget your time. It’s a skill that is never not useful.

What are you looking forward to most as an RA this year?

J: Helping navigate the unknown climate residents are in right now.

What do you plan to do after graduating from Millersville?

J: My goal is to work for a live theatrical venue and work to make performances accessible.

Logan Vandeweghe

Where are you from?

Logan (L): Pottstown, PA

What is your major?

L: Biology with a concentration in Environmental Science

What is one fun fact about yourself?

L: I love playing Magic the Gathering

What is your favorite hobby/pastime?

L: Watching YouTube or Twitch

Who do you see as a role model?

L: My parents

What advice do you have for new Marauders?

L: Don’t be afraid to ask people for help when you need it.

What are you looking forward to most as an RA this year?

L: Getting to know all of the residents and fellow RA’s.

What do you plan to do after graduating from Millersville?

L: Go into environmental conservation


Stay tuned for more posts in this series! If you are a resident and your RA is either Jenna or Logan, let us know what you love about them in the comments.

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Meet the RA’s: West Village RA’s Delanie Dugan and Deja Outten

Welcome to the third post in our series “Meet the RA’s”! This series consists of posts that will help you get to know more about some of the RA’s that help make the residence halls great. This post will be about West Village RA’s Delanie Dugan and Deja Outten!

Delanie Dugan

Where are you from?

Delanie (D): Lancaster, PA

What is your major?

D: Art with a concentration in Interactive and Graphic Design and a minor in Graphic Communication Technology

What is one fun fact about yourself?

D: My favorite animal is a goat and I hope to have a pet goat one day and name him “Vincent Van Goat”.

What is your favorite hobby/pastime?

D: Buying too many houseplants and then hoping I can keep them all alive.

Who do you see as a role model?

D: I don’t have one specific person, but I try to always learn something from others – whether it be a professor, friend, co-worker,  or fellow RA. Anyone you get the chance to talk to and get to know you always have the opportunity to learn something from.

What advice do you have for new Marauders?

D: Don’t be afraid to get involved with clubs, events, and organizations. Even with an online environment, MU is still having many virtual and socially distanced in-person events. It may be tempting to go home for the weekend or just stay in your room and binge watch Netflix, but try your best to get to know others and enjoy campus life while still keeping yourself and others safe and following the safety guidelines. These guidelines include wearing a mask and socially distancing.

What are you looking forward to most as an RA this year?

D: Being on campus again and getting to meet the residents on my floor and in West Village A.

What do you plan to do after graduating from Millersville?

D: The big dream: Move to a bustling, bright city and become a graphic designer at a Fortune 500 company and work my way up from there.

Deja Outten

Where are you from?

Deja (D): Downingtown, PA

What is your major?

D: Social Work

What is one fun fact about yourself?

D: I am learning American Sign Language.

What is your favorite hobby/pastime?

D: Spending time outdoors and going on hikes.

Who do you see as a role model?

D: My best friend Jimmeaha is my role model because she is unapologetically herself and she taught me to see my own worth.

What advice do you have for new Marauders?

D: Use your planner! A planner will keep you on track and up to date with assignments!

What are you looking forward to most as an RA this year?

D: Getting to know my residents as well as the other RA’s at Millersville.

What do you plan to do after graduating from Millersville?

D: After graduating from Millersville, I plan to work at a non-profit with kids and teens with intellectual disabilities.


Stay tuned for more posts in this series! If you are a resident and your RA is either Delanie or Deja, let us know what you love about them in the comments.

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Meet The RA’s: South Village RA’s Grace Howell and Garrett Howell

Welcome to the second post in our series “Meet the RA’s”! This series consists of posts that will help you get to know the different RA’s that help make the residence halls great. This post will be about South Village RA’s Grace Howell and Garrett Howell!

Grace Howell:

Where are you from?

Grace (G): Millerstown, PA

What is your major?

G: Secondary Math Education

What is one fun fact about yourself?

G: I have a glow in the dark beta fish named Bea.

What is your favorite hobby/pastime?

G: My favorite hobby/pastime is probably playing field hockey or baking.

Who do you see as a role model?

G: My role model is my grandfather.

What advice do you have for new Marauders?

G: Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and get involved, you will meet some of your best friends that way.

What are you looking forward to most as an RA this year?

G: Building a strong community with my residents.

What do you plan to do after graduating from Millersville?

G: Get a job at my high school teaching Algebra 2 or Calculus.

Garrett Howell

Where are you from?

Garrett (G): Millerstown, PA

What is your major?

G: English, planning to minor in Criminology.

What is one fun fact about yourself?

G: I have an English Bulldog named Floyd.

What is your favorite hobby/pastime?

G: I love to watch movies or play games with my friends.

Who do you see as a role model?

G: My father.

What advice do you have for new Marauders?

G: To embrace the atmosphere, the cultures, and the different things Millersville has to offer.

What are you looking forward to most as an RA this year?

G: Meeting new people and helping new students get to know and love Millersville.

What do you plan to do after graduating from Millersville?

G: Attend law school.


Stay tuned for more posts in this series! If you are a resident and your RA is either Grace or Garrett, let us know what you love about them in the comments.

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Housing & Residential Programs Staff Spotlight: Hannah Stoner

Millersville’s Housing and Residential Programs is proud to showcase our staff and all of the incredible work they do to make the residence halls at Millersville safe and a great environment for students to live and learn in. This week’s staff spotlight pick is graduate assistant Hannah Stoner. Continue reading to learn more about Hannah, her tips for managing schoolwork, and what led her to become a graduate assistant!

What made you want to become a Graduate Assistant (GA)?

Hannah: I wanted to become a GA because I love working with students and want to do anything I can to allow them to feel at home here at Millersville!

What has been the most rewarding part of being a GA?

Hannah: The most rewarding part of being a GA has been building a close-knit family with my Desk Attendant and Resident Assistant staff.

How have you been handling everything caused by COVID-19?

Hannah: This is a chaotic and difficult time in the world, but I am hanging in there and doing what I can to stay safe during COVID-19. I have been spending my time cooking, playing Animal Crossing on my Nintendo Switch, and hiking during quarantine!

Do you have any tips for succeeding academically given the various changes?

Hannah: I know that it can be hard to focus on schoolwork when there is so much uncertainty in our country right now. I would recommend putting aside time to study and do homework away from distractions. Make sure that you are taking breaks and spending time outside or being active!

Do you have any advice for residents regarding how to keep themselves and others safe from COVID-19 this fall?

Hannah: Remember to wear your mask and continue to social distance in order to keep yourself and others safe!

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