Tag Archives: Residence Hall

Meet the Resident Assistants — CJ Longo

Meet your RA: CJ Longo, South Village

  • Name/Year/Hometown/Major(s)
      • CJ Longo / Sophomore / Freehold, NJ / Environmental Hazards & Emergency Management, and Geography: Environmental Studies
  • Do you have any hobbies?
      • I love being outside in the sun, going to the shore, traveling, watching Netflix, Hulu, & YouTube.
  • Why did you want to become an RA?
      • I wanted to become an RA to gain leadership skills and to make a positive impact on my resident’s lives.
  • What is the most valuable part of being an RA?
      • The most valuable part of being an RA to me is just being there for a resident in need or just simply putting a smile on their face.
  • What is your favorite program you held for your residents?
      • My favorite program that I’ve held with my residents was Pie an RA (organized by RAs Maddie, Jack, and I). The RAs of South and I got pied in the face by our residents with a small donation to Relay For Life, and I was pied 8 times by my residents. As a staff, we raised over $250!
  • What do you hope your residents get out of you being their RA?
      • I want my residents to know that they can come to me with any questions or concerns and that I can point them in the right direction to different campus resources.
  • Do you have any valuable tips or tricks that you have learned from your time here at MU to pass on to other students?
      • Grilled Cheese from the Upper Deck is heaven on Earth.
  • What is your favorite part of living in the residence halls?
      • My favorite part of living in the residence halls is that you get to meet so many different people from so many different backgrounds.
  • Why did you choose to come to Millersville?
      • I initially chose Millersville because of its outstanding meteorology program, but I recently changed my major to emergency management, which is something I am more interested in. I also chose Millersville because of its luxurious residence halls compared to other schools with more traditional residence halls. Overall, Millersville was the perfect school for me because it’s not too far from home, has excellent academic programs, and it’s a beautiful campus.
  • What is your favorite class you have taken at Millersville?
      • My favorite class that I’ve taken so far here is Intro to Emergency Management with Professor Benyeda. This class opened my eyes to the emergency management field and was just such an interesting class to take. I also got to skip the midterm and final if I took the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) course offered on campus, which was a fantastic course to take as well!
  • Do you have any upcoming events?
        • Yes! I am hosting a Halloween door decorating contest on my floor! The suite with the best-decorated door will win a free Chick-fil-A meal, doors will be judged on October 24th!

“Turn Up Tuesday” Event

On Tuesday, March 19th, East Village held an event they called “Turn Up Tuesday.” During this event, students were given the chance to participate in a lip sync battle and put their lip syncing skills to the test. All of the East Village A RAs collaborated on the event to make it run smoothly. The RAs involved included RA Alexandra, Evelyn, Lucas, Michael, Alexis, Kyre and David. The event had many students in attendance and provided an experience where students can have fun and take a break  from their stressful class and work schedules.

The lip sync battle did not have a winner, however there were over 10 different performances. Even the RAs joined in on the fun and provided a group performance of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing.” The event also had free snacks and drinks for those who performed or came out to watch the performances. Overall, many students enjoyed this event and had a great time. Many students even stayed  a longer time to socialize and meet other students who lived in the building.

RA events can be a great way for students to meet new friends and have a great time. Make sure to look for similar or other events that are going on in your residence hall!

Get To Know Your Resident Assistant: Lincoln Edwards

  • Name

Lincoln Edwards

  • Major

Dual Geography and Government

  • Year


  • Hometown

Upper Darby, PA

  • Hobbies

Listening to music, and going to the gym

  • Why did you want to become a RA?

One of the main reasons I wanted to become a RA was to gain more responsibility. 

  • What is the most valuable part of being a RA?

The most valuable part of being a RA is the personal growth you develop from interacting with residents, staff, supervisors, etc.

  • What is your favorite program you held for your residents?

My favorite program was probably last year when we put on a hall wide scavenger hunt. That was pretty fun!

  • What do you hope your residents get out of you being their RA?

I want them to be able to understand they have an open ear and a person to talk to if they have problems or concerns or if they just need to talk.

  • Do you have any valuable tips or tricks that you have learned from your time here at MU to pass on to other students?

One tip I have would be to take your laundry out of the washer/dryer when its finished. Also, be sure to put water in your easy mac before microwaving it.

  • What is your favorite part of living in the residence halls?

My favorite part about living in the residence hall is the community here. Also, I’m not too far from McComsey.

  • Why did you choose to come to Millersville?

I chose to come to Millersville because it was far enough from home that I could be independent, but close enough so I could always go back if I needed to.

  • What is your favorite class you have taken at Millersville?

 I would say any class with Dr. Cuthbert and Political Geography.

  • Do you have any upcoming events?

Nope. Not at this time.


Get To Know Your Resident Assistant : Cross Truesdell

  • Name

Cross Truesdell

  • Major


  • Year


  • Hometown

Danville, PA

  • Hobbies

Working out, fishing, hiking, hunting, and playing basketball

  • Why did you want to become a RA?

One of the main reasons I wanted to become a RA was to have the ability to make the living community in the residence halls better. Being away from home is hard, but as a RA I want to be able to create a home away from home for my residents.

  • What is the most valuable part of being a RA?

The most valuable part of the job is being a person that residents can come to with their problems and concerns. I want the residents to be able to see that I can be that supporting factor to them when they have things going on or if they are having problems, I want to be there to help.

  • What is your favorite program you held for your residents?

My favorite program was one that I held with my RA partner when we had the therapy dogs come to the building.  A lot of the residents came out to learn more information on the dogs and what the dogs can and cannot do when they have their vests on. It was also a plus that the dogs were really cute.

  • What do you hope your residents get out of you being their RA?

I hope they learn to be more social and respectful to others in the building. I think it is very important to realize that there is more out there in the world than your hometown,  you just have to be social and inclusive with your peers.

  • Do you have any valuable tips or tricks that you have learned from your time here at MU to pass on to other students?

I think the best tip or piece of advice is to be more social and more outgoing.

  • What is your favorite part of living in the residence halls?

The best part I think is getting to interact with more people.

  • Why did you choose to come to Millersville?

Originally my  mom chose this school for me because it was the best that money can afford, but I really like how there is a small student to teacher ratio.

  • What is your favorite class you have taken at Millersville?

I think it would be Neurobiology.

  • Do you have any upcoming events?

No, not yet but I  just held an event with RA Rhys about studying and study tips.

  • What is one goal you have set for this semester?

To complete enough of my thesis to present at Made in Millersville.  

Get To Know Your Resident Assistant : Connor Richter


  • Name

Connor Richter

  • Major


  • Year


  • Hometown

Ridley Park in Delaware County

  • Hobbies

Watching my brother, taking walks and playing pool

  • Why did you want to become a RA?

A lot of reasons, but the main reason was to help people. I grew up with a brother with disabilities, so it was a different experience for me  and I wanted to help others who are like my brother.

  • What is the most valuable part of being a RA?

The most valuable part is meeting a lot of different people. Whether it is throughout the halls or on campus, I will see residents or other people I know and I think it is a great way to meet new people and get to know everyone.

  • What is your favorite program you held for your residents?

My favorite are the community builder programs RAs have. One community builder I did was creating the name tags for the doors, I thought it was cool for everyone to make them and be able to meet new people from doing it. Also, the RAs are creating their own Relay for Life team so I think that is great as well.

  • What do you hope your residents get out of you being their RA?

I  hope they know that they can trust me. Having a safe experience here and promoting being involved is very great in making a safe environment for the residents. This can make the residents happy and I just want them to know that they are safe and have someone to talk to.

  • Do you have any valuable tips or tricks that you have learned from your time here at MU to pass on to other students?

I would say it would be to take time for yourself. Schedules are very hectic but it is very important to take time for yourself. Also, asking for IDs as a RA is very important because it creates a safe space and builds respect.

  • What is your favorite part of living in the residence halls?

I think being around a lot of people. I would rather be in a residence hall compared to an apartment.

  • Why did you choose to come to Millersville?

My uncle came here so he knew about the school. Also, originally I came in as a Meteorology major and Millersville has a really great program for that. This was also the only school I applied to.

  • What is your favorite class you have taken at Millersville?

This takes a lot of thought. I think either Calc 1 or Behavior Modification.

  • Do you have any upcoming events?

I don’t , but I want to do an event that is Autism related in the beginning of April.

How To Have A Fun Friday Night In

It is the middle of winter and for many of us that means we hate going outside into the cold. We often times get bored very easily and have nothing to do , but sit inside. Although sitting inside can be boring, there are ways to make it fun and a great way to spend your Friday night. Here is a list of activities to do inside to make your Friday nights fun and exciting.

  1. Hold a Netflix Movie or TV Marathon in Your Residence Hall Common Area or Your Room

If you are unsure of what to do Netflix has tons of movies and TV shows just waiting to be binge watched.  There are also many different varieties of movies so you can hold a scary movie night or a rom-com night to make you bawl your eyes out. My favorite movie on Netflix to watch with friends is To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before! This movie is so cute and is based on a book.

Photo courtesy of Canva.

2. Try Out New Recipes From Pinterest With Your Friends

Pinterest is a gold mine for finding fun recipes to make with friends. All of the Suites have kitchens within the buildings, so it is very easy to go to the kitchen and bake with all of your friends while listening to music. It is a great bonding activity that produces a sweet treat!

Photo courtesy of Canva.

3. Buy Canvases at a Craft Store and Paint Something You Like On It

Whenever I am bored, I personally like to do something crafty, but more often than not I paint.  Painting has many benefits including increasing creativity and it is a good way to relax after a long week. It is also very inexpensive compared to other activities. Here is a canvas I painted and a record I painted as well.


4. Do Something Crafty

By doing something crafty, this can mean drawing , a DIY project or something else of this sort. Last semester, I was really bored one night so I found an old jean jacket I had and I ironed patches on it and painted little designs on it to make it custom. All of my friends love that jacket and want to make one just like it. Here is a picture of the jacket!

5. Read a Book That You Have Been Wanting to Read

The weekends are a perfect time to catch up on the reading you have been meaning to do. This is a relaxing activity to do that can also result in many benefits.

Photo courtesy of Canva.

If you have any other activities that are fun to do on a Friday night, tweet them and tag us! Our username is @VilleHousing . Have a great weekend Marauders!


Candy Land Event Rescheduled

The Candy Land Event is back on! Due to the inclement weather, we had to cancel the Candy Land Event that was scheduled for January 31st , but we have found a new date to hold the event.

On Monday February 11th starting at 6 pm in the South Great Room, Housing and Residential Programs will be hosting an event to highlight the housing selection process and the different room types available. The theme for the housing selection process this year is candy and sweets. Our big event this year will follow the theme and will be a life-size game of “Candy Land” for students to learn more information on the housing selection process and have fun with their friends at the same time.

By following the game path along the way, students will be able to learn more about the different housing room types we offer as well as buildings. There will also be information about when students can select their room for Fall 2019-Spring 2020. Students who come to the event and participate will also be able to enter to win different prizes including an early selection time. So if you want information or want to have some fun, come on down and play Candy Land!