Tag Archives: Millersville

Advice From a Senior: How to Survive Finals Week

Finals week is a stressful time for any college student. Preparing to take your final exams can feel very overwhelming, especially during a pandemic. Fortunately, there are ways you can manage the stress of finals week and feel confident that you’ve done the best you can to prepare yourself for your exams. Here are some of my favorite pieces of advice for surviving finals week:

  1. Get your priorities straight: Sometimes, finals week consists of not only exams but final projects, papers, discussion posts, and so on. I recommend writing out every assignment/exam for each of your classes and indicate which ones will take the longest to do or the ones that you feel will be the most difficult. Prioritize those assignments or exams.
  2. Plan study times: I would highly recommend designating certain time slots throughout finals week for studying. Creating a schedule will motivate you to stick to it and will help you feel less overwhelmed. You can also schedule times for breaks to reward yourself once you’ve studied.
  3. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed: I know firsthand that it’s much easier to let yourself get overwhelmed by the pressure of finals week than to try and fight it. However, panicking will do more harm than good. When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, take a step back from your work, take a few deep breaths, and get back to it when you feel ready. You may feel like taking a break will leave you with less time to study, but giving yourself time to relax will actually help you be more productive when it’s time to study again.
  4. Don’t forget to take care of yourself: During finals week, it can be tempting to pull an all-nighter. Although it may seem like a good idea at the time, it will end up making you feel exhausted which is never a good way to feel before taking a test. Remember to get some sleep and use the free time you have during the day to study rather than staying up all night.
  5. Remind yourself that it’s almost break: Whenever I’m studying really hard for a final exam (when all I actually want to be doing is watching Netflix), I keep reminding myself that by next week, the stress of the semester will be a thing of the past. I constantly tell myself that if I work hard now, it’ll pay off once final grades come out. Remembering those things always motivates me to study.

Good luck on your finals!! Remember: Don’t panic,  do the best that you can, and remember that hard work DOES pay off!


Lydia Shaloka is a senior Business Administration major with a concentration in Marketing at Millersville University. Her interests include digital marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing.  When she graduates in May 2021, Lydia hopes to work for a digital marketing agency either in or near her hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 

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Meet the RA’s: South Village RA’s Jenna Masenheimer and Logan Vandeweghe

Welcome to the fourth post in our series “Meet the RA’s”! This series consists of posts that will help you get to know more about some of the RA’s that help make the residence halls great. This post will be about South Village RA’s Jenna Masenheimer and Logan Vandeweghe!

Jenna Masenheimer

Where are you from?

Jenna (J): Fleetwood, PA

What is your major?

J: Music Industry with concentrations in Music Management and Live Audio

What is one fun fact about yourself?

J: I have an emotional support cat living with me named “Keys” who likes to cuddle

What is your favorite hobby/pastime?

J: Dungeons and Dragons

Who do you see as a role model?

J: Claire Wineland

What advice do you have for new Marauders?

J: Learn to budget your time. It’s a skill that is never not useful.

What are you looking forward to most as an RA this year?

J: Helping navigate the unknown climate residents are in right now.

What do you plan to do after graduating from Millersville?

J: My goal is to work for a live theatrical venue and work to make performances accessible.

Logan Vandeweghe

Where are you from?

Logan (L): Pottstown, PA

What is your major?

L: Biology with a concentration in Environmental Science

What is one fun fact about yourself?

L: I love playing Magic the Gathering

What is your favorite hobby/pastime?

L: Watching YouTube or Twitch

Who do you see as a role model?

L: My parents

What advice do you have for new Marauders?

L: Don’t be afraid to ask people for help when you need it.

What are you looking forward to most as an RA this year?

L: Getting to know all of the residents and fellow RA’s.

What do you plan to do after graduating from Millersville?

L: Go into environmental conservation


Stay tuned for more posts in this series! If you are a resident and your RA is either Jenna or Logan, let us know what you love about them in the comments.

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Grubhub Now Accepts Marauder Gold!

Great news! Millersville University students and staff can now use Marauder Gold as a payment option within the Grubhub app!

Here’s how to add Marauder Gold as a form of payment for Grubhub:

  1. Download, install, and login to GET (if not already done)
  2. Download and install the Grubhub app (if not already done)
  3. Launch the Grubhub app and create an account (if not already done, does not need to be MU email)
  4. Click this link and follow the steps below to add Marauder Gold as a payment option in the Grubhub app:
      1. Click “My Grubhub” at the bottom of the screen
      2. Click the gear symbol in the upper right hand corner
      3. Click “Campus Dining”
      4. Click “Find Your Campus”
      5. Type in “Millersville University”
      6. Click “Add Affiliation”
      7. Add your campus card

To deposit money into your Marauder Gold account, login to GET and click the “+ Add Funds” button located below where it shows your Marauder Gold balance.

Parents, guardians, and other relatives who would like to deposit money into a student’s GET account, click here and click the button that says “$ Deposit Into A Student’s Account”

So go ahead and grub using your Gold today!


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The ABC’s of Millersville University

Read below to see all of the great things Millersville University has to offer from A to Z!

A: Alumni mentors are available to offer support and advice to students through Mentor Collective. Click here to learn more.

B: Best friends are made here!

C: Campus Life offers students a variety of ways to get involved in campus life both on campus and virtually. Visit Get Involved to find information about student organizations and events.

D: Diversity Award from “INSIGHT Into Diversity” magazine was awarded to Millersville University for the 9th consecutive year.  Click here to read a blog post about the award and MU’s commitment to diversity.

E: EPPIIC Values are the core values which members of the Millersville University community live by. They include exploration, professionalism, public mission, inclusion, integrity, and compassion.

F: Food truck called the “Marauder Express” is located between South and West Villages and is serving delicious food Monday’s through Friday’s from 7:30am to 1:30pm.

G: Graduate Assistants (GA’s) work hard to help students however they can. Click here to learn about East Villages GA Hannah Stoner, or here to learn about West Villages GA Will Halko, and stay tuned for a post about South Villages GA Gabby Vaxmonsky!

H: Honors College at Millersville encourages students to reach their full potential and provides students with additional opportunities for both academic and personal success.

I: Internship information, career resources, Millersville’s Career Connection Job Database, Job and Internship fairs, and much more are made available to students through Experiential Learning and Career Management (ELCM). 

J: Join organizations on campus to meet new people, experience new things, gain skills, and more. Millersville has over 150 clubs for you to check out!

K: Kick back and relax by the pond after a long day and enjoy the beautiful views:

Millersville pond during fall. Photo Source

L: Library resources like eBooks, research guides, and more are super helpful tools available for students to take advantage of. Visit the McNairy Library and Learning Forum website to learn more.

M: Marauder Gold can be used to make purchases not just on campus, but at local stores, restaurants, and pharmacies. Click here to view the full list of places that accept Marauder Gold. GRUBHUB is now an option as well! More information is forthcoming about how to sign up for and use GRUBHUB with your Marauder Gold.

N: News, reminders, interesting blog posts (like this one!), and more are shared with students, faculty, and staff via email everyday through ‘Ville Daily. Make sure to regularly check the ‘Ville Daily announcements to see what’s new!

O: Over 100 undergraduate majors for students to choose from. Click here for more information.

P: Park City Mall, Lancaster Central Market, and so many other places nearby for Marauders to check out.

Q: Quilt known as the “Negating Hate” digital quilt is a virtual quilt which was made to unite the Millersville University community and promote eliminating all forms of discrimination. Click here to view the quilt.

R: Residence halls provide a safe environment for students to learn, thrive, and make connections in. Visit the Housing and Residential Programs site for more information, or check out some of our other blog posts to learn more!

S: Starbucks and Saxbys are conveniently located right on campus.

T: The Snapper is a student-run newspaper with articles on a wide variety of subjects, as well as podcasts and videos. Click here to check it out.

U: University Activities Board has plenty of fun events and activities  for students to enjoy on-campus or virtually.

V: Volunteer Central is Millersville University’s way to provide students with opportunities to give back to the community through volunteering. Visit the Volunteer Central web page for more information and ways you can help.

W: Writing Center provides students with the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a trained peer tutor for help with writing and editing papers.

X: X-ray spectrometer, atomic force microscope, and a cryogenics unit are among some of the many scientific instruments in Millersville’s inventory which students in scientific fields can use. Click here to view the complete list.

Y: You become part of a family when you attend Millersville University. The Millersville community is supportive and accepting, and is something to always cherish being a part of. Check out our blog post where Marauders expressed what being a member of this community meant to them.

Z: ‘Za (aka pizza) can be picked up or delivered from the Sugar Bowl, House of Pizza, Nino’s Pizzeria, and more local pizza spots.

Want a fun challenge? Comment the first letter in your first name and use that letter to start a sentence saying what you love about Millersville!


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Housing Zoom Open Forums – November 2020 Schedule


Housing and Residential Programs staff understands that students and parents have questions regarding housing. We highly encourage students and parents to join us for our open forums we will be holding via Zoom. Before attending a forum, please check that your question has not already been answered in our Spring 2021 FAQ post or in the 2020-21 Closing Bulletin.

Zoom Open Forum Schedule:

  • Tuesday November 10, 2020 from 11:00am-12:00pm
  • Tuesday November 17, 2020 from 11:00am-12:00pm
  • Thursday November 19, 2020 from 11:00am-12:00pm

Please visit the following link at the scheduled time and date of the open forum you’d like to attend: https://millersville.zoom.us/j/97266445779. Or, type the following Meeting ID into Zoom to join: 972 6644 5779

We look forward to hearing your questions and helping provide you with more information about housing!


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The 5 Step Essay Writing Process That Will Help You Write Better Papers

Whether you’re writing a 500 word paper or a 30 page paper, writing an essay can be challenging. Figuring out how to get your point across, the proper diction, paragraph organization, and more before a deadline can feel like a daunting task. Even if you’re a great writer, the writing process isn’t always going to be easy. Fortunately, I have a 5 step writing process that makes essay writing a bit easier, and that helps you write better papers:

Step 1: Determine your purpose for writing the paper.

This first step is probably the most important step you can take when writing a paper. Defining the subject of the paper will help guide you in what to write. It is much easier to research something and write about it when you know exactly what it is you’re trying to write. Look over the assignment carefully to gain a better understanding of what your professor wants from the paper. Ask yourself the following question: What do you want the reader to know after reading this paper? Remember: When you write with a purpose in mind, your paper will have purpose. Make sure you know the goal you’re trying to accomplish well and how you can convey the message to your reader.

Step 2: Write down everything and anything about your topic.

Before you can start to write or even outline, you have to have ideas. Ideas are the starting point of any paper. Think about the overall point you want to get across to your reader that you defined in step one. For example, let’s say you’re writing a paper on why business X is successful. Do research on the business and on what defines success for that business and dump thoughts, links, quotes, statistics, and anything you can find on the subject into a document. This doesn’t need to have any structure or clear reasoning behind it just yet. This is simply a chance for you to brainstorm and collect information. This will also help give you a better understanding of the topic of your paper and will be extremely useful when the time comes to start writing. 

Step 3: Organize your thoughts.

Step three is when you sift through the research from step two and find the most valuable pieces of information that you’ll want to include in your paper. This is the step where you can create an outline. Keep in mind that outlines don’t have to be extremely detailed and lengthy; just think of the main points you want to write about and underneath those points, include supporting information. While you may be eager to begin the writing process and want to skip doing an outline, I wouldn’t recommend it. Outlines are a great way to organize your paper in a logical way. Start with your introduction which should include your thesis (what you want the reader to know after reading your paper), then body paragraphs where you share information that supports your thesis, and a conclusion that ties the paper together and summarizes what you’ve written. It sounds simple enough, and you’ve most likely been writing papers with this structure for most of your life, but it can be easy to neglect the basics and let your paper go off the tracks. Create an outline to organize your paper and see how each element of the paper will work together to accomplish your vision.

Step 4: Start writing, then take a step back.

Step four is when the writing begins. It might sound a little late in the process to start writing the paper itself, but after you’ve done the first three steps, this part of the process will be made significantly easier. Use your outline as a guide for writing. It is also very important to make sure that you read all of your professors guidelines for the paper so you know you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing, as I mentioned in step one. If there is a rubric, make sure to look it over so that you know what you’re being graded on.

Remember that you can always go back to previous steps in this process and do more research or add things to your outline if you realize adjustments need to be made as you write. In fact, I strongly encourage you to do this to make sure your paper is exactly how you want it to be and satisfies the requirements. Refer back to your professors instructions regularly to make sure you’re on the right track. After you’ve written your paper, I recommend you step away from it for a while and do something else. This is so that when you come back to it, you can find mistakes that you may have overlooked before. It also gives you a mental break and prevents you from becoming overwhelmed.

Step 5: Grade your own paper.

This last step requires you to put yourself in your professors shoes. Once your paper is finished, read it over as if you weren’t the one who wrote it. When you’re done reading, write down what you believe the purpose of the paper was. If this matches the purpose you wrote down for yourself in step one, that’s great! That means you effectively conveyed what you wanted to to the reader. However, it’s always good to get a second opinion, so I would recommend having a peer, someone from the Writing Center, or even your professor look it over and give you their thoughts. You should also give yourself a grade and some feedback after reading it. It might feel a little strange to grade your own paper, but it’s very useful. If you feel like your paper was worthy of a B, think about what you could change to make it an A-worthy paper. What do you feel like was missing? What did you like about the paper? Was there anything you disliked about it? Being totally honest with yourself during this step will improve the quality of your paper. 

Try using this 5 step process for your next writing assignment!

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Meet The RA’s: South Village RA’s Grace Howell and Garrett Howell

Welcome to the second post in our series “Meet the RA’s”! This series consists of posts that will help you get to know the different RA’s that help make the residence halls great. This post will be about South Village RA’s Grace Howell and Garrett Howell!

Grace Howell:

Where are you from?

Grace (G): Millerstown, PA

What is your major?

G: Secondary Math Education

What is one fun fact about yourself?

G: I have a glow in the dark beta fish named Bea.

What is your favorite hobby/pastime?

G: My favorite hobby/pastime is probably playing field hockey or baking.

Who do you see as a role model?

G: My role model is my grandfather.

What advice do you have for new Marauders?

G: Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and get involved, you will meet some of your best friends that way.

What are you looking forward to most as an RA this year?

G: Building a strong community with my residents.

What do you plan to do after graduating from Millersville?

G: Get a job at my high school teaching Algebra 2 or Calculus.

Garrett Howell

Where are you from?

Garrett (G): Millerstown, PA

What is your major?

G: English, planning to minor in Criminology.

What is one fun fact about yourself?

G: I have an English Bulldog named Floyd.

What is your favorite hobby/pastime?

G: I love to watch movies or play games with my friends.

Who do you see as a role model?

G: My father.

What advice do you have for new Marauders?

G: To embrace the atmosphere, the cultures, and the different things Millersville has to offer.

What are you looking forward to most as an RA this year?

G: Meeting new people and helping new students get to know and love Millersville.

What do you plan to do after graduating from Millersville?

G: Attend law school.


Stay tuned for more posts in this series! If you are a resident and your RA is either Grace or Garrett, let us know what you love about them in the comments.

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Housing Zoom Open Forums – Spring 2021 Housing

Housing and Residential Programs staff understands that students and parents have questions regarding Spring 2021 housing. We highly encourage students and parents to join us for our open forums we will be holding via Zoom. Before attending a forum, please check that your question has not already been answered in our FAQ post.

Zoom Open Forum Schedule:

  • Tuesday October 13, 2020 from 10:00am-11:00am
  • Thursday October 15, 2020 from 10:00am-11:00am
  • Tuesday October 20, 2020 from 10:00am-11:00am
  • Thursday October 22, 2020 from 10:00am-11:00am

Please visit the following link at the scheduled time and date of the open forum you’d like to attend: https://millersville.zoom.us/j/95434605528. Or, type the following Meeting ID into Zoom to join: 954 3460 5528

We look forward to hearing your questions and helping provide you with more information about Spring 2021 Housing!

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Explore Leadership Series

“The Explore Leadership series is for students at all levels of experience and involvement. This series will explore students personal purpose, values, privileges, health and wellness, transferable skills, goals, and community resources. We will explore various aspects of leadership and develop skills and self-awareness that will empower students to lead on campus and in their lives after graduation.”

We highly encourage you to attend the Explore Leadership Series Zoom sessions to get connected to your fellow PASSHE students and gain leadership skills!

Featured Sessions:

  1. Monday, November 2nd at 8pm: Community Connection
  2. Monday, November 9th at 8pm: Know Your Purpose, Know Your Values
  3. Monday, November 16th at 8pm: Community Resources
  4. Monday, November 23rd at 8pm: Diversity, Inclusion, & Privilege 
  5. Monday, November 30th at 8pm: Transferable Skills & Self Care
If you’re interested in receiving Zoom links for the sessions, fill out the interest form. 

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Spring 2021 Housing Application Information

The Spring 2021 Housing application will open on October 1, 2020.
You can access the application by logging into your MAX account and following this path: Student Services > Housing and Dining > myHousing > Applications.
Students will be placed 1 student per bedroom.
Email housing@millersville.edu with any questions, and subscribe to this site for email notifications whenever we share an update. Follow us on our Twitter and Instagram accounts for updates as well!