Tag Archives: Millersville University

Finals Week Tips

Finals week has finally come, though not in the way we had thought it would. Professors have had to change their syllabus and find new ways to teach their students. Finals is a bit tough though. Some have gone from having a test to having a final paper while others have decided to just make the final online. Either way students should still prepare for their finals.

One way to prepare is to go over the notes from class and online work.

It is beneficial to remember most of the information, even if the test is open book / notes. The test will most likely be timed and it will help you to know most of the information rather then looking each question up.

Another way to prepare is to not cram the night before.

Try looking over your notes each day leading up to the test. This goes well with papers as well. Studying or writing your paper the night before is not a good idea. Try doing a little bit each day. This will help you not feel overwhelmed.

If it is an option, skip questions and then go back to them.

Not all professors allow this on their tests, but if you have the option then use it. If you are unsure of the question and can’t find it in your notes skip it and then come back to it. Don’t waste time trying to figure it out and then not have the time for other questions.

Finally, take time to look over your test / paper before you turn it in.

Before turning in any work you should look over it and make sure you have the answers you think are right. Looking over your paper can help you with grammar and spelling. It is important to check your work before you submit.

Good luck to everyone with their finals!


The Importance of Sleep

As college students, we tend to suffer from lack of sleep. Whether it is because we don’t go to bed until 2 am or we have a lot of homework that needs to be done, we end up staying up late or getting up really early. Is it healthy to live like this? The answer is no, it is not good for us. Here are some of the pros of getting a good night’s sleep:

Better productivity and concentration throughout the day.

By getting a good night’s sleep we wake up refreshed and ready for the day. This helps us feel like we can get things done, unlike when we are tired. Also your concentration during class is enhanced since you are not falling asleep.

Better calorie intake.

Believe it or not, by getting a good night’s sleep a person will consume less calories during their day. In fact according to this study sleep loss can effect your weight loss entirely.

Sleep can boost your immunity.

By not getting the 8 hours of sleep recommended you disrupt the sleep cycle. This can take away the time your body needs to build up your immune system, making you more susceptible to sickness.

Can help your mental wellness.

Getting a full night’s rest we are ready to face the day. When we don’t get the sleep we need we tend to be moody and easily irritated. By getting the 8 hours of sleep we can help our mental health.

So that leaves the question: How do you catch up on the sleep you lost?

The only way to catch up is to get more sleep. It won’t happen with one day of going to bed earlier or waking up later. It takes time to regain a proper sleep schedule.

For more information about sleep check out:


Making a Writing Assignment Easy

Writing isn’t always easy, especially if you don’t have to do it often. There are different styles and every professor has a unique way of grading essays. This can make it overwhelming and sometimes difficult to get a good essay. There are a few things to keep in mind when you go to write an essay that will make it easier and might help produce a good grade.

First you need to understand the question.

You need to understand whether the essay is supposed to be a compare or contrast essay, analytical essay, maybe an evaluation of something or someone. There are different kinds of essays and you need to be aware of what kind your professor wants from you. Basically, the wording of the question is how you will know what the professor is expecting from your essay.

Second you need to plan and schedule.

Most people underestimate the amount of work and time it takes to produce a good essay. Setting up a schedule with deadlines for the different parts of writing an essay will help you in the long run. Here is an example of a schedule:

Third step is make sure your sources relate to your content.

When trying to find sources it is a good idea to read over the abstract or summary. This will let you know whether it is worth it to read the entire source or if it isn’t going to be what you need for your essay.

Don’t forget that you should always find reliable sources that work for your essay. Try the McNairy Library search page to find good sources. We may not be able to be on campus, but the electronic resources and services will remain accessible to students and faculty.

The fourth step to writing a good essay is be critical.

Most studies, arguments, and theories you research have some sort of flaw to them. Instead of just summarizing what you read, try being critical. Point out what works and doesn’t work in the research. By using critical thinking as the approach to your essay you show that you are not simply repeating what you read. Instead it proves that you have thought your topic through.

The fifth step is structure, flow and focus.

It is imperative that your essay be structured in a way that flows and makes sense. Throwing an essay together can lead to it not making sense to the reader. We all know where the intro and conclusion go, but the body paragraphs are important to organize as well.

Sixth step is to write academically.

It is common, especially for first and second year students, to write in an informal way. When writing an essay you should always try and use more formal and academic wording. It should not sound the way you would text.

Finally, do not plagiarize.

This should be obvious by now, but you never want to plagiarize someone else’s writing. Millersville University has rules about plagiarism which are important to know and understand. They also provide tips on how to avoid plagiarism.

You should always have someone look over your work as Millersville University has resources to help you. In the library you can find the Writing Center. Here they will help you revise and edit. Even though the campus is closed the Writing Center is still offering online help.

Even though Millersville has gone completely online, there are still services that you can use to help with your writing. Don’t be afraid to use the Writing Center’s online help or use the library’s online resources.

Things to do While Social Distancing

By now most people are starting to run out of things to do. It is hard to be home all the time and not allowed to go or do anything with anyone. Even those who usually like to stay home are finding it hard to handle, but there are things to help with being confined to home.

Streaming movies and TV shows can be a good starting point. Maybe binge watch that TV show you have been wanting to see that you never had the time for. One show that I am re-watching is The Office on Netflix.

Playing game consoles can be a great way to pass the time. You can even connect with friends while still adhering to the social distancing. There are games you can play online or through game counsels that can help you stay in contact with your friends.

Keeping up with your school work isn’t as hard as it was and can help pass the time. I finished a paper and was able to look over it and get a second opinion on it before turning it in. I have been able to excel on my discussion posts for different classes because of the extra time I have. Take this time to improve upon your grades.

Spring cleaning is another great way to pass the time. Personally I have taken the time to go through my room and get rid of the things that I don’t want. Even working in your garden can be fun and help you get some fresh air.

Finally, spend some time with your family. This is the perfect time to have a meal together because most, if not all, of your family members are around. Try having a family game or movie night. My family has done both since the social distancing started. It has been nice to spend time with them.

This has been a hard time for everyone, but it is important to make the most of it. Try spending some time outside on nice days instead of staying inside all the time. Take time to call your friends up and see how they are doing. Just because you can’t be with them doesn’t mean that you can’t still talk to them. No one could have predicted this, but it is up to us how we want to live through it.

Stay Healthy Everyone.

All photos are courtesy of Canva.

Tips on Surviving Social Distancing

It is getting harder for people to continue with social distancing. Having to stay away from those who do not live in your home can be difficult, especially since people need to interact with others. I know that I am starting to go a little stir crazy being stuck inside all the time. So the question remains, how can a person survive being away from others for so long? Here are some tips on how to survive social distancing:

Keep in touch with those you aren’t able to see everyday.

With what is happening now, technology is a great tool to have. Most people have a cell phone or access to a laptop, so use it to keep in touch with your friends and family. It may not be the same as being with them, but at least you can still stay in contact with them. This will help with the isolation and loneliness that comes from being away from them.

Go outside at least once a day.

Getting some fresh air can help your mental health. Go for a walk or play a game outside. You could even do your homework outside. Whatever you do, try to get outside as much as possible.

Exercise Daily.

Finding ways to exercise can help your mental health as well. Try finding a routine you can follow and sticking to it. Going for a run, biking, or yoga are some great forms of exercising. Since you can do these outside, you are able to get fresh air and stay fit.

Find a hobby.

If you already have a hobby, great! If not, find something you typically don’t have time for. I love doing arts and crafts. I may not be the best at it, but I find them fun and soothing. Since I have been home I have had more time to do more of what I like.

Help someone in need.

In times like these it is important to remember our EPPIIC Values and who we want to be as a person. If you have an elderly neighbor or someone who is unable to get out for groceries, maybe you can offer some sort of assistance. It is important not to lose sight of who we are during these difficult times.

It is imperative for us to stay close as a community while also adhering to the social distancing rules. Just because we can’t be with our community does not mean we have to give up our humanity. We need to be united now more than ever before.

Stay Healthy Everyone.

Finding the Motivation to Finish Strong

After spring break it is hard to find the motivation to do anything. It is even harder now that all courses have moved online. The semester feels like it will never end and it is hard not feeling drained. It is important, however, to keep working hard towards your goals. Here are some ways in which to stay motivated for the rest of the semester.

Remember what you are working for.

It is safe to say, that if you are in college then you desire to learn and grow into the person you want to be. Remember that in order to learn you need to do the work and show up for the Zoom meetings that your professors may have set up. It may be hard, but it will be worth it in the end.

It’s okay to change your mind.

Sometimes you need to change your goal or the steps to achieving that goal. It is okay to change your mind as long as you don’t give up entirely. I have changed my major multiple times as well as what I want to do after I graduate.

Change your HOW.

Instead of just trying to get your work done, turn your mindset into doing the task right. Instead of waiting till the last minute to do a paper or project start them early. This will help ensure you are doing them right and will cause you less stress.

Remember the feeling.

Keep in mind how it felt to get one step closer to your goal. It always feels good when a project or paper is done. Every assignment and test gets you just a little bit closer to your goal. It will feel even better at the end of this semester.

Find a meaningful quote.

Finding  a quote that means something to you may seem insignificant, but could help in the long run. We all need a little motivation to get us through the tough times.

My favorite motivational quote is:

Play to your strengths.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. It is important that you play to your strengths instead of letting yourself be discouraged by your weaknesses. If you don’t like online classes because you don’t feel focused enough try to think of your strengths. This could help you find a way past the difficulties you will face.

It has been rough on students, faculty and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. We just have to remember our EPPIIC Values and try to finish this semester strong.

Meet Millersville’s Circle K Club

Name of Organization

Circle K

Mission Statement (What Is Your Club / Organization About?)

Our mission is to “Provide service to the community and to campus; to provide the opportunity for leadership training through service.” We do this through off campus service events, as well as many service events during our weekly meetings. We also provide plenty of opportunities for leadership, including conferences and events designed to help your leadership skills.

Who Are the Leaders of The Organization?

President: Bryan Knight

Vice President: Jade Myers

Secretary: Sam Mackey

Treasurer: Brittany Hinderhofer

Why Should Someone Join Your Organization?

Members of Circle K get to make a difference in the world and help others in many ways. We also have a lot of fun together doing social events like group bowling, Jenga, and many others! Many benefits are provided to members including opportunities for scholarships, trips to conferences, and a great experience to add to your resume!

What Do You Do Within Your Organization?

We perform community service both on and off campus. We go out and trick or treat around Halloween and collect spare change to donate to UNICEF. We clean our section of Wabank Rd. through the Adopt a Highway program. In meeting, we make blankets and bookmarks, as well as write cards. That is just the beginning of the many service opportunities our members have!

What Do You Hope Your Members Get Out of Being Part of The Organization?

We hope to instill a love for service in all our members. We also hope that many new friendships are made, and that our members are excited to work together to help the community. After graduation, we want our members excited to find the nearest Kiwanis club to join, to continue to perform service well after their Circle K days.

Defeating Distractions While Working from Home

Distractions are all around us. Sometimes we look for them, sometimes they sneak up on us. Whatever the reason we usually find ways of distracting ourselves. This is especially true now that most of us are taking online courses and / or working from home. However, there are ways of preventing yourself from getting distracted.

Recognize what your distractions are.

We don’t always notice when we get distracted until after the fact. If you can spot what distracts you from your homework or that important task you are working on then maybe you can prevent them.

Some distractions you may face at home are your family, social media, TV, computer and cell phone. Turn off your notifications and cell phone. You won’t need them. As for your family, try asking them for an hour or two of alone time. It is important for you to focus on your school work and not them.

Put yourself in distraction free mode.

Once you can recognize what your distractions are, you will be able to get rid of them. Your phone is definitely a distraction and when doing homework you should have it turned off or at the very least put it on silence. When it comes to your computer you probably can’t turn it off, but keep social media platforms off. Try to organize your favorites or saved websites so that you aren’t tempted to let yourself get distracted.

Do the hardest (or most dreaded) task first.

It isn’t as hard to do the homework for the class or homework assignments you enjoy. Try doing the task that you do not want to do first. It will make the assignment easier and help you get done with it sooner.

Remove those bad habits that prevent you from getting things done.

The “I will do it later” or “It can wait” sayings are just some bad habits that you should rid yourself of. Instead try getting a head start on your homework or projects. Don’t put off what can be done now.

Declutter your mind.

Try to find relaxation techniques that help you. It is important to take time for yourself. If you need a starting point on finding the perfect relaxation technique for you check out the following article from the Mayo Clinic . By finding a good way of relaxing you will be able to declutter your mind.

Prepare your work place.

Clear your desk and get rid of the knick-knacks and photos on your desk. they may be cute but ultimately they will distract you from what you are doing. You also don’t want your desk to be cluttered because it can be distracting. This goes for the room you plan on working in. If the room is messy you will have a harder time focusing.

Set your time.

Do not try and get everything done at once. It will cause you stress and anxiety that you do not need in your life. Instead set a specific time frame for your projects. Between each project take a little break and relax. The breaks are when you can let yourself get distracted.

With all that is going on with COVID-19, it is important for us to find a way to limit the distractions in our lives. By getting rid of our distractions we can be more productive. This will lead to less stress and anxiety and ultimately make our lives easier. If you can find a way to get rid of your distractions then do it, it will help you in the long run.

Need a new Desk Organizer? Leave a comment below on how you are currently dealing with your distractions in order to be eligible to win a desk organizer with various school supplies (*supplies will vary from those in the photo*). A winner will be randomly selected on 4/10/2020 at 12:00 PM and will be announced. Only current Millersville University students are eligible to win. 

How to Be Successful While Taking Online Classes

Welcome back from your two week spring break Marauders! I hope you are adjusting to remote learning and that things are starting to calm down for you. I know it has been a stressful time for both students and faculty. Going remote with class can be hard, especially for those who have never taken or taught classes online. There are a few tips you can try to make this time a little easier for you.

Treat it like a face to face course.

It can be harder to get classwork done when it is online. You need to have the discipline to sit down and get the work done instead of putting it off till later. Remember that you are still paying for the course and that the class will help you later on. You want to treat this class as you would a job, show up (even if it is a Zoom meeting) and get the work done.

Hold yourself accountable.

If you do not have a planner, now is a really good time to get one. When you take a face-to-face course you get verbal or visual reminders of assignments and exams. Now that we are going online it will become harder to keep track of everything that needs to be done. By having a planner you will be able to keep track of your assignments and hold yourself accountable.

Practice time management.

Managing your time has never been as important as it is now. With all the stress of figuring things out it is hard to keep a strict schedule. It may take a week or two, but try to form a schedule that works best for you.

Create a regular study space and stay organized.

Find a place in your home where you won’t be disturbed. Whether it’s your room or somewhere else, you need to find a place where you can focus on your work. You should keep that space clean and organized. This will help you focus as well.

Figure out how you learn best.

After you find your perfect work space, you should think about when and how you learn best. Some people work better in the mornings. So, when they wake up they should set some time aside to get their work done. For those who work better in the evenings set aside some time after dinner to get your work done.

Actively participate.

Many professors are using D2L’s discussion section and Zoom meetings. It is important to try and participate in these discussions because it is how you are going to get the most out of your class. These learning forums are where you can get the most information from.

Not everyone likes taking online courses, but we need to make the most of it. It is important to keep up with your work and try to fulfill your semester goals. If you follow the tips above you may find that you like having your classes online.

The Advantages of Living in the Residence Halls

One of the first thoughts that come to mind when thinking about college is the residence halls: What type of room do I want? Who will my roommates be? Why should I live on campus? These are common questions students ask when room selection comes around. There are many advantages to living in the residence halls.

One reason to live on campus is that it is convenient.

By choosing to live in the residence halls, you are within walking distance of your classes, the dining facilities, the fitness center, the library, and your professors. If you forgot something for your class, you have the ability to quickly pick it up from your room. (Trust me, this comes in handy!)

Another advantage to living on campus is the independence.

The college experience is about learning and growing as a person. You are away from home now and are able to set your own routine. It certainly can be nice to have some space that you can call your own. However, flexibility and freedom also comes with responsibility. Your success in college is determined by your own motivation so going to class, studying, and balancing extracurricular activities will be crucial.

You are able to be more involved on campus.

This is especially important for the freshmen and sophomores. When you live in the residence halls you are able to more easily participate in the multitude of activities and programs on campus, club and organizations meetings, guest lectures, athletic events, student government, and cultural and diversity events to just name a few. The residence halls give you a greater chance to be more involved on campus, which will create a more enriching college experience. Additionally, students who live on campus are more satisfied with their college experience and persist at higher rates than those who live elsewhere.

You get a built-in social life by living in the residence halls.

Not only do you have at least one roommate, but you also have a full building of people to get to know. Each residence hall has different activities and events that they host for the students in your building. This is a great way to get to know other students and make new friends.

There are many dining facilities to choose from.

When you live in the residence halls you never have to worry about food. You have a meal plan and a variety of different dining facilities to choose from. You have more time on your hands to utilize for studying and campus activities if you do not have to worry about grocery shopping and having to cook your own meals.

An important part of college life is being involved on campus and taking advantage of every opportunity that Millersville University has to offer. Living on campus easily affords you this experience. We are proud of our residence halls and the community that is created by our amazing students and staff that live here.