Tag Archives: millersville room selection

Upcoming Room Selection Events

Now that the Spring 2021 semester has officially begun, we’re so excited to share the fun events we’ve been planning with you! In addition to being enjoyable, these events will provide you with information about Housing and the Room Selection process which will be taking place in March. We strongly encourage you to come to as many events as you can. Plus, the more activities you participate in, the more likely you’ll be to win a $200 Housing Deposit Waiver!

Here’s a list of all of our upcoming events:

*Note: This post will be updated regularly as links to the events are created. If you’d like to attend an event that does not yet have a link, please check this page regularly as well as our social media accounts for information on how to access the event*

February 4th: Room Selection 101 Information Session from 6pm-7pm

  • Link: https://millersville.zoom.us/j/97309504889 PASSCODE:Rooms101
  • Meeting ID: 973 0950 4889

February 9th: Among Us Game from 6pm-8pm

  • https://millersville.zoom.us/j/98397303421                        PASSCODE: Suspect
  • Meeting ID: 983 9730 3421

February 17th: Bingo with UAB from 8pm-10pm

  • RSVP here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=lDfskvC4k0-3M3owqKK1G92g0bsCpxFDq0l2XMGqBHJUQTRDMlVJV1hCQzdISFBTUk5HVU1BSjhGNi4u

February 18th: Room Selection 101 Information Session from 6pm-7pm

  • Link: https://millersville.zoom.us/j/97309504889 PASSCODE:Rooms101
  • Meeting ID: 973 0950 4889

February 24th: Kahoot with Campus Rec – Join in anytime from 6pm-10pm 

February 25th: “Bet your Assets” Jeopardy Game with PSECU, starts at 12:15pm

  • Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87574702671
  • Meeting ID: 875 7470 2671

March 4th: Room Selection 101 Information Session from 6pm-7pm

  • Link: https://millersville.zoom.us/j/97309504889 PASSCODE:Rooms101
  • Meeting ID: 973 0950 4889

March 8th: Among Us Game from 6pm-8pm

  • Link: https://millersville.zoom.us/j/98397303421         PASSCODE: Suspect
  • Meeting ID: 983 9730 3421

Note: This information may be subject to change.

Room Selection Dates:
  • March 1-18: Roommate Selection
  • March 9-11: Same Room Selection
  • March 15: Shenks Room Selection
  • March 16-22: Open Room Selection

We can’t wait for you to join us at our events! Make sure to remember the room selection dates above as room selection is necessary for preparing to live on-campus for the 2021-2022 academic year.


Lydia Shaloka is a senior Business Administration major with a concentration in Marketing at Millersville University. Her interests include digital marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing.  When she graduates in May 2021, Lydia hopes to work for a digital marketing agency either in or near her hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 

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