Tag Archives: Millersville Housing

Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 Housing Application / Room Selection Process (*Reminder*)

The on-campus room selection process is now open for the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 academic period. Below is a reminder of the four (4) different selection opportunities.

February 4 – February 5, 2025

 Shenks Hall Room Selection only

February 7 – February 10, 2025

 Same Room Selection

February 12 – February 14, 2025

 Single-Suite in Villages Room  Selection

February 17 – March 7, 2025

 Open Room Selection

To be eligible to participate in any of these room selection periods, you must complete the Returning Student Housing Application (including the deposit) at least 24 hours prior to each room selection period.

Eligible students will receive information the day before each room selection period.  Click HERE to download a PDF for step-by-step instructions on completing the online room selection process.

  • Shenks Hall Room Selection: You will only see open spaces in Shenks Hall.
  • Same Room Selection: You will only be able to select your space (please note, not all spaces can be reelected. If you can’t pick your room, that means its not eligible for same room selection.
    • Can’t be matched with a roommate to pick your same room, you will need to un-match your selected roommate/s.
  • Single-Suite: You will only see open single suite spaces in East, South or West Village
  • Open Room Selection: You will see all open spaces that are eligible to be selected

Reminder, all students not approved to live off-campus for the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 term should participate in the room selection process.

If you have any questions, please contact Assistant Director of Occupancy Management Matthew Rutkoski directly. You may also review the full list of information regarding on and off-campus housing processs by reading the email below or vising the following website:


Residence Hall Winter Break 2024-2025 Bulletin

1. Winter break housing will start at 12:00 noon on Saturday, December 14, 2024. The residence halls will be closed during winter break. Resident students who will continue residing in the residence halls during the spring 2025 semester may request break housing for all or portions of the winter break by completing the “Break_Winter_2024-25 Application”. There is no additional cost to stay over the break, but you must apply to be approved. All students that apply to stay are approved and you will receive and email confirmation once you have completed the application. The application will close at 10pm on Thursday, December 12, 2024. The residence halls will reopen for the spring semester at 12 noon on Sunday, January 19, 2025.

2. Students that are graduating or working graduation on Saturday, December 14, 2024, are permitted to stay but must be checked out of the residence hall before 6pm on Saturday, December 14, 2024. You must email your Residential Area Director (RAD) to receive permission to stay until 6pm on Saturday, December 14, 2024. University Housing and Conference Services will verify with the Registrar’s Office the students who have requested to stay for graduation. Once confirmed, you will receive additional check-out instructions from your RAD. You do not need to complete the Break Housing Application.

3. If you are requesting winter break housing and you have scheduled a room change for the spring semester, you must complete the room change before the start of the break. If the room change cannot be completed prior to leaving for the break, you may be asked to take all personal belongings home. This is to help the housekeeping staff clean and prepare for the spring semester. Please see your Residential Area Director (RAD) to make that arrangement. Students assigned to continue housing in the residence halls for spring 2025 are not required to surrender residence hall keys to the staff prior to leaving for the break nor need to move out all your belongings.

4. Students who are not returning to Millersville University for the spring semester, or who are considering not returning, must contact their Residential Area Director (RAD) to receive instructions for checking out of the residence halls. You will need to follow the instructions given to you by your hall director. Failure to do so will result in additional charges.

East Village –Yvonne DeBlois – yvonne.deblois@millersville.edu

Bard/Shenks – Matthew Rutkoski – matthew.rutkoski@millersville.edu

South Village – Kei-shon Graham – kei-shon.graham@millersville.edu

West Village – Philip Watson – philip.watson@millersville.edu


  1. Log into your MAX Account
  2. Select Student Services
  3. Select Housing and Dining
  4. Select MyHousing
  5. In your MyHousing Account, go to the Applications tab on the left side and complete the “Break_Winter_2024-25Application”.
  6. Once you complete the application, you will receive an email stating that your application was completed.


  • 24-hour quiet hours go into effect at 9:00 PM on Friday, December 6, 2024, and continue through the end of the semester.
  • The residence halls will be closed during winter break except for returning residents who have requested and been approved for winter break housing by University Housing & Conference Services.
  • Card access for all resident students will be discontinued during the winter break. Only returning residents who have requested winter break housing will have card access privileges.
  • Guests and visitation are not permitted during the break due to safety and security reasons.
  • See Dining ServicesHealth ServicesSMC, and The Hub websites for hours of operation.
  • For non-urgent police and campus calls during holiday closing times dial (717) 871-4357. For fire, police, and EMS emergencies, always dial 911.
  • Students assigned to continue housing in the residence halls for spring 2025 are not required to surrender residence hall keys to the staff prior to leaving for the break nor need to move out all your belongings.
  • The Housekeeping and Facilities Management Staff will be working in the campus residence halls to perform maintenance tasks during the break that may require entrance to resident rooms. The University Housing & Conference Services staff may post a courtesy sign on your door indicating that the room is occupied during the winter break. This sign will ensure that workers will not enter your room without knocking. Please leave it in place for the duration of the winter break.
  • All students assigned to the residence halls for Fall 2024 are automatically assigned to continue residing in the residence halls for Spring 2025, unless you have officially withdrawn from the University, been approved for a leave of absence for Spring 2025, been approved for study abroad for Spring 2025, or are an international student on a current study abroad visa who will not be returning for the Spring 2025 semester. In all these cases, you must not be registered for classes at Millersville University for Spring 2025.


The residence hall staff will conduct health and safety inspections in each residence hall suite at the start of the winter break. Please carefully review the following instructions and information to avoid violations of the Student Code of Conduct for improper maintenance of your residence hall suite/room.

Prior to the start of the break, all resident students returning for the spring and not registered for the winter break period MUST:

  • Dispose of all trash by removing it to the dumpster in the parking lots outside your residence hall.
  • Clean the room/suite including sweeping the floor and wiping down furniture.
  • Clean your bathroom and report any issues with constant run toilets, sinks, showers to the residence hall staff.
  • Remove food from your refrigerator and properly dispose of it through proper trash removal.
  • Defrost your refrigerator.
  • If you are leaving for the break, turn off the lights.
  • If you are leaving for the break, set the thermostat to 70 degrees.
  • If you are leaving for the break, close and lock your room window in the Villages.
  • If you are leaving for the break, lower the blinds halfway but leave them open.
  • If you are leaving for the break, lock your bedroom door and your suite door.
  • If you are leaving for the break, please take any valuables home with you.
  • If you are leaving for the break please move all items from your residence hall floor, especially computer equipment and any items that can be damaged by flooding.
  • If you are leaving for the break and you have an approved animal through Learning Services in your room, you must take the animal with you. You may not leave animals in the residence hall in the care of another student or staff member.

Congratulations to our December 2024 graduates!

Happy Holidays and stay safe!

Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 Housing Applications / Room Selection Process

Important On-Campus Dates

November 25, 2024

Online application (including housing deposit) and roommate matching opens in the MyHousing account for Returning Students.

February 4 – 5, 2025

Shenks Hall Room Selection

February 7– 10, 2025

Same Room Selection

February 12 – 14, 2025

Single-Suite in Villages Room Selection

February 17 – March 7, 2025

Open Room Selection


Important Off-Campus Dates 

January 30, 2025

Off-campus application opens in the MyHousing Account for students with over 60 credits for Fall 2025.

February 1, 2025

UHCS will begin to process off-campus applications for students with over 60 credits.

March 7, 2025

Off-campus application temporarily closes due to scheduled campus software integration.

March 20, 2025

Off-campus application opens for all students, including under 60 credits. Students can also not submit commuter requests.

Summer 2025

UCHS will determine availability of Student Lodging (SLI) waivers for students with 30 – 59 credits and and start to process these applications.



On-Campus: On-campus housing is defined as residing in one of the following residence halls: Bard Hall, East Village, Shenks Hall, South Village, and West Village.

Off-Campus: Properties owned by Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) and other student housing options within the community.

Commuter: Students residing with a parent or court-appointed legal guardian at that person’s permanent home address who is commuting fewer than 40 miles one way. A notarized statement and supplemental statement are required.

For further information, please refer to the Millersville University Housing Residency Requirement policy.

Room Selection for the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 academic year will start in the spring semester. Students living on-campus will need to complete the following processes to participate:

Pre-Room Selection Process

As returning MU students, you will be able to select your own room for next year. To be able to participate, you must pay the $200.00 housing deposit and complete the Returning Student Housing Application: “RETURNING STUDENTS_HousingApplication_2025-2026.” (Please note, it will state “Spring 2026” term next to it as the application is for the entire 2025-26 academic year.)

  • To complete the housing application, you will log into your MyHousing Account. In your MyHousing account, you click on the Applications tab and complete the “RETURNING STUDENTS_HousingApplication_2025-2026.” You will need to complete the application to be eligible to participate in the room selection process.
  • You will pay the housing deposit in the housing application. Once you have completed the housing application, you will receive an email confirming the application was completed.

You can also select roommates by logging into your MyHousing Account. Once logged in, select the Roommate Selection tab and Select Roommates. For the term, choose Fall 2025 and you can then search for a roommate by first and last name. When you find your roommate, you will select them by clicking the Request Roommate option under the name. Please make sure you only select the number of roommates you want for the room type your looking for:

  • For a single suite, you can only select one (1) roommate as single suites are for two (2) students.
  • For a double suite, you can only select three (3) roommates as double suites are for four (4) students.
  • For same room selection, you cannot have any roommates selected as you can only select your same room (if that room is an available option for next year).

Room Selection Options

The room selection process will officially start on February 4, 2025

  • February 4 – February 5, 2025: Shenks Hall Room Selection
  • February 7 – February 10, 2025: Same Room Selection
  • February 12 – February 14, 2025: Single-Suite Room Selection in the Villages
  • February 17 – March 7, 2025: Open room selection in any hall for returning/current students.

Shenks Room Selection

This is room selection for students who wish to live in Shenks Hall, which is used primarily for returning students.

Same Room Selection

This is for students who currently live on campus and wish to live in the same room they are currently in for next fall. Please note that some rooms may not be available to be selected again based on different facility uses and rooms reserved for certain living-learning community (LLC) programs. Remember, to participate in the Same Room Selection, you cannot request a roommate. A current suitemate group that wishes to live together again must each pick separately.

Single Suite Room Selection

This is room selection for students who wish to live in single suites (i.e., suite with two (2) bedrooms and a shared bathroom for two (2) students). A limited number of single suites will be available for selection.

Open Room Selection

This is when you can select any room that is available in any of the residence halls, including Bard Hall.

Please remember that if you do not plan to live on-campus for the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 term, you must be approved to live off-campus. To submit an off-campus request, log into your MyHousing Account and complete the “Fall 2025 Off-Campus Request” Application located in the Applications tab.


Below are frequently asked questions and their answers related to the off-campus waiver process to help you plan accordingly for the 2025-26 academic year.

Should I apply for on-campus housing for 2025-26 academic year?

If you are returning to Millersville University for the 2025-26 academic year and are not eligible for a 60+ credit waiver, you should apply to secure campus housing.

I will not have 60 earned credits until I finish the spring 2025 semester. Can I still apply for a waiver?

Yes. University Housing & Conference Services (UHSC) takes into consideration the anticipated number of credits that you will earn for the spring 2025 semester. Keep in mind that you can become ineligible if you decide to withdraw from or fail courses that will put you under the 60-credit mark by the end of the spring 2025 semester.

What if my friends I want to live with have 60+ credits and are approved, but I only have 30-59 earned credits?

Decisions regarding the availability for off-campus waivers for students with between 30 -59 credits will be determined in the summer of 2025. Additionally, those with 30-59 earned credits who are granted a waiver may only reside in Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) communities and not elsewhere off-campus.

Some of my intended roommates and I have received a 60+ credit waiver, but one (or more) have only have 30 – 59 earned credits. What should we do?

Students with only 30 – 59 earned credits are not guaranteed a waiver. You should proceed accordingly assuming that your friend may not be granted a waiver. It is recommended that you make off-campus roommate arrangements with students who do have a 60+ earned credit waiver.

If I do not have the required credit hours to move off campus, can I take summer classes to get the needed credits?

You may do so if this will place you at a level of 60 or more earned credits prior to the start of the fall semester.

What if I already signed a lease somewhere other than Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI)?

You may only sign a lease somewhere other than Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) if you have acquired a 60+ earned credit waiver and are approved by our office.

I received a waiver last year but never used it, can I use it this year?

No. You must apply for a waiver each year.

Can I transfer my waiver to someone else?

No. Waivers are not transferrable to other students.

If 30 – 59 credit waivers for SLI are granted, how are they chosen?

Waivers will be granted in sequential order by the date and time of the “Fall 2025 off-campus request application” until the number of waivers available are exhausted. Waivers granted for those 30 – 59 earned credits will not be based upon any intended apartment roommate arrangements that you may have.

If I do not know if I will be granted a 30 – 59 credit waiver, do I have to live on campus for the summer?

Students are not required to live on campus during the summer months but may do so.

Is there an appeal process for those students with 30 – 59 credits who were denied a waiver?

No. All decisions are final.

Resident Assistant Application for 2025-2026 is Now Available

The Department of University Housing and Conference Services is seeking qualified students to join our team as Resident Assistants (RAs) for the 2025-2026 academic year.

The Resident Assistant position is a great way to build leadership skills, serve as a mentor, and work closely with other RAs as a team. Students selected to be RAs receive a residence hall room at no cost, an academic year stipend, and parking pass.

If you are interested in the position, please complete the Resident Assistant 2025-2026 interest form below:

Microsoft Forms

No Description

To learn more about the requirements and details about the RA position, we have information sessions available the following dates and times. You should attend one (1) information session for your application to be considered.

11/14/24       11:30am – 12 pm                   SMC 204

11/14/24       8pm – 8:30 pm                         South Village Great Room

11/19/24      11 am – 11:30 am                   SMC 204

11/21/24       8 am –  8:30 pm                       South Village Great Room

12/4/24         4 pm – 4:30 pm                           South Village Great Room

01/22/25         3 pm – 3:30 pm                        South Village Great Room

01/26/25         7pm – 7:30 pm                         South Village Great Room

01/27/25         11:30 am – 1 pm                    SMC Tables

The Resident Assistant Application will close promptly at 7pm on Wednesday, January 29, 2025.

If you have any questions, please just email Matthew Rutkoski. Additionally, we also encourage you to reach out to your current Resident Assistant if you want to learn more about the position.

How to Stay Focused on Your Goals Mid-Semester at Millersville University

It is official: we have now reached the halfway point in the semester. Unfortunately, this is when students tend to feel overwhelmed or lose focus. However, staying motivated is key to finishing strong. Below are several strategies to help you stay on track and maintain your momentum through the second half of the semester:

1. Reevaluate and Set New Goals

  • Assess Your Progress: Take time to reflect on the goals you set at the beginning of the semester. What have you accomplished so far, and what needs more attention?
  • Break Down Large Goals: If your original goals seem daunting, break them into smaller, manageable tasks. Achieving these smaller milestones will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue.
  • Set SMART Goals: Make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). This ensures clarity and provides a clear roadmap to success.

2. Create or Refresh Your Study Plan

  • Time Block Your Schedule: Organize your remaining weeks by assigning dedicated time for studying, assignments, and personal activities. Sticking to a schedule helps reduce procrastination.
  • Prioritize Tasks by Deadline and Importance: Focus first on upcoming deadlines or major projects, but also make sure to carve out time for ongoing study and review sessions.
  • Use a Planner or Digital Tools: Apps like Google Calendar, Trello, or Notion can help you track your progress and maintain accountability. Regularly check your planner and adjust it as needed to stay organized.

3. Utilize University Housing Resources

  • Access Study Spaces: Take advantage of quiet areas or common study rooms in the residence halls’ common areas. A change of scenery from your room can boost productivity.
  • Attend Stress-Relief Activities: Mid-semester stress is common, and MU offers offers many wellness programs and other events designed to help students unwind. Balance between study and relaxation is essential for maintaining motivation.

4. Build a Support System

  • Form Study Partnerships: Reach out to roommates or classmates to form study groups. Discussing material with others can improve understanding and keep you engaged.
  • Stay Connected with Mentors or Advisors: If you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed, schedule a check-in with a professor, academic advisor, or your resident assistant (RA). They can offer guidance, help refocus your efforts, and provide useful resources.
  • Communicate with Roommates: Set clear boundaries with roommates when it comes to study time, and try to minimize distractions in shared living spaces.

5. Practice Self-Care

  • Prioritize Sleep and Nutrition: A well-rested and nourished body is more focused and productive. Avoid all-night cramming sessions by planning study blocks that allow for adequate sleep.
  • Exercise Regularly: Physical activity is a great way to relieve stress and reset your mind. Use on-campus facilities or get outdoors for a quick walk or workout.
  • Incorporate Breaks: Use the Pomodoro Technique (work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break) to keep yourself refreshed and prevent burnout.

6. Focus on the Big Picture

  • Visualize Success: Remind yourself of the long-term benefits of your hard work, such as passing your exams, achieving high grades, or preparing for future career opportunities.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Reward yourself for completing tasks, whether it’s a small treat, taking time for a favorite hobby, or enjoying a night off after a productive day.

7. Stay Positive and Flexible

  • Accept Setbacks: It’s normal to face challenges, but don’t let them derail your progress. Adjust your goals or plans as needed without losing sight of the end goal.
  • Practice a Growth Mindset: Embrace the idea that challenges are opportunities to learn and grow, rather than obstacles to success. A positive attitude will keep you motivated during tough times.
You can finish all of your classes strong! You’ve already put in so much effort. With just a bit more focus and determination, you can end this semester on a high note. The second half of the semester is your opportunity to build on your progress, improve where needed, and achieve the goals you set out to accomplish. Keep up the good work, stay focused, and remember that every step forward brings you closer to success. You’ve got this!

Residence Hall Fall Break 2024 Bulletin

Fall Break will start at 5pm on Friday, October 11, 2024. All students planning to stay for Fall Break must register by completing the “Break_Fall_2024” Application that is in your MyHousing Account. For Fall Break, all students that apply to stay are approved. The application closes at 10 p.m. on Thursday, October 10, 2024.  Fall Break ends and classes start again on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.

The Residence Hall Staff may conduct Health and Safety Inspections in each residence hall suite during the fall break. Please carefully review the following instructions and information to avoid violations of the Student Code of Conduct for improper maintenance of your residence hall suite/room.

Fall Break Housing Information:

  • The residence halls will be operational during the fall break.
  • University Administrative Offices will be open during fall break during regular business hours.
  • There is no guest visitation during Fall Break. All guests will need to be signed out of the halls before 5 p.m. on Friday, October 11, 2024. Guest visitation will start back up at 12 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
  • Residence Hall Offices will have hours of operation during the break – see front desk for contact information.
  • See Dining Services and Health Services websites for hours of operation. Please note, all dining services will be closed from Saturday, October 12, 2024 – Monday, October 14, 2024 due to facility repairs.
  • The Housekeeping and Facilities Management teams may be working in the campus residence halls to perform maintenance tasks during the break that require entrance to resident rooms.

Fall Break Preparation Procedures:

Prior to the start of the break, all resident students leaving MUST:

  • Dispose of all trash by removing it to the dumpsters in the parking lots outside your residence hall.
  • Clean the room/suite including sweeping the floor and wiping down furniture.
  • Clean your bathroom and report any issues with constant run toilets, sinks, showers to the residence hall staff.
  • Remove stale food from your refrigerator and properly dispose of it through proper trash removal
  • If you are leaving for the break, turn off the lights
  • If you are leaving for the break, set the thermostat to 72 degrees
  • If you are leaving for the break, close and lock your room window (Villages)
  • If you are leaving for the break, lower the blinds halfway but leave them open
  • If you are leaving for the break, lock your bedroom door and your suite door
  • If you are leaving for the break and you have a Learning Services approved animal in your room, you must take the animal with you. You may not leave animals in the residence hall in the care of another student or staff member.

Please consult your residence hall staff should you have any specific questions. Have a safe and enjoyable Fall Break!


Fall 2024 Returning Student “Movers & Shakers” Volunteers Needed for Move-In

The Department of University Housing & Conference Services (UHCS) is looking for returning Millersville University students to serve as volunteer “Movers & Shakers” for move-in help on Thursday, August 22, 2024, from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, August 24, 2024, from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Movers & Shakers are responsible for meeting and greeting students, their families, and helping to move students’ belongings into their rooms in the residence halls.

Student Movers & Shakers will be required to attend a short instructional meeting on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. in the Anderson Presentation Room of the Lombardo Welcome Center.

Benefits of being a volunteer “Mover & Shaker” includes the following responsibilities and benefits:

1. Volunteers who live in the residence halls can move in early on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, between 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
2. A free limited edition t-shirt to identify yourself as a “Mover & Shaker” (*the t-shirt logo is illustrated above)
3. Free continental breakfast served on Thursday.
4. Free lunch served on Thursday afternoon.
5. Students who help on both Thursday and Saturday will receive a special gift.
6. The opportunity to be a servant leader
7. To actively demonstrate our EPPIIC Values as we welcome new students and their families to Millersville University

* Students: Please note that if you sign up, move into the residence halls early as a Mover & Shaker, and do not participate as promised, you will be billed accordingly for the early move-in period as well as the cost of the shirt. Non-residents will also be billed accordingly for the shirt. 
**Returning Honors LLC students looking to volunteer only for Wednesday’s LLC move-in should contact Kereah in the Honors College and not fill out the form below. 
Sign up will end promptly at 4:30 PM on Friday, August 16, 2024.

This is an exciting opportunity as it brings our University community together to celebrate the beginning of the new academic year. We hope you’ll be a part of this great tradition!

Millersville University Housing Move-In Packing Checklist

As you prepare to embark on your exciting journey to college, packing can feel both thrilling and overwhelming. Ensuring you have everything you need for your new home away from home is crucial for a successful year. From residence hall essentials to personal items, being well-prepared will help you settle in comfortably and confidently. To help you get started, we’ve created a comprehensive checklist of suggested and recommended items to pack for your stay here at Millersville University.

  • Alarm clock
  • Trash can
  • Storage bins
  • Hangers
  • Posters
  • Fan
  • Food
  • Shower curtain & liner
  • Towels & washcloths
  • Robe & shower shoes
  • Shampoo & conditioner
  • Body wash & face wash
  • Razors & shaving cream
  • Toilet brush & plunger
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Small trash can
  • Toilet paper
  • Plates & bowls
  • Mugs & glasses
  • Silverware
  • Paper towels
  • Napkins
  • Microwave
  • Mini fridge
  • Laptop & charger
  • Phone charger
  • Power strips
  • Television
  • Headphones or earbuds
  • Batteries
  • Laundry basket or bag
  • Detergent or pods
  • Fabric softener
  • Dryer sheets
  • Quarters
  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • Contact lens products
  • Skin care products
  • Hair style products
  • Deodorant
  • Body spray
  • Bed sheets
  • Pillow cases
  • Mattress pad
  • Comforter
  • Pillows
  • Blankets
  • Folders & notebooks
  • Sticky notes & index cards
  • Highlighters & markers
  • Pens & pencils
  • Scissors & stapler
  • Tape & tacks
  • Paper clips
  • Calculator
  • Planner
Miscellaneous Items
  • Key ring/ID holder
  • First aid care
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Hand soap
  • Trash bags
  • Flashlight

Please take notice that toilet paper and cleaning products are not included or supplied by the university. These items are strictly the resident’s responsibility to provide. 

Click here to download this as a PDF. If you have not already, please check out the two most recent blog posts, Housing Move-In Checklist and Fall 2024 On-Campus Housing Move-In Information, as well. 

If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns regarding the information above, please reach out to our office through email at housing@millersville.edu

Millersville University Fall On-Campus Housing Move-In Checklist

Welcome to a new academic year! Moving into college housing is an exciting time filled with new opportunities and experiences. To ensure a smooth transition, we’ve created a comprehensive Fall Move-In Checklist to help you stay organized before moving in and throughout the process. We hope our guide will make your move-in day stress-free and enjoyable. Let’s get started and make this the best year yet!
Prior to Moving-In

Room assignments were released on July 12th for the upcoming academic year. Sign in to Max>MyHousing to view your residence hall, room assignment, and suitemate(s). Familiarizing yourself with this information before arriving on campus is important. In addition, be sure to read the Fall 2024 On-Campus Housing Move-In Information blog post to determine what day and time you are designated to move-in. It is also highly recommended to reach out to your suitemate(s) to discuss who will bring what and to start getting to know each other.

On Move-In Day

As you approach campus, please follow the directional arrows to your appropriate residence hall. There will be a designated unloading area; park one vehicle here and any additional in the specified parking area. Once you are completely done unloading, move your vehicle to the specified parking area as well. If you have any questions or need assistance, student volunteers will be available to assist you.  After relocating your car, check in at your assigned residence hall to receive your room key and room condition report. Make sure to complete this form by the end of the day, as this important to the staff.

Click here to download this checklist as a PDF. Also, this Move-In Packing Checklist is highly recommended for students living on-campus here at Millersville University as well.

If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns regarding the information above, please reach out to our office through email at housing@millersville.edu

Millersville University Fall 2024 On-Campus Housing Move-In Information

As the Fall 2024 semester approaches, we want to ensure you’re prepared for moving into the residence halls at Millersville University. Please read the information below to understand how to get ready and what to expect during the move-in process.


Residence hall building and room assignments will be available within your student account (i.e., MAX > MyHousing) on Friday, July 12, 2024, after 3:00 p.m.  We appreciate your patience as we continue to make adjustments to room assignments through that time.


Below are the dates and times you may move onto campus based upon your specific residence hall assignment and whether you are a new, returning, or transfer student. This schedule is designed to mediate the flow of traffic and avoid congestion in and around the residence halls created by the large number of students and families. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to this schedule. We look forward to having you here at the ‘Ville!


All Halls: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

There is still some space available for LLC participation so we encourage more students to apply via the links listed above.

*LLC and Affinity Community students will receive more information individually regarding the Wednesday evening “LLC Welcome BBQ” in the weeks prior to move-in.


East Village and West Village

8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.                 Terrace and First Floors

10:00 a.m. – Noon                          2nd Floor

Noon – 2:00 p.m.                            3rd Floor

South Village

11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.                      Terrace and First Floors

12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.                 2nd Floor

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.                    3rd Floor

3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.                    4th Floor

Shenks Hall

Noon – 2:00 p.m.                            2nd and 3rd Floors

2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.                    1st Floor


East and West Villages 

8:00 a.m. – Noon          All Floors

South Village

Noon – 5 p.m.                                    All Floors

Shenks Hall

9:00 a.m. – Noon                            1st and 2nd Floors

Noon – 3:00 p.m.                            3rd Floor

Bard Hall

9:00 a.m. – Noon                            1st and 2nd Floors

Noon – 3:00 p.m.                            3rd Floor


East and West Villages 

8:00 a.m. – Noon                            All Floors

South Villages

Noon – 5:00 p.m.                            All Floors

Shenks Hall

Noon – 5 p.m.                                  All Floors

Bard Hall

Noon – 5 p.m.                                 All Floors


Fall semester classes begin

***Click for additional 2024-2025 Academic Year dates.***

 Route & Parking Maps

The links below will open PDF route and parking maps. Please follow the appropriate route for your particular residence hall:

Black Route – Shenks Hall and West Village

Green Route – East and South Village

Blue Route – Bard Hall

Move-In Day Expectations

Once you arrive to campus during your designated day and time, here is what you can expect:

  • Family and / or friends may accompany you for the move-in process for help, but we encourage you to limit the number of individuals needed for support due to traffic congestion and parking availability concerns.
  • The entire move-in process can take between 1-2 hours long during peak periods.
  • Upon your arrival to campus, you will see signs pointing you where to go.
  • Please note that if you have more than one vehicle, only one at a time will be permitted to park next to the building for unloading.
  • When you arrive at your hall, you will be able to unload your belongings. The driver will immediately move the car to the designated parking area while you go to the check-in area to receive your keys.
  • We will have a limited number of student volunteers (“Movers & Shakers”) on hand to help. If you would like assistance, available Movers & Shakers will help you load your belongings into large carts for transport to your room as quickly as possible.
  • Due to the high number of new students moving in, at times you might find it easier to move yourself in without help from a volunteer Mover & Shaker.
  • After you unload the vehicle, you will need to move it to an open parking area, which may be on another part of campus. You will be directed to these areas.
  • We encourage you to pack lightly and bring any hard carts that you may have to expedite your move-in process.

Residential Student Mail and Package Information

Please read this short blog post regarding the mail delivery process here on campus and how students must have their mail and packages addressed. You can also reference the University Mail Services webpage for additional information.

Movers & Shakers Volunteering Opportunity

The Department of University Housing & Conference Services (UHCS) is looking for returning students to serve as volunteer  “Movers & Shakers” for move-in and traffic flow assistance on Thursday, August 22, 2024, from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, August 24, 2024, from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Movers & Shakers are responsible for meeting and greeting new students, their families, helping to move students’ belongings into their rooms, and assisting MUPD with traffic flow. Student volunteer registration will be forthcoming in mid-July.

Please feel free to email our office at housing@millersville.edu if you should have any questions or need further clarification on any of the move-in information provided above.