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From Residence Hall to Home

College. Your home away from home. There is nothing more important than your space. It is the place you begin and end your day with. And even if you wish to ignore it, your space has countless effects on your frame of mind. So, let us discuss some easy tactics for making your residence hall and college experience one to look back on and smile about.  

Utilize something that reminds you of home. Whether that is a small keepsake that a parent gave to you or a framed picture of you and friends, having reminders of home serve as nice decorative touches for your room. Have something that you will look at and be immediately reminded of your home, however that is defined for you. Home is often a mindset rather than just a physical space.  

Curtains for your closet. Install some curtains to act as a door to your closet. This will prevent your closet contents from being visible to everyone that enters your suite. To install this easy fix, I recommend purchasing an adjustable curtain rod with stoppers on the ends, to best fit your closets size. Do not forget to measure your closet when purchasing a curtain, as well. Then, just put the curtain on the rod and adjust the rod to the desired length to secure it as a make shift door on your closet. Somewhere such as Amazon is the perfect place to find these items at an inexpensive price. And if this explanation is not suitable for you, YouTube is a great resource for researching this hack.

Always remember the word “comfort”. At the end of the day your residence hall room is your space. You sleep, do homework, have friends over, relax, and even eat there sometimes. Remember that your suite is multifunctional. So when you are shopping for items to fill your space with, do not forget while the residence hall is your bedroom, it is also your living room, study space, and kitchen. 

Go for interchangeable and inexpensive décor. College is a time of immense change. Throughout the several years you spend here, I would be willing to bet your style will alter. So, instead of spending an unnecessary amount of money on décor, lower the budget a bit and buy interchangeable items.  

Acknowledge that home is not always a physical space. While aesthetic décor, plants, and framed pictures are great, it is also important to realize that home is so much more than the space you spend your days in. It is a feeling, the people you surround yourself with, and the memories you make in that space. While a residence hall room can be so different from what you are used to, it can be just as sweet of an experience with the right mindset and people to fill the space.  

College is a time to truly grow into yourself and the person that you are away from the people that have shaped you for most of your life. While it is great to remind yourself of where you came from, do not forget to make your own memories and definition of home. 


Gabrielle Krick is a senior Business Administration major with a concentration in Management and minor in Marketing at Millersville University. Her interests include human resources, social media marketing, and content marketing. When she graduates in May 2023, Gabby hopes to work for a large company’s human resources department, specifically representing minorities and the LGBTQ community. She hopes to either stay in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area or move somewhere near Rehoboth, Delaware.  

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