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True or False: How Much Do You Know About Millersville’s History?

Think you know a lot about Millersville University? Test your knowledge by trying to answer the following true or false questions about MU! If you don’t know much about Millersville’s history, then keep reading for some interesting facts that you’ve probably never heard before and that you can impress your friends with.

All facts and information provided in this blog post are from the book “We Sing to Thee: A History of Millersville University” written by Dr. Dennis Downey, retired professor of history and former Director of the Millersville Honors program.

1. Millersville University was established in 1855, but was not named “Millersville University” until 1983.

TRUE! Millersville University was previously known as the “Lancaster County Normal School” and was renamed the “Millersville State Normal School” in 1859. The name was changed again in 1927 to “Millersville State Teachers College,” but once it started offering baccalaureate degrees, it became “Millersville State College” in 1959. Finally, the school was named “Millersville University” in 1983.

2. Millersville University’s yearbooks were originally entitled “The Wickersham”.

TRUE! The first yearbook was published in 1899 and was titled “The Wickersham” until 1901 when it was changed to “The Millersvillian.” It was changed for the last time (as of right now) in 1909 to “The Touchstone.”

3. After World War II, the return of veterans as well as the baby boom caused Millersville University’s (known as “Millersville State Teachers College” at the time) student population to double in size. 

FALSE! The student population actually tripled to more than 700 students within two years following World War II. Veterans were excited about the benefits of receiving an education and the opportunities it would provide for their families. 

4. The first study abroad opportunity was for Marburg, Germany, and was offered to German-language students starting in 1963. 

TRUE! This study abroad experience paved the way for other study abroad opportunities in places such as Great Britain, Ireland, China, and Eastern Europe.

5. Millersville University officially opened on August 17, 1855.

FALSE! Millersville University (then known as the “Lancaster County Normal School”) opened in the borough of Millersville on April 17, 1855, not August 17. Nearly 150 students enrolled in the school which was established as a three-month institute for teacher training. Lancaster County Normal School was actually the first normal school in Pennsylvania! 

6. In the year 1860, almost 80% of the student population was female. 

FALSE! In 1860, 341 of the 443 total number of students enrolled were men, and the remaining 102 students were female. In 1890, the trend of more male students than female students had stopped, and the number of male versus female enrollments was fairly equal. In 1895, there were 590 female students enrolled and 533 male students enrolled, making it the first year since 1856 that there were more female students than male students. 

How many of these facts did you know? Let us know in the comments!

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