Bored on a Friday night? Housing and Residential Programs is teaming up with the Board Game Club! Every Friday from 6-9 in South Village’s Great Room, the Board Game Club meets to play games, hang out with friends, and have fun. HARP has purchased more games and supplies free food every week.
The Board Game Club has a variety of games, including Catan Explorers and Pirates, Scopa, Traitor Mechanic, My Hero Academia: The Card Game, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Battle Cry, Exploding Kittens, Risk, and Pictionary.
Dungeons and Dragons is also played frequently on campus. In addition to DnD, the club also runs other RPG campaigns. This semester, they are running a Dungeon World campaign and a Sentinels of the Multiverse RPG campaign. They have also done one-shots for Mage the Awakening, Fiasco, and the Pokemon RPG game.
In addition to meeting on Fridays in the Great Room, the Board Game Club also meets every Wednesday from 6-9 in Luek 100. Although HARP doesn’t supply free food on Wednesdays, there’s still plenty of fun to be had!
Join the Board Game Club’s Discord here.