Right Now It’s April, but soon It’s Gonna Be May!

We are now in April, but what does that mean exactly? We find ourselves scrambling to get ourselves together mentally, physically, and socially. It takes a lot to get through the semester—with all the tests, quizzes, no sleep, calling your parents, and keeping a balanced diet. Trying to keep all of these factors in line, it is difficult to think about how the days pass and what you have to do to stay on top of your life.

Its Gonna Be May

April is crunch time. You submit those final papers, beg your professors to turn that 68 into a 90, and hope that we will finally see Spring weather. Whatever the case may be, with all those present worries, it is hard to make time for yourself and step away from school. But there are ways you can move past this April slump and make the best of May with the following tips and tricks to conquer Spring semester!


  1. When studying, study with a friend so they can help you succeed!
  2. Don’t let the stress, stress you out.
  3. Get a planner and plan ahead for upcoming events.
  4. Take time for yourself; self-care is important.
  5. Get some gains, go to the gym and exercise.
  7. Get your rest and count those sheep!
  8. Make sure you stop and breathe—breathing helps you stay alive.
  9. Distract yourself with family and friends, they can be a great resource.
  10. Counseling is a good resource for a stress-free environment.

There are always resources readily available to students who feel the overwhelming amounts of stress this time around. These tips and tricks can really keep a student calm in the midst of chaos and the seemingly unbearable stress. Millersville’s Center for Counseling & Human Development also offers tips to deal with stress and ways to manage it. http://www.millersville.edu/counsel/  This link will connect you to available resources if you find yourself looking for that additional help to free yourself from the burden of stress. Look to the future, knowing that you are not alone even with May slowly approaching! There is always someone there to help!


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