The residence halls will close for the semester break with residents expected to move out of the residence halls. Residents who do not have extenuating circumstances and are not approved for break housing are expected to remove all belongings, return the residence hall key and properly checkout of the residence hall no later than Noon on Saturday, November 21, 2020.
Residents requesting housing during the semester break must apply for and be approved for Semester Break housing as directed below. Resident Students requesting Academic Semester Break Housing for the period of November 21, 2020 through December 13, 2020 — or — Continuous Semester Break Housing for the period of November 21, 2020 through January 24, 2020 must have an approved reason for and apply no later than Friday, October 30, 2020 by 4:00 PM. Break approvals will be limited to those who have a credit-bearing requirement through December 13, 2020, those who have international student status, or are of independent status as recognized by the Office of Financial Aid. Notification of approval or denial will be made by e-mail on or before Wednesday, November 4, 2020.
Academic Semester Break Housing starts Saturday, November 21, 2020 through the end of the academic fall semester at 6:00 PM on Sunday, December 13, 2020. Approved students must fully move out and check out of the residence hall by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday December 13, 2020.
Continuous Semester Break Housing starts Saturday, November 21, 2020 through the opening of the residence halls for Spring 2021, on Sunday January 24, 2021. Approved students must be registered for on-campus housing for Spring 2021 prior to requesting unbroken semester break housing. Those few that are approved for Continuous Semester Break Housing will be required to relocate to South Village for the duration of the break and through the Spring 2021 semester. This is due to the maintenance and housekeeping responsibilities performed over semester break and limited amount of staff that will be available.
To request Semester Break Housing please follow these instructions:
- Open MAX (for best results please use Google Chrome, or Firefox; do not use Internet Explorer.)
- Log into your “My Housing” account.
- Select Application from the menu in black and then choose Break Housing 2020 on the drop-down menu.
- Select Academic Semester Break Housing: This is housing that ends at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 13, 2020.
- Or select Continuous Semester Break Housing: This is housing continuing through Sunday, January 24, 2021.
- You must select a reason for requesting break housing from the drop-down menu.
- If you chose “Other” please specify your reason. Maximum of 160 characters with spaces.
- Select “Continue” to submit your application.
Semester Break Housing Information:
- The residence halls will be closed during Semester break except for students approved for Academic or Continuous Break housing.
- Building card access for all resident students will be discontinued during the Semester break. Only students with extenuating circumstances who are approved for Semester Break housing will have card access privileges.
- Guests and Visitation will not be permitted during Semester Break housing.
- Residence Hall Offices will have limited hours of operation during the break. The information will be posted at the South Village front desks for contact information.
- See Dining Services and Health Services web sites for hours of operation.
- Non-urgent police calls dial (717) 871-4357.
- Fire, Police and EMS Emergencies dial 911 at all times.
- The Housekeeping and Facilities Management Staffs will be working in the campus residence halls to perform maintenance tasks during the break that may require entrance to occupied resident rooms. The Housing Staff may post a courtesy sign on occupied suite doors indicating that the suite is occupied during the semester break. This sign will ensure that workers will not enter without knocking. Please leave it in place for the duration of the semester break.
Semester Break Checkout Procedures
Prior to the start of the Semester break, all resident students MUST:
- Dispose of all trash by removing it to the dumpster in the parking lots outside your residence hall.
- Clean the room/suite including sweeping the floor and wiping down furniture.
- Clean your bathroom and report any issues with constant run toilets, sinks, showers to the residence hall staff.
- Remove all belongings from your suite, properly checkout and return your room key to residence hall staff as directed.
- Turn off the lights.
- Set the thermostat to 70 degrees.
- Close and lock your room window (Villages).
- Lower the blinds halfway but leave them open (Villages).
- Lock your bedroom door and your suite door.