Meet the Spring 2023 University Housing Marketing Manager Intern – Gabrielle Krick

My name is Gabrielle Krick, and I am the marketing manager intern for University Housing & Conference Services during the Spring 2023 semester. This internship allowed me to gain valuable experiences in the behind-the-scenes of marketing and management at a university. I also learned an immense amount of information about what goes into making the residence halls as incredible as they are. I am extremely grateful for this experience and what it has done for my growth, both professionally and personally.

What did you learn about marketing and blogging?

I learned a lot more goes into marketing and blogging than what I previously realized. Originally, I thought that multiple posts could be completed within a day, but I very quickly realized a singular post could take days to actually curate, particularly if outside sources are being used to contribute to the post.

It is also a job that often has undetermined hours. There were days I was done with work by lunch time and others where I logged into our social media at 8 p.m. to work on posts. Monitoring social media is a very timely process that definitely has its sweet spots for ensuring an ample success rate.

Finally, I feel I really learned what exactly my voice is in the blogging realm. While there is a right and wrong way to blog, especially when you are the voice behind a university department, it is also important to differentiate yourself from every other blog by appropriately using your voice. This semester, I found my voice, and what I plan for it to be in the future.

What did you learn about yourself?

I learned I can handle a lot more than what I previously expected of myself.  While working 20 hours a week on this internship, I also had three courses I was taking, another part-time job, and two clubs that I am on the board for. In the beginning weeks of the semester, it was a lot. So much so, that I thought there was no way I could handle it all for the duration of a 15-week semester. I persevered though, nailed down my routine, and made it through my final semester as an undergraduate student. I learned I am capable of so much more than I give myself credit for.

What is your favorite blog post that you wrote?

My favorite blog post that I wrote is The Dos and Don’ts of Getting Involved in College. This was a really personal piece for me. The organizations I am apart of at Millersville University are truly what have gotten me through the past four years. Without these outlets, I do not know that I would have made it, and it was surreal getting to share those experiences through a blog post that I hope helped at least one student.

What was your most memorable project?

My most memorable project was more of a general experience that I got to participate in throughout the semester. I was able to work with an actual marketing team. It was incredibly exciting and rewarding getting to interact and collaborate with professionals in areas I hope to work full-time in after graduation. Also, witnessing them interacting, specifically on Microsoft Teams, was interesting. While it may have seemed insignificant to them, I was taking note each day of how my coworkers were operating successfully as a team, rather then just individuals.

What are your plans for the future?

I am currently planning to move to Philadelphia to pursue an undetermined role in marketing. I am excited to venture out of the small town I have spent most of my childhood in and be closer to family in the process.


Gabrielle Krick is a senior Business Administration major with a concentration in Management and minor in Marketing at Millersville University. Her interests include human resources, social media marketing, and content marketing. When she graduates in May 2023, Gabby hopes to work for a large company’s human resources department, specifically representing minorities and the LGBTQ community. She hopes to either stay in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area or move somewhere near Rehoboth, Delaware.  

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