The residence halls will be open on a scheduled appointment basis slated to start May 18, 2020 and continue into June 2020. The appointment schedule is required to accommodate restrictions for social distancing mandated by the Office of the Governor of Pennsylvania and so that we can provide the safest possible checkout process for our students and their family members who accompany them to campus. Please read and carefully follow these instructions:
Prepare to travel to campus for final checkout:
- Review the instructions sent in the e-mail announcing the residence hall checkout schedule.
- Follow the instructions to access the Sign-up Genius link for your particular residence hall and select an available checkout appointment day and time.
- Each person traveling with you must bring and wear a face mask throughout the checkout process.
- Each person traveling with you is encouraged to bring and wear gloves.
- Do not bring pets with you to the checkout.
- Limit the number of people with you to only those necessary to assist with removing your belongings from the residence hall.
- Allow enough travel time to arrive at your designated appointment time.
- Remember to bring your room key and Millersville University ID card.
- Access to moving carts will be limited. Please bring your own carts and moving devices if possible.
- Storage on campus is NOT available. Consult local storage rental agents if you choose to not take everything home.
Once You Arrive On Campus For Final Checkout:
We are using an express checkout to limit face to face contact. You will not need to have a staff member check your room. You are only expected to remove your belongings, return your room furniture to the proper location and height, and remove any trash or unwanted items.
- Access your residence hall using your Millersville University ID card. Doors will be locked to limit foot traffic.
- Remove all belongings from the residence hall.
- Remove all trash from your room/suite and take it to the trash dumpsters in the parking lot for proper disposal. There is no trash disposal inside the residence hall.
- Check behind doors and in the shower cubby areas to be certain you have collected all belongings.
- Check electrical outlets for forgotten charger plugs.
- Pull out all drawers to check for items in the back.
- Check under the bed for forgotten items.
- Return beds that have been lofted or lowered to the appropriate height (usually the 3rd and 4th slots).
- Close and lock your room window.
- Lower the window blind and leave them open.
- Set the thermostat to 70 degrees.
- Turn off all lights.
- Lock your room door and suite door.
- Bring your room key to the lobby area and follow the instructions for automatic key return using the return envelope system there.
- Complete the information on the envelope, place the key in the envelope and seal it.
- Deposit the envelope in the designated express checkout box.
- Have a safe trip home.
Check these websites for updates on travel advisories, notices, recommendations and restrictions due to the prevalence of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Millersville University Coronavirus update webpage
Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Travelers Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
PA Department of Health (PA-DOH)
World Health Organization (WHO)
American College Health Association (ACHA)
Have a safe and successful summer. We’ll see you for the Fall Semester!