Glowing Through The Darkness Event

The Center for Health Education and Promotion will be partnering with the Social Advocacy Living Learning Community and Lambda Chi Alpha to host Glowing Through the Darkness. This event supports mental health awareness and participants will be able to walk, roll or run around the quad in the Mental Health Awareness Mile. The event will also have information and activity tables. By participating in the event, you will be supporting those who are affected by suicide and mental health. Engaging in the event will also take the first steps towards breaking the stigma around mental health. Mental Health is very important and affects many people here at Millersville, so it is crucial that we acknowledge it and support those who are affected.

 Glowing Through the Darkness will take place on April 25th from 7-8pm. Check-in will start at 6:30pm on the quad. After the Mental Health Awareness Mile, there will be a glow party for students which will celebrate life in the SMC MPR starting at 8pm. To sign up for the event, there is a link below or you can register at the MU ticket booth.

Make sure to come out and support those affected by mental health and suicide.

Register through this link ! For more information on the Social Advocacy Living Learning Community click here. We hope to see you there!



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