- Name
Cross Truesdell
- Major
- Year
- Hometown
Danville, PA
- Hobbies
Working out, fishing, hiking, hunting, and playing basketball
- Why did you want to become a RA?
One of the main reasons I wanted to become a RA was to have the ability to make the living community in the residence halls better. Being away from home is hard, but as a RA I want to be able to create a home away from home for my residents.
- What is the most valuable part of being a RA?
The most valuable part of the job is being a person that residents can come to with their problems and concerns. I want the residents to be able to see that I can be that supporting factor to them when they have things going on or if they are having problems, I want to be there to help.
- What is your favorite program you held for your residents?
My favorite program was one that I held with my RA partner when we had the therapy dogs come to the building. A lot of the residents came out to learn more information on the dogs and what the dogs can and cannot do when they have their vests on. It was also a plus that the dogs were really cute.
- What do you hope your residents get out of you being their RA?
I hope they learn to be more social and respectful to others in the building. I think it is very important to realize that there is more out there in the world than your hometown, you just have to be social and inclusive with your peers.
- Do you have any valuable tips or tricks that you have learned from your time here at MU to pass on to other students?
I think the best tip or piece of advice is to be more social and more outgoing.
- What is your favorite part of living in the residence halls?
The best part I think is getting to interact with more people.
- Why did you choose to come to Millersville?
Originally my mom chose this school for me because it was the best that money can afford, but I really like how there is a small student to teacher ratio.
- What is your favorite class you have taken at Millersville?
I think it would be Neurobiology.
- Do you have any upcoming events?
No, not yet but I just held an event with RA Rhys about studying and study tips.
- What is one goal you have set for this semester?
To complete enough of my thesis to present at Made in Millersville.