Category Archives: Room Selection

Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 Housing Applications / Room Selection Process

Important On-Campus Dates

November 25, 2024

Online application (including housing deposit) and roommate matching opens in the MyHousing account for Returning Students.

February 4 – 5, 2025

Shenks Hall Room Selection

February 7– 10, 2025

Same Room Selection

February 12 – 14, 2025

Single-Suite in Villages Room Selection

February 17 – March 7, 2025

Open Room Selection


Important Off-Campus Dates 

January 30, 2025

Off-campus application opens in the MyHousing Account for students with over 60 credits for Fall 2025.

February 1, 2025

UHCS will begin to process off-campus applications for students with over 60 credits.

March 7, 2025

Off-campus application temporarily closes due to scheduled campus software integration.

March 20, 2025

Off-campus application opens for all students, including under 60 credits. Students can also not submit commuter requests.

Summer 2025

UCHS will determine availability of Student Lodging (SLI) waivers for students with 30 – 59 credits and and start to process these applications.



On-Campus: On-campus housing is defined as residing in one of the following residence halls: Bard Hall, East Village, Shenks Hall, South Village, and West Village.

Off-Campus: Properties owned by Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) and other student housing options within the community.

Commuter: Students residing with a parent or court-appointed legal guardian at that person’s permanent home address who is commuting fewer than 40 miles one way. A notarized statement and supplemental statement are required.

For further information, please refer to the Millersville University Housing Residency Requirement policy.

Room Selection for the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 academic year will start in the spring semester. Students living on-campus will need to complete the following processes to participate:

Pre-Room Selection Process

As returning MU students, you will be able to select your own room for next year. To be able to participate, you must pay the $200.00 housing deposit and complete the Returning Student Housing Application: “RETURNING STUDENTS_HousingApplication_2025-2026.” (Please note, it will state “Spring 2026” term next to it as the application is for the entire 2025-26 academic year.)

  • To complete the housing application, you will log into your MyHousing Account. In your MyHousing account, you click on the Applications tab and complete the “RETURNING STUDENTS_HousingApplication_2025-2026.” You will need to complete the application to be eligible to participate in the room selection process.
  • You will pay the housing deposit in the housing application. Once you have completed the housing application, you will receive an email confirming the application was completed.

You can also select roommates by logging into your MyHousing Account. Once logged in, select the Roommate Selection tab and Select Roommates. For the term, choose Fall 2025 and you can then search for a roommate by first and last name. When you find your roommate, you will select them by clicking the Request Roommate option under the name. Please make sure you only select the number of roommates you want for the room type your looking for:

  • For a single suite, you can only select one (1) roommate as single suites are for two (2) students.
  • For a double suite, you can only select three (3) roommates as double suites are for four (4) students.
  • For same room selection, you cannot have any roommates selected as you can only select your same room (if that room is an available option for next year).

Room Selection Options

The room selection process will officially start on February 4, 2025

  • February 4 – February 5, 2025: Shenks Hall Room Selection
  • February 7 – February 10, 2025: Same Room Selection
  • February 12 – February 14, 2025: Single-Suite Room Selection in the Villages
  • February 17 – March 7, 2025: Open room selection in any hall for returning/current students.

Shenks Room Selection

This is room selection for students who wish to live in Shenks Hall, which is used primarily for returning students.

Same Room Selection

This is for students who currently live on campus and wish to live in the same room they are currently in for next fall. Please note that some rooms may not be available to be selected again based on different facility uses and rooms reserved for certain living-learning community (LLC) programs. Remember, to participate in the Same Room Selection, you cannot request a roommate. A current suitemate group that wishes to live together again must each pick separately.

Single Suite Room Selection

This is room selection for students who wish to live in single suites (i.e., suite with two (2) bedrooms and a shared bathroom for two (2) students). A limited number of single suites will be available for selection.

Open Room Selection

This is when you can select any room that is available in any of the residence halls, including Bard Hall.

Please remember that if you do not plan to live on-campus for the Fall 2025 – Spring 2026 term, you must be approved to live off-campus. To submit an off-campus request, log into your MyHousing Account and complete the “Fall 2025 Off-Campus Request” Application located in the Applications tab.


Below are frequently asked questions and their answers related to the off-campus waiver process to help you plan accordingly for the 2025-26 academic year.

Should I apply for on-campus housing for 2025-26 academic year?

If you are returning to Millersville University for the 2025-26 academic year and are not eligible for a 60+ credit waiver, you should apply to secure campus housing.

I will not have 60 earned credits until I finish the spring 2025 semester. Can I still apply for a waiver?

Yes. University Housing & Conference Services (UHSC) takes into consideration the anticipated number of credits that you will earn for the spring 2025 semester. Keep in mind that you can become ineligible if you decide to withdraw from or fail courses that will put you under the 60-credit mark by the end of the spring 2025 semester.

What if my friends I want to live with have 60+ credits and are approved, but I only have 30-59 earned credits?

Decisions regarding the availability for off-campus waivers for students with between 30 -59 credits will be determined in the summer of 2025. Additionally, those with 30-59 earned credits who are granted a waiver may only reside in Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) communities and not elsewhere off-campus.

Some of my intended roommates and I have received a 60+ credit waiver, but one (or more) have only have 30 – 59 earned credits. What should we do?

Students with only 30 – 59 earned credits are not guaranteed a waiver. You should proceed accordingly assuming that your friend may not be granted a waiver. It is recommended that you make off-campus roommate arrangements with students who do have a 60+ earned credit waiver.

If I do not have the required credit hours to move off campus, can I take summer classes to get the needed credits?

You may do so if this will place you at a level of 60 or more earned credits prior to the start of the fall semester.

What if I already signed a lease somewhere other than Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI)?

You may only sign a lease somewhere other than Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) if you have acquired a 60+ earned credit waiver and are approved by our office.

I received a waiver last year but never used it, can I use it this year?

No. You must apply for a waiver each year.

Can I transfer my waiver to someone else?

No. Waivers are not transferrable to other students.

If 30 – 59 credit waivers for SLI are granted, how are they chosen?

Waivers will be granted in sequential order by the date and time of the “Fall 2025 off-campus request application” until the number of waivers available are exhausted. Waivers granted for those 30 – 59 earned credits will not be based upon any intended apartment roommate arrangements that you may have.

If I do not know if I will be granted a 30 – 59 credit waiver, do I have to live on campus for the summer?

Students are not required to live on campus during the summer months but may do so.

Is there an appeal process for those students with 30 – 59 credits who were denied a waiver?

No. All decisions are final.

Fall 2023 On and Off Campus Housing Application Information


On-Campus: On-campus housing is defined as residing in one of the following residence halls: East Village, Shenks Hall, South Village, and West Village.

Off-Campus: Properties owned by Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) and other student housing options within the community.

Commuter: Students residing with a parent or court-appointed legal guardian at that person’s permanent home address who is commuting fewer than 40 miles one way. A notarized statement and supplemental statement are required.

For further information, please refer to the Millersville University Housing Residency Requirement policy:

Same Room Selection

“Same Room Selection” is for those students who currently live on campus and wish to live in the room they are currently in for next fall. Remember, to participate in this room selection, you cannot request a roommate. A current suitemate group that wishes to live together again must each pick separately.

Shenks Room Selection and Honors College Room Selection

This is room selection for students who wish to live in Shenks Hall or wish to live in Honor’s College Living Learning Community (LLC).

Single Suite Room Selection

This is room selection for students who wish to live in single suites (i.e., two private bedrooms and one shared bathroom in the Villages). A limited number of single suites will be available for selection.

Open Room Selection

“Open Room Selection” is when you can select any room that is available. There are two types: “Open Room Selection with Roommate Matching” (i.e., for students who have already requested a roommate) and “Open Room Selection without Roommate Matching” (i.e., for students who did not request a roommate).

Information Sessions (Zoom links to be provided later)

February 8, 2023: Fall 2023 Housing On/Off Campus Information Session @ 12:10PM – 1PM

February 9, 2023: Fall 2023 Housing On/Off Campus Information Session @ 6PM – 7PM

 Returning Student On-Campus Room Selection Timeline

Room selection for those current students who plan to live on campus next year. See below for important dates and information about the different types of room selection. Room selection is in MyHousing (self-service): MAX >> Student Services-Housing & Dining >> MyHousing.

February 1, 2023: On-campus application opens and roommate matching (through MyHousing)

March 1, 2023: Kick-Off of Room Selection Program (South Village Great Room)

March 14, 2023April 14, 2023: On campus room selection for Returning/Current students.

  • March 14 – 15, 2023: Same room selection
  • March 16 – 17, 2023:  Shenks Hall and Honor’s College LLC selection
  • March 22 – 23, 2023: Villages single suite selection
  • March 24 – April 14, 2023: Open room selection for returning/current students

Returning Student Off-Campus Timeline

See below for important dates and information about the different types of off-campus requests:  All requests are Applications in MyHousing (self-service):  MAX >> Student Services >> Housing & Dining >> MyHousing.

January 24, 2023: Returning student off-campus application opens in MyHousing.

February 1, 2023: UHCS will begin to process off-campus applications for students with anticipated 60 or more credits completed by the end of Spring 2023.

March 1, 2023: Students with under 60 credits who are within commuting distance (40 miles one way) can apply for commuting from legal residence with application and notarized document.

July 5, 2023: If there are available waivers to grant, students with 30-59 earned credits can apply for a waiver, but are not guaranteed, to lease with Student Lodging, Inc. The approval of affiliate waivers is at the sole discretion of the university.

July 10, 2023: UHCS will begin to process SLI applications for students with anticipated 30 – 59 credits completed by July 15, 2023.


Below are frequently asked questions and their answers related to the off-campus waiver process to help you plan accordingly for the 2023-24 academic year.

Should I apply for on-campus housing for 2023-24 academic year?

If you are returning to Millersville University for the 2023-24 academic year and not eligible for a 60+ credit waiver, you should apply to secure campus housing.

I will not have 60 earned credits until I finish the spring 2023 semester. Can I still apply for a waiver?

Yes. University Housing & Conference Services (UHSC) takes into consideration the anticipated number of credits that you will earn for the spring 2023 semester. Keep in mind that you can become ineligible if you decide to withdraw from or fail courses that will put you under the 60-credit mark by the end of the spring 2023 semester.

What if my friends I want to live with have 60+ credits and are approved, but I only have 30-59 earned credits?

While you will be able to apply for a waiver on July 5, 2023, there is no guarantee that you will obtain a waiver. Additionally, those with 30-59 earned credits who are granted a waiver may only reside in Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) communities and not elsewhere off-campus.

Some of my intended roommates and I have received a 60+ credit waiver, but one (or more) have only have 30 – 59 earned credits. What should we do?

Students with only 30 – 59 earned credits are not guaranteed a waiver. You should proceed accordingly assuming that your friend may not be granted a waiver. It is recommended that you make off-campus roommate arrangements with students who do have a 60+ earned credit waiver.

How many 30-59 credit waivers will be granted in July?

This will not be determined until immediately prior to July 10, 2023.

If I don’t have the required credit hours to move off campus, can I take summer classes so I do?

You may do so if this will place you at a level of 60 or more earned credits prior to the start of the fall semester.

What if I already signed a lease somewhere other than Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI)?

You may only sign a lease somewhere other than Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) if you have acquired a 60+ earned credit waiver.

I received a waiver last year but never used it, can I use it this year?

No. You must apply for a waiver each year.

Can I transfer my waiver to someone else?

No. Waivers are not transferrable to other students.

If 30 – 59 credit waivers are granted in July, how are they chosen?

The waiver application will open the first week in July in MAX. Waivers will be granted in sequential order by the date and time of application until the number of waivers available are exhausted. Waivers granted for those 30 – 59 earned credits will not be based upon any intended apartment roommate arrangements that you may have.

If I do not know if I will be granted a 30 – 59 credit waiver prior to July 10, 2023, do I have to live on campus for the summer?

Students are not required to live on campus during the summer months but may do so.

Is there an appeal process for those students with 30 – 59 credits who were denied a waiver?

No. All decisions are final.

Fall 2022 Housing Room Selection & Off-Campus Waiver Information

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 from 12:10 PM – 1:00 PM

Thursday, January 27, 2022 from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM


It’s time for room selection for those current students who plan to live on campus next year. See below for important dates and information about the different types of room selection. Room selection is in MyHousing (self-service): MAX >> Student Services-Housing & Dining >> MyHousing.

February 1, 2022: Housing Application and Roommate Selection Opens

Complete and sign the housing agreement and select specific roommates during this process.

March 15 – 16, 2022: Same Room Selection

“Same Room Selection” is for those students who currently live on campus and wish to live in the room they are currently in for next Fall. Remember, to participate in this room selection, you cannot request a roommate. A current suitemate group that wishes to live together again must each pick separately.

March 17 – 18, 2022: Shenks Room Selection and Honors College Room Selection

This is room selection for students who wish to live in Shenks Hall or wish to live in Honor’s College Living Learning Community (LLC).

March 22 – 23, 2022: Single Suite Room Selection

This is room selection for students who wish to live in single suites (i.e., two private bedrooms and one shared bathroom in the Villages). Limited number of single suites will be available for selection.

March 24 – April 15, 2022: Open Room Selection

“Open Room Selection” is when you can select any room that is available. There are two types: “Open Room Selection with Roommate Matching” (i.e., for students who have already requested a roommate) and “Open Room Selection without Roommate Matching” (i.e., for students who did not request a roommate).


It’s time for requesting to live off campus for current students who would like to live off-campus. See below for important dates and information about the different types of off-campus requests:  All requests are Applications in MyHousing (self-service):  MAX >> Student Services >> Housing & Dining >> MyHousing.

February 1, 2022 – Student Lodging Inc. (SLI) Waivers for students with 60+ completed credit hours opens:

Complete application in MyHousing. Completed credits the by end of Spring 2022 are used for validation. This process is for students planning on living at properties owned by the Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) affiliate student housing, which includes Brookwood, Wellness, and College View apartment options.

February 15, 2022 – Off-Campus (60+) and Commuter Requests application opens:

Complete application in MyHousing. Completed credits by end of Spring 2022 are used for validation. This process is for students planning on living in the community and have completed 60 credits.  This is also open for current students who plan to commute from legal residence within 40 miles one way of campus. Students under 60 completed credits need to have an additional notarized form signed for approval.

March 18, 2022 – Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) Waivers for 30-59 Completed credit hours opens:

Complete application in MyHousing. Completed credits by end of Spring 2022 are used for validation.  This process is for students requesting to live at properties owned by SLI, including Brookwood and Wellness, and have not completed 60 credits. LIMITED QUANTITY of these waivers are available each year.


  1. Submit: Students submit an application in MyHousing using the dates above for the particular request. Please allow five (5) business days for processing.
  2. Review: The Coordinator of Occupancy Management will review all requests in consultation with the Director of University Housing & Conference Services and / or their designee(s) with the intent of the Millersville University residency requirement and will render a decision. This decision will be given within five (5) business days when possible. Missing documentation will delay processing.
  3. Documentation: Students will receive and email of approval or denial.  At the time a housing waiver application is approved, any pre-existing, on-campus housing assignment is released. SLI waiver applicants will also be notified of the decision and waiver number if approved.


On-Campus: On-campus housing is defined as residing in one of the following residence halls: East Village, Reighard Hall, Shenks Hall, South Village, and West Village.

Off-Campus: Properties owned by Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) and other student housing options within the community.

Commuter: Students residing with a parent or court-appointed legal guardian at that person’s permanent home address who is commuting fewer than 40 miles one way. A notarized statement and supplemental statement are required.

For further information, please refer to the Millersville University Housing Residency Requirement policy:

More information about room selection will be released throughout the semester, so please continue to check your Millersville email and this blog for updates. Please subscribe to our blog (this website) to receive email alerts when updates are shared so you’ll be the first to know about them.

Upcoming Room Selection Events

Now that the Spring 2021 semester has officially begun, we’re so excited to share the fun events we’ve been planning with you! In addition to being enjoyable, these events will provide you with information about Housing and the Room Selection process which will be taking place in March. We strongly encourage you to come to as many events as you can. Plus, the more activities you participate in, the more likely you’ll be to win a $200 Housing Deposit Waiver!

Here’s a list of all of our upcoming events:

*Note: This post will be updated regularly as links to the events are created. If you’d like to attend an event that does not yet have a link, please check this page regularly as well as our social media accounts for information on how to access the event*

February 4th: Room Selection 101 Information Session from 6pm-7pm

  • Link: PASSCODE:Rooms101
  • Meeting ID: 973 0950 4889

February 9th: Among Us Game from 6pm-8pm

  •                        PASSCODE: Suspect
  • Meeting ID: 983 9730 3421

February 17th: Bingo with UAB from 8pm-10pm

  • RSVP here:

February 18th: Room Selection 101 Information Session from 6pm-7pm

  • Link: PASSCODE:Rooms101
  • Meeting ID: 973 0950 4889

February 24th: Kahoot with Campus Rec – Join in anytime from 6pm-10pm 

February 25th: “Bet your Assets” Jeopardy Game with PSECU, starts at 12:15pm

  • Link:
  • Meeting ID: 875 7470 2671

March 4th: Room Selection 101 Information Session from 6pm-7pm

  • Link: PASSCODE:Rooms101
  • Meeting ID: 973 0950 4889

March 8th: Among Us Game from 6pm-8pm

  • Link:         PASSCODE: Suspect
  • Meeting ID: 983 9730 3421

Note: This information may be subject to change.

Room Selection Dates:
  • March 1-18: Roommate Selection
  • March 9-11: Same Room Selection
  • March 15: Shenks Room Selection
  • March 16-22: Open Room Selection

We can’t wait for you to join us at our events! Make sure to remember the room selection dates above as room selection is necessary for preparing to live on-campus for the 2021-2022 academic year.


Lydia Shaloka is a senior Business Administration major with a concentration in Marketing at Millersville University. Her interests include digital marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing.  When she graduates in May 2021, Lydia hopes to work for a digital marketing agency either in or near her hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 

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Housing & Residential Programs Offers New Virtual Tours

Millersville University’s Department of Housing & Residential Programs (HARP) is proud to offer a new virtual tour option of all of our campus residence halls.  HARP partnered with Vivid Media in order to develop an immersive, virtual tour experience for current and prospective students to view what the residence hall room options look like on our campus.

Through this new platform, Millersville students and their families can explore the residence hall rooms in more detail to see the various amenities and conveniences that are offered to them prior to arriving on campus. Chris Jachimowicz, Director of New Student Programs notes, “Unfortunately the current health crisis means that we are unable to share MU’s fantastic residence halls with visitors in person. The new virtual tours, combined with our “walk through” display in the Lombardo Welcome Center, will ensure that prospective students and their families will get a good feel for what living in our halls will be like.”

The virtual tours feature each building with the option to explore each room type as well as the common areas, including study lounges, recreation rooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. In each specific building tour, visitors can click into a menu in the upper left-hand corner of the viewer to choose what type of area they would like to explore. Each room type and area is specifically listed. Additionally, there are four different viewing options to use, including the following: Explore 3D Space, Dollhouse View, Floorplan View, and Measurements. These options can be toggled by clicking on the corresponding icons on the bottom left-hand corner of the viewer. Hovering over each icon with the mouse arrow will indicate what each icon represents. The menu options will change dependent upon the current view that is showing.

Explore 3D Space | Dollhouse View | Measurements

Dollhouse View | Floorplan View | Measurements

Explore 3D Space

In this view, you can literally explore the area by clicking and progressing throughout the room as if you are actually there. Also, if you left-click and hold on the mouse, you can spin the view in all directions. The faint circles on the floor indicate the vantage point from that particular spot.

Dollhouse View

The Dollhouse View permits you to view the areas as if it were an dollhouse model. Again, if you left-click and hold on the mouse, you can spin the view in all directions. This is beneficial because it gives you a sense of the spaciousness of the room.

Floorplan View

The floorplan view gives you a simplistic overhead shot of the room that is being explored. This view can be used in conjunction with the Measurements option to manually click on any two areas to take a measurement. While we have various important measurements already listed for each residence hall, this is another option that can be used. Those measurements are listed under each residence hall‘s corresponding “Room, Bed, and Window Dimensions” section.

We hope that you will explore all of the residence hall buildings and see the features that each offer. You can see each particular building by clicking on the “Virtual Tour” links under the general information listed for each area listed here:

East Village

Reighard Hall

Shenks Hall

South Village

West Village

A special thank you goes out to Ms. Rita Miller, one of the Associate Director of Housing & Residential Programs, and the Vivid Media crew for putting together a wonderful offering for our Millersville University community! Another thanks goes out to Matt Rutkoski for assisting Rita in the set up process. Additionally, thank you to Chris Jachimowicz, Director of New Student Programs, and his team for coordinating the room display for our visiting guests.

Fall 2020 Room Selection Information

It is time to starting making plans about what type of room you want for the next school year. It is almost room selection time and you want to be prepared. If you are unsure how room selection occurs here are some tutorials:

Same Room Selection

Same Room is for those who wish to remain in the room they are currently in. Just remember that to participate in this room selection you cannot request a roommate.

Roommate Matching

This one is not an actual room selection. This is how you would request the people you would like to room with. After this you will want to request a room during Open Room Selection.

Open Room Selection With Roommate Matching

If you have your roommates already selected then you are going to follow these instructions.

Open Room Selection Without Roommate Matching

Open Room Selection is when you can select any room that is available. The link above is Open Room Selection when you did not request a roommate.

Room Selection Dates

  • Same Room: 3/3 – 3/5
  • Matching Roommate: 3/6 – 3/9
  • Shenks: 3/9
  • Open Room: 3/10 – 3/31

Planning is Suite!

On December 4, 2019, Housing and Residential Programs teamed up with PSECU to help current residents start budgeting to pay for their housing deposit and residence hall expenses for the 2020-2021 school year. Current residents who stopped by the table in the SMC were able to win a free 43″ Samsung TV or one of five housing deposit waivers.

Students unfamiliar with paying the housing deposit were also given instructions on where to pay the non-refundable deposit within their MAX account. On the Main Menu, students will click on the Housing Deposit link towards the bottom of the page.

(The student view of MAX will look a little different, but the Housing Deposit link is still the second from the bottom.)

Students will have the option of paying with a credit card or an electronic check.

The non-refundable housing deposit guarantees a room for Fall 2020, but it is applied to the Spring 2021 bill. Simply, your Spring 2021 housing bill will be $200 less than your Fall 2020 bill because you’ve already paid the $200 the prior Spring.

64 residents stopped by the table and entered the drawing. Yalina Ramos was the lucky winner of the free TV! Congrats!

Housing Selection Process for On-Campus and Affiliate Housing: Fall 2019 – Spring 2020

Please follow these steps to ensure that you have your student housing secured for the 2019 – 2020 academic year.

To Continue to Live On-Campus for Fall 2019 – Spring 2020

Steps to follow:

  1. Secure your on-campus housing by paying your $200 non-refundable housing deposit on your MAX account
  2. March 1 – 4, 2019: Match with your roommates. (Make sure it is mutual)
    • If you plan on living in the same room with the same roommates DO NOT match
  3. Select your room (Dates below)

You can select your room through your MAX account. Make sure you select your room according to the following schedule:

  • Shenks Hall Only: Tuesday, March 5, 2019. Please note that Shenks fills up very fast.
  • Same Room Selection: March 6th – March 10, 2019. DO NOT match with roommates if you are already living with them and want the same room.
  • Open Room Selection: March 19 – March 29, 2019

Remember the University’s Housing Residency Requirement:

All full-time undergraduate students with less than 60- credit hours earned are required to live on campus. On campus is defined as residing in one of the following residence halls: East Village, Reighard Hall, Shenks Hall, South Village, or West Village. Students interested in living off-campus must have completed at least 60 credits before they can move off-campus.

Students who have not yet completed 60-credit hours but have completed at least 30-credit hours can live in our affiliate housing. Affiliate housing is defined as any housing managed by Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI), which includes Brookwood, College View, Wellness, and other properties owned by SLI.

To Live in Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) Affiliate Housing

Steps to follow:

  1. Submit an off-campus request to HARP through MAX. See the instructions below.
  2. If approved, you will receive a waiver from HARP emailed with a specific waiver number. At that point, you may apply with SLI at their office. You must provide your printed waiver to the SLI office staff.
  3. Complete your application and payment with SLI. All students planning to live in an apartment together must have approved waivers before the SLI application will be accepted.

*Note: Affiliate housing waivers are limited and are based on a first come, first served basis provided that space is available.

HARP Off-Campus Request

  1. Log into your MAX account.
  2. Select Student Services. Then select Housing and Dining
  3. You will then choose Off Campus Housing Request for the Fall 2019 term.
  4. Provide all the required information and choose your off-campus option (Off-Campus / Student Lodging or Commuting).
  5.  Select I agree to the terms and your request will be submitted for Fall 2019.
  6. You will be notified regarding your waiver request.

If approved for SLI , you will receive two emails. One as an approval from MAX and one with the actual waiver number listed. You then must take this printed waiver to SLI as part of the application process.


Room Selection Smackdown! UPDATE!

Can you smell what Room Selection is cooking!? Well if you can, that means that is time to apply and secure your Housing for Fall 2018-Spring 2019! Of course around this time you get frantic not knowing where to live, but rest assured that when you’re done reading, all of your worries will go away!


If you already “Rock Bottomed” your Housing Deposit, then you are on the right track. If you haven’t already, put a “Smackdown” on that (non-refundable) $200. You still have time to do so! Housing Deposits have opened again effectively immediately! After that, you still want to be sure that you Apply Online and Sign the Housing Agreement: MAX Account->Student Services->Housing and Dining->My Housing->Apply Online 


Now you’re onto Matching Roommates! Since the time frame for the Housing Deposit has been changed, being able to select a roommate will considerably be more flexible for all of you! 25s7bf

You are almost done! You have Batista Bombed, Five Knuckle Shuffled, and RKO’d your way to successfully selecting your room! There is just one thing left to do…The dates of the Residence Hall openings either for a new dorm, same room, or open room are listed below:

Shenks Hall Only: March 23rd (Shenks fills up fast! You have been warned) 

Same Room selection: March 26th-March 29th 

New Residence Hall: March 29th-April 13th

Well would you look at that…you are the champion of Room selection. Be sure to talk with your friends about what you have read, so when the time comes rooming together will not be an issue! Also let parents know what your plans are so they can help too! Happy Room Selection. Be sure to adhere to the dates in bold and underlined they will help you!