Category Archives: Events / Programs

Networking In College

As we approach the end of the semester, topics such as networking start to cross our mind. Whether we are seniors preparing for the real world or freshmen bunkering down for the next few years, this topic can still be just as important to us both. Networking is a crucial part of a college student’s career development. So, here are some tips on how to network effectively as a college student.

Attend career fairs: Most colleges organize career fairs where you can meet with employers from various industries. Attend these events to learn about career opportunities and to connect with potential employers. Millersville has a career and internship fair each semester that is extremely helpful for connecting with potential employers.

Join student organizations: Joining student organizations related to your field of interest can help you meet other students who share your passion and can also provide opportunities for networking with alumni and industry professionals. It may not seem like the obvious answer, but sometimes the fun you have outside the classroom can also assist in helping you network.

Connect with alumni: Your college’s alumni network can be an excellent resource for networking. Reach out to alumni who are working in your desired field and ask for advice or mentorship. It is especially helpful if these alumni are working at your desired destination for employment.

Utilize social media: LinkedIn is a valuable tool for networking, as it allows you to connect with professionals in your field and join industry groups. Follow leaders and companies in your field on Twitter and other social media platforms to stay up-to-date on industry news and trends.

Attend workshops and events: Attend workshops and events related to your field to expand your knowledge and network with professionals in your industry. Some universities and clubs on campus offer these, or just research events close to where you live.

Informational interviews: Reach out to professionals in your desired field and ask for an informational interview. This can be a valuable opportunity to learn about their career path and gain advice on how to break into the industry. It is also great practice for the interview process that you will experience when searching for a job.

Remember that networking is about building relationships, so focus on building genuine connections with the people you meet. Keep in touch with your contacts and follow up with them periodically to maintain the relationship. Networking reflects the effort you put into it. Happy Spring! Only one month to go Marauders.


Gabrielle Krick is a senior Business Administration major with a concentration in Management and minor in Marketing at Millersville University. Her interests include human resources, social media marketing, and content marketing. When she graduates in May 2023, Gabby hopes to work for a large company’s human resources department, specifically representing minorities and the LGBTQ community. She hopes to either stay in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area or move somewhere near Rehoboth, Delaware.  

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The Dos and Don’ts of Getting Involved In College

One of the most important details of your development as a person while in college, yet one of the most overlooked, is getting involved. For most of us, college is the first extended period we have spent away from home. And while that thought may not invoke intense fear for you, it is still important to recognize this large shift in routine. You may feel right at home at college, or like you have it all figured out from the start, but getting involved on campus can only benefit you in the long run for countless reasons. So, let us discuss the dos and don’ts of getting involved in college.  

To start, use your resources. There is no need for “do’s and don’ts” if you do not even know what your college campus has to offer for clubs and activities. Millersville University makes it simple. Visit for all your organization, event, and involvement needs. The site is broken down into sections and makes it incredibly simple to sift through clubs and organizations that you may be interested in.  

Begin with the obvious. I have danced my whole life, so the first organizations that I sought out when I arrived on campus were Millersville’s Dance Team and Expressions Dance. It made complete sense, and as a senior, I am happy to say I have spent four amazing years with Expressions Dance and owe it to that club for introducing me to my lifeline friends. Then, go with the not so obvious. Just because you have a club you are set in does not mean that there are not others that are a great match for you as well. For me, that was Her Campus, an organization all about college women using their voices in an online magazine and blog site.  I joined because a dance friend recommended it, went to an info session, and fell in love with their message as a club. I have now been writing for Her Campus for over a year, allowing myself to speak my mind while also gaining blogging experience.  

Differentiate between organizations that are beneficial to your career or are just extracurriculars. Balancing between both is so important; you cannot have fun without the work. So, I recommend joining a club because it is something that you love and then also because it will give you experience. Brownie points if you can find a club that does both. Dance is fun for me, but I have no intention of going into the performance industry. I do however plan to go into the marketing world post-graduation, so, Her Campus has been extremely helpful in this sense with giving me real life blogging opportunities.  

Recognize when you need to step up. No matter if an organization is fun or all business, stepping up into a leadership role is always a great experience. Not only is it a great resume booster, but it is also an amazing opportunity to work with other students and faculty in a more professional sense. I have been lucky enough to be a teacher for Expressions Dance and serve on their board throughout my junior and senior years. This specific experience has taught me immense patience, accountability, and respect for my peers that I work with. As for Her Campus, I have had the pleasure of running their social media pages for the past school year. This has given me so much experience in the marketing aspect, which I have spent the past four years studying and hope to continue with my career.  

While joining an organization can be exciting, it is also important to recognize when it might not be the right fit. This could be due to scheduling conflicts, the amount of time involved, or not what you thought it was going to be, so it is alright to turn down a club. While college schedules are frequently flexible, you do still have a life. From alone time, to homework, and social events, you do not want to take away from these equally important things just because you want to join a club. Burnout is real and while your first year on campus may be jam packed and you made it through just fine, remember you still have at least seven semesters to go. And they only get busier. So be picky with your clubs and only join those few that you know you are either getting important experience from or extreme happiness.  

Despite the immense information just given, it is important to remember that clubs are supposed to be the stress relievers of college. I go to dance, and I forget about that massive project I have due next week and additional stressors that I have. While we are all here for an education, we are also all here for enriching experiences, and those experiences will not just come with sitting in a classroom. Get out of your residence hall, make new friends, and join an organization that you will miss come graduation.  


Gabrielle Krick is a senior Business Administration major with a concentration in Management and minor in Marketing at Millersville University. Her interests include human resources, social media marketing, and content marketing. When she graduates in May 2023, Gabby hopes to work for a large company’s human resources department, specifically representing minorities and the LGBTQ community. She hopes to either stay in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area or move somewhere near Rehoboth, Delaware.   

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2021-2022 University Housing & Conference Services Resident Assistant Awards

On Friday, April 29, 2022, after a two year hiatus, the Department of University Housing & Conference Services celebrated student staff success during the annual department banquet. We are very proud to announce the winners of the various accolades our department awards to outstanding service to the department, the University, and our students.

Dr. Clyde S. and Pauline F. Stine Award

Jamie VanHorn

The Dr. Clyde S. and Pauline F. Stine Endowed Scholarship was seeded in 1988, by Drs. George and Helen Stine as a tribute to the memory of Dr. George Stine’s parents. Dr. Clyde Stine was a member of the Millersville University Administrative Faculty for many years. He provided administrative oversight for the residence hall program as the Dean of Men.

Dr. George Stine, Professor of Sociology, and a founding member of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, retired in 2003, after a distinguished 37 years at Millersville University.  Dr. Helen Stine retired in 2003, after many years as a Reading Specialist serving the School District of Lancaster.

It is our honor to be one of very few Student Affairs Departments recognized with an endowed scholarship. Drs. George and Helen Stine chose to recognize a Resident Assistant because Dr. Clyde Stine viewed the residence halls as an important experience in the life of a scholar, and realized that Resident Assistants provide a fundamental role in the transition from student to new professional.

The Stine Award is given annually to a continuing Resident Assistant member of the junior class. The successful applicant must have a record of demonstrated outstanding service and positive contributions to the Department of Housing and Residential Programs and the general campus community. Applications are reviewed and the recipient selected by members of the Housing and Residential Programs Department Administration. The recipient will receive a monetary scholarship applicable to the expenses of their senior year.

The 2021-22 award recipient is Jamie VanHorn, an Art Education major from Highspire, PA. She has been a Resident Assistant in West Village since August 2021. Jamie has shown great strengths in the areas of role modeling and professionalism in her position as a Resident Assistant. In West Village, Jamie has made it a goal to know as many residents as she can and knows their first names. Jamie does her best to provide fun programs for the residents and is always available to talk when someone needs help or advice. She is always level-headed and never lets someone’s negative attitude bring her own attitude down. When dealing with a difficult topic, Jamie is always positive and tries to help everyone focus on the goal and stay determined. Any time there is a challenging situation, Jamie is always willing to help and take the lead on resolving the situation.

Academically, Jamie excels at making sure she is doing her best to reach her graduation goals and success for after college. Outside of the Resident Assistant Position, Jamie has been involved in other activities around campus and the community. Jamie volunteers at the Loft and works with the MU Color of Teaching organization, who goal it is to support current MU students of color that are education majors by providing them leadership opportunities and a support group network. Jamie currently presents at the MU student art exhibits, which helps get more student active in the art community. From 2019- 2020, Jamie was also a member of the Millersville University Marching Band. Jamie is committed to being a positive influence for students and for trying to help others here at Millersville and the community at large.

EPPIIC Staff Member of the Year

The EPPIIC Staff Member awards recognize one new and one returning RA staff member that best exemplifies what it means to be EPPIIC.


The resident assistant creates programs that engage residents.  The programs promote community and allow residents to expand their interests.   


The resident assistant is in good academic standing.  They are responsible and trustworthy.  They act as a role model to residents.  

Public Mission:  

The resident assistant is prepared to respond to issues in the halls.  They are cool and collect when incidents arise.     


The resident assistant promotes inclusion and equality.  They stand up for what is right and strive to create a welcoming community on their floor. They use their position to voice the concerns of residents to ensure the residents’ needs are met.    


The resident assistant tries their best in the role.  They don’t complete tasks that are expected of them for the recognition.  They do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.  


The resident assistant is available for their residents.  They make an effort in getting to know the interests of their residents and tries to implement said interests into programs and interactions with the residents.  When conversing with residents, the RA is empathetic and engaged in conversations.  They get to know their residents as individuals, not as another name on a door. 

Returning RA – Jimmeaha Mack (East Village)

Jimmeaha is a second-year resident assistant (RA), and the past two years have been filled with sunshine that Jimmeaha brings to the position. Jimmeaha serves as a role model for all residents throughout East Village and other RAs with whom she interacts.

New RA – Marissa Treibley (South Village)

Marissa has done a great job in her first year as an RA. She became a great mentor for her residents and created a welcoming environment for everyone on her floor. Marissa is a great communicator and handled many situations this semester with compassion ensuring all resident needs were met.

Program of the Year 
East Village – Jeopardy!

The program of the year for East Village was hosted by RA Jimmeaha Mack with the assistance of RA Evan Jones and was titled “Jeopardy!” This program took place in the Fall 2021 semester and was so popular that it attracted residents from East Village B as well. 

    • Jimmeaha Mack
    • Evan Jones
South Village – Puppy Play Session

The South Village program of the year was a puppy petting program put on by Jack, Ben, and Hunter. They brought in a couple service dogs in training for the residents to play and interact with. It was a great break for the residents and over 50 students attended.  

    • Ben Spangler
    • Jack Kopp
    • Hunter Ridge
Shenks/Reighard – Cupcake Decorating

The goal of this program was to provide students with a fun grab and go event where they could create their own items, while having fun interacting with the other students and staff involved.  This program let students’ express creativity and while students were allowed to just grab and go, many stayed to hang out and have fun.  Over 30 students stopped by the event and staff had a fun time getting to talk with their residents.  

    • Analise Fenwick
    • Victoria Wyszynski
    • Larry Jeter
    • Rosa Soriano Rosario
West Village – Acai Bowls : Part 2

The goal of this program was for students to learn social and emotional skills. Residents have been throughout a lot this semester and they need time to decompress and destress before finals.  The staff spent a lot of time buying the supplies and one staff member especially put a lot of working into prepping all the supplies needed for this event.  With over 100 students attending and almost all of them leaving with smiles, the goal of this program was met.  

    • Jaelinn Leftridge
    • Larry Jeter
    • Anthony Rodriguez
Spring 2022 RA Graduates

Congratulations to all of our 2022 Resident Assistant graduates!

Haley  Bucci  East Village  2 semesters (1 year) 
Chyna  Gubbings  East Village  4 semesters (2 years) 
Evan  Jones  East Village  5 semesters (2.5 years)  
Siaka  Kosha  East Village  6 semesters (3 years) 
Jimmeaha  Mack    East Village  4 semesters (2 years) 
Grace  Howell  Shenks  6 semesters (3 years) 
Sam  Mackey  Shenks  6 semesters (3 years) 
Niema  Abdullah  South Village  6 semester (3 Years) 
Amanda  DiPaula  South Village  6 semesters (3 Years) 
Andy  Hoffman  South Village  2 semesters (1 Year) 
Jack   Kopp  South Village  6 semesters (3 Years) 
CJ   Longo  South Village  4 semesters (2 Years) 
Ryan  Martin  South Village  6 semesters (3 Years) 
Jenna  Masenheimer  South Village  6 semesters (3 Years) 
Hunter  Ridge  South Village  2 semesters (1 Year)
Benjamin  Spangler  South Village  6 semesters (3 Years) 
Logan  Vandeweghe  South Village  4 semesters (2 Years)
Trinity  Young  South Village  4 semesters (2 Years) 
Olivia  Bernardini  West Village  2 semesters (1 year) 
Congratulations to all of our award winners! Thank you for all you do and keep up the amazing work!

Fall 2022 Housing Room Selection & Off-Campus Waiver Information

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 from 12:10 PM – 1:00 PM

Thursday, January 27, 2022 from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM


It’s time for room selection for those current students who plan to live on campus next year. See below for important dates and information about the different types of room selection. Room selection is in MyHousing (self-service): MAX >> Student Services-Housing & Dining >> MyHousing.

February 1, 2022: Housing Application and Roommate Selection Opens

Complete and sign the housing agreement and select specific roommates during this process.

March 15 – 16, 2022: Same Room Selection

“Same Room Selection” is for those students who currently live on campus and wish to live in the room they are currently in for next Fall. Remember, to participate in this room selection, you cannot request a roommate. A current suitemate group that wishes to live together again must each pick separately.

March 17 – 18, 2022: Shenks Room Selection and Honors College Room Selection

This is room selection for students who wish to live in Shenks Hall or wish to live in Honor’s College Living Learning Community (LLC).

March 22 – 23, 2022: Single Suite Room Selection

This is room selection for students who wish to live in single suites (i.e., two private bedrooms and one shared bathroom in the Villages). Limited number of single suites will be available for selection.

March 24 – April 15, 2022: Open Room Selection

“Open Room Selection” is when you can select any room that is available. There are two types: “Open Room Selection with Roommate Matching” (i.e., for students who have already requested a roommate) and “Open Room Selection without Roommate Matching” (i.e., for students who did not request a roommate).


It’s time for requesting to live off campus for current students who would like to live off-campus. See below for important dates and information about the different types of off-campus requests:  All requests are Applications in MyHousing (self-service):  MAX >> Student Services >> Housing & Dining >> MyHousing.

February 1, 2022 – Student Lodging Inc. (SLI) Waivers for students with 60+ completed credit hours opens:

Complete application in MyHousing. Completed credits the by end of Spring 2022 are used for validation. This process is for students planning on living at properties owned by the Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) affiliate student housing, which includes Brookwood, Wellness, and College View apartment options.

February 15, 2022 – Off-Campus (60+) and Commuter Requests application opens:

Complete application in MyHousing. Completed credits by end of Spring 2022 are used for validation. This process is for students planning on living in the community and have completed 60 credits.  This is also open for current students who plan to commute from legal residence within 40 miles one way of campus. Students under 60 completed credits need to have an additional notarized form signed for approval.

March 18, 2022 – Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) Waivers for 30-59 Completed credit hours opens:

Complete application in MyHousing. Completed credits by end of Spring 2022 are used for validation.  This process is for students requesting to live at properties owned by SLI, including Brookwood and Wellness, and have not completed 60 credits. LIMITED QUANTITY of these waivers are available each year.


  1. Submit: Students submit an application in MyHousing using the dates above for the particular request. Please allow five (5) business days for processing.
  2. Review: The Coordinator of Occupancy Management will review all requests in consultation with the Director of University Housing & Conference Services and / or their designee(s) with the intent of the Millersville University residency requirement and will render a decision. This decision will be given within five (5) business days when possible. Missing documentation will delay processing.
  3. Documentation: Students will receive and email of approval or denial.  At the time a housing waiver application is approved, any pre-existing, on-campus housing assignment is released. SLI waiver applicants will also be notified of the decision and waiver number if approved.


On-Campus: On-campus housing is defined as residing in one of the following residence halls: East Village, Reighard Hall, Shenks Hall, South Village, and West Village.

Off-Campus: Properties owned by Student Lodging, Inc. (SLI) and other student housing options within the community.

Commuter: Students residing with a parent or court-appointed legal guardian at that person’s permanent home address who is commuting fewer than 40 miles one way. A notarized statement and supplemental statement are required.

For further information, please refer to the Millersville University Housing Residency Requirement policy:

More information about room selection will be released throughout the semester, so please continue to check your Millersville email and this blog for updates. Please subscribe to our blog (this website) to receive email alerts when updates are shared so you’ll be the first to know about them.

Residential Area Director Matt Rutkoski Leads $6,000 Food Drive for the Campus Cupboard

Residential Area Director Matthew Rutkoski lead a very successful food and supply drive for the Campus Cupboard during spring 2021 finals week.  “After noticing that students had a lot of dining money left, I made it a point to reach out to students and encouraged them to use their remaining funds to purchase and donate food to the Campus Cupboard. I provided students with a list of items they could donate and let them know that they could leave the items in the lobby of each hall or they could contact me directly.” Items requested included non-perishable foods, water, other drinks, and cleaning & bathroom supplies.

Since that time, Matt picked up, sorted, collected, and transported all items to the Campus Cupboard.  The biggest donation came from the Millersville University College Dems Initiative, which was headed by Andrew Geer who also serves as a Resident Assistant. The group donated approximately $3,200 of food.  Additional supplies, such as water and cleaning supplies we also donated.  Overall, according to the calculations, approximately $6,000 worth of items were donated to the Campus Cupboard.

Ed Weber, Director of The HUB / Campus Cupboard, shared his gratitude. “This spring marks eight years of partnership between the Campus Cupboard Food Pantry at The HUB and Millersville University. We couldn’t serve students without the generous support of MU Faculty, Staff, and Administration. Typically, the end of a school year finds us with empty shelves and low supplies, but thanks to the end of semester food drive in the residence halls, we are stocked full and ready to continue to provide food assistance throughout the summer.  Special thanks to Matt Rutkoski for coordinating this effort.  During the past week, Matt delivered over eight carts filled with the food donations of students.  We appreciate our partnership with Housing and look forward to continuing to serve MU students together.”

Thank you to both Matt Rutkoski and Andrew Geer for putting our EPPIIC Values into action through your servant leadership efforts. We are proud to have you on the University Housing & Conference Services Team!

Explore Leadership Series

“The Explore Leadership series is for students at all levels of experience and involvement. This series will explore students personal purpose, values, privileges, health and wellness, transferable skills, goals, and community resources. We will explore various aspects of leadership and develop skills and self-awareness that will empower students to lead on campus and in their lives after graduation.”

We highly encourage you to attend the Explore Leadership Series Zoom sessions to get connected to your fellow PASSHE students and gain leadership skills!

Featured Sessions:

  1. Monday, November 2nd at 8pm: Community Connection
  2. Monday, November 9th at 8pm: Know Your Purpose, Know Your Values
  3. Monday, November 16th at 8pm: Community Resources
  4. Monday, November 23rd at 8pm: Diversity, Inclusion, & Privilege 
  5. Monday, November 30th at 8pm: Transferable Skills & Self Care
If you’re interested in receiving Zoom links for the sessions, fill out the interest form. 

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Follow us on social media:

Twitter: @villehousing. Twitter QR Code:

Instagram: @villehousing. Instagram Nametag:

Meet Millersville’s Circle K Club

Name of Organization

Circle K

Mission Statement (What Is Your Club / Organization About?)

Our mission is to “Provide service to the community and to campus; to provide the opportunity for leadership training through service.” We do this through off campus service events, as well as many service events during our weekly meetings. We also provide plenty of opportunities for leadership, including conferences and events designed to help your leadership skills.

Who Are the Leaders of The Organization?

President: Bryan Knight

Vice President: Jade Myers

Secretary: Sam Mackey

Treasurer: Brittany Hinderhofer

Why Should Someone Join Your Organization?

Members of Circle K get to make a difference in the world and help others in many ways. We also have a lot of fun together doing social events like group bowling, Jenga, and many others! Many benefits are provided to members including opportunities for scholarships, trips to conferences, and a great experience to add to your resume!

What Do You Do Within Your Organization?

We perform community service both on and off campus. We go out and trick or treat around Halloween and collect spare change to donate to UNICEF. We clean our section of Wabank Rd. through the Adopt a Highway program. In meeting, we make blankets and bookmarks, as well as write cards. That is just the beginning of the many service opportunities our members have!

What Do You Hope Your Members Get Out of Being Part of The Organization?

We hope to instill a love for service in all our members. We also hope that many new friendships are made, and that our members are excited to work together to help the community. After graduation, we want our members excited to find the nearest Kiwanis club to join, to continue to perform service well after their Circle K days.

Meet Millersville American Sign Language Learners’ Club

Name of Organization

American Sign Language Learners’ Club

Mission Statement (What Is Your Club / Organization About?)

In order to spread awareness and inclusion of the deaf community, this group of Millersville students will learn basic conversational ASL, proper etiquette, and everyday phrases. The goal will be to learn and be able to have interactions and conversations in ASL with deaf or hard-of-hearing people. Through collaborative instruction during weekly sessions, the students of the club will learn how to sign.

Who Are the Leaders of The Organization?

Alyssa Matchett, Emily Dunn, Jacob Coopersmith, and Taylor Michael

Why Should Someone Join Your Organization?

Anyone who would like to learn sign language may join! Sign language is a pathway into a much wider community of people. It is an amazing skill and tool for any job. No experience needed at all to start up with us!

What Do You Do Within Your Organization?

Each Thursday evening, we come together in McComsey 132 at 7:30pm. During our meetings, we discuss any news that has been happening in the deaf community and then go onto our curriculum guided by ASL Rochelle, a wonderful YouTuber who has great free resources for anyone who is unable to make it to the club!

What Do You Hope Your Members Get Out of Being Part of The Organization?

We hope that whoever comes to join our club gains knowledge about the deaf community & culture. We also hope that they can use the skills they learn in sign language in their everyday lives!

Any Upcoming Events?

A Quiet Place Part II showing at Manor Regal movie theater in Millersville – Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 7:30pm.

Meet Millersville’s English Club

Name of Organization

English Club

Mission Statement (What Is Your Club / Organization About?)

English Club’s purpose is to bring together like-minded individuals who appreciate literature and the arts.

Who Are the Leaders of The Organization?

Stephanie Wenger, Kevin Nix, Kayla Gold and Natalie Flory

Why Should Someone Join Your Organization?

We offer a place for creative people to congregate and provide a deeper understanding and appreciation for various aspects of the English discipline.

What Do You Do Within Your Organization?

We take trips to plays on-campus and off campus, we have game nights (including a Dungeons and Dragons night), trips to Renaissance Faire during the fall, the Escape Room, and we read short stories, discuss our views on it, and then we have a creative activity to go with it.

What Do You Hope Your Members Get Out of Being Part of The Organization?

We hope for them to gain a sense of community, enjoy their time in the club, and that they gain insight on matters relating to English as a whole.

Any Upcoming Events?

We have the Escape Room, our Dungeons and Dragons session, and the short story discussion and creative activity.


Meet Millersville’s Dance Team

Name of Organization
Millersville University Dance Team

Mission Statement (What Is Your Club / Organization About?)
The Dance Team’s purpose is to further interest and development in dance by performing throughout the school year. Students will have an opportunity to learn and perfect various skills involved in jazz, contemporary, and hip-hop dance. We strive to include technical,
creative and social aspects of dance while encouraging individual participation.

Who Are the Leaders of The Organization?
The President of the MU Dance Team is Olivia D’Aprile. The Vice President is Julia Kepple. The Treasurer is Renee Crossan and the Secretary is Janelle Sentiwany. The fundraising chair is
Bethany Miller, the philanthropy/community service chair is Alyssa Gantz, and the public relations chair is Christa Benshoff. All members of the MU Dance Team are heavily involved in
all fundraisers and philanthropy events.

Why Should Someone Join Your Organization?
We are consistently supporting and pushing each other to grow to become the best dancers we can be. We are more than just dancers, we are a family! At the end of the day it’s more than just dance for us. MU Dance Team members are friends inside and outside of the dance studio. We all share a common passion for dance, which bonds even stronger friendships within the team.

What Do You Do Within Your Organization?
The Dance Team participates in the annual Millersville Homecoming Parade, various fundraisers and charity events within the community, and Relay for Life. Dance Team also performs at all home basketball and football games and competes nationally every year in the Dance Team Union College Classic Competition!

What Do You Hope Your Members Get Out of Being Part of The Organization?
We hope that members find a positive environment where they can share their passion and love for dance. We hope members form friendships with people who have a similar love for dance on the team. MU Dance Team hopes members positively grow in their technique and skills while learning new choreography each week.

Any Upcoming Events?
MU Dance Team will be holding a bake sale fundraiser outside of the university store February 26th and 27th from 11:00am-1:00pm. The team will also be performing at the men’s and women’s basketball games on February 29th, Panera fundraiser March 8th and MOD Pizza March 11th. MU Dance Team will be competing in DTU’s College Classic in Las Vegas, Nevada April 3rd. Follow our Instagram and Facebook pages to constantly stay updated on our events! Keep an eye out for our end of the year showcase and 2020-2021 tryout dates!