It can be nerve wracking getting ready for an interview, especially if you are not ready. If you are not prepared for the interview it most likely won’t go well. There are a few tips that can help you get ready for what you need to do before the interview as well as what is needed during an interview.
Examine the Job Description
The very first thing you need to do before your interview is to very carefully look over the job description. It is important to understand what the position is and what your responsibilities will be before you meet with the employer. This will give the impression that you are serious about this job as well as that you are professional.
Know Your Audience
The position you are interviewing for is not the only research you will need to conduct. You will also want to research the company / business. It is important to know about the company / business because it will help you get a better understanding of the position you are interviewing for as well as if it will be a good fit for you.
Consider Your Answers to Common Interview Questions
You will not be able to predict all the questions that will be asked, but there are common questions that most employers will want answers too. Some of these questions may be “why do you want to work for this company?” or “what are your greatest strengths?” These may not sound like hard questions to answer, but if you are unprepared they could mess up the rest of your interview.
Prepare Several Thoughtful Questions for the Interviewer(s)
As with most professional meetings, there are do’s and don’ts when it comes to questions you should ask during the interview. You want to sound professional and intelligent but you do not want to sound pushy or not interested. Check out the following two posts to learn the questions you should ask vs. the questions that should never be asked during an interview.
Towards the end of an interview, almost every employer will ask, ” Do you have any questions for me?” Job applicants should put just as much thought into asking questions as they do answering questions. Whether you intend it or not, each question you ask has the potential to reflect your knowledge of the company, your interest in the position, and your work ethic.
Get Ask a Boss delivered every week As someone who has interviewed probably thousands of job applicants throughout my career, I’m always surprised by how some candidates handle the part of the interview where it’s their turn to ask questions.
Conduct Mock Interviews
Ask a friend or family member to help you prepare by going through a mock interview. Have them be the interviewer and try to make it as realistic as possible. This will help you with answering questions as well as get some feedback on how you conducted yourself. It could also help boost your confidence when going in for your real interview.
*Remember to be open to their criticism and try to implement their recommendations.
Print Copies of Your Resume
Always bring a hard copy of your resume when going to an interview, even if you already submitted a digital copy. This gives the employer the impression that you are ready for anything and it refreshes their memory of who you are.
State of Mind
It is okay to be nervous before going into an interview, but it is important you find a way to keep your head in the right place. If you are scattered and unfocused it will show during your interview. Try to get a good night’s sleep the night before and try some calming techniques.
For many of us, relaxation means flopping on the couch and zoning out in front of the TV at the end of a stressful day. But this does little to reduce the damaging effects of stress.
Dress Accordingly
You should dress professionally when attending an interview. This gives the employer a good first impression and shows that you are serious about working for them. It will also boost your confidence.
Get Ready to Follow Up After the Interview
It is extremely important to follow up after an interview. By following up you show your interest in the position and will make you stand out with the employer. Now the question is how long do you wait before contacting them? A good rule of thumb is waiting 4 – 5 business days, unless you were already given the next steps in the process.
Experiential Learning and Career Management (ELCM) is a great place to visit at Millersville University. They help with resume critiques, cover letters, job and internship searches, etc. For more information on them check out their page.
Experiential Learning And Career Management (ELCM)