To Join An Organization, Or Not To?

When you think about your classes and work schedule, it can be intimidating. You may not want to do anything else, but it is important to find people who have similar interests as you. By joining an organization you open yourself up to so many great opportunities. Here is why you should join an organization:

To Make Friends

This is one of the most commonly known reasons for joining an organization while in college. It is hard to make friends and form solid relationships while in class. By joining an organization you can meet people with similar interests as you.

To Build Your Resume

By being apart of an organization you can show future employers your skills and interest. It is even better if you can work your way up to being a leader in an organization.

To Develop Soft Skills

This one goes with building your resume. By being involved in an organization you can develop people skills. You will be working with others which looks good to employers. If you become a leader in an organization it can also showcase your leadership skills.

To Learn More About Yourself

By joining an organization you can learn more about your goals as well as your strengths and weaknesses. This could help you work on improving your weaknesses.

To Gain Networking Opportunities

It may not occur to you now, but the friend you make in an organization could help you find a job in the future. When looking for leads on jobs you typically ask around. Having people you know from an organization can be helpful because you know they have similar interests meaning at least some of the leads will be useful.

To Get A Break

College can be stressful! You need to find a way to get away from the school stuff and just have fun. By joining an organization you will be giving your brain a break from the academics and focusing on your interests.

If you are unsure of what clubs are out there, then come to Org Outbreak on January 23rd! It runs from 11:30-1:30 in the Student Memorial Center.

Org Outbreak Spring 2020 – Poster 8.5×11

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