




2020 – present Millersville University, Millersville, PA.  Associate Professor.

2003 – 2020       MillersvilleUniversity,Millersville,PA.  Associate Professor/Director of Campus Recreation.

1997 – 2003           Millersville University,Millersville,PA.  Assistant Professor/Director of Campus Recreation.

1995 – 1997             Purdue University,W. Lafayette,Indiana.  Associate Director of Recreational Sports.

1986 – 1995             Purdue University,W. Lafayette,Indiana. Assistant Director of Recreational Sports

1983 – 1986             University ofIllinois, Urbana-Champaign. Graduate Assistant in Campus Recreation.


 1993                      PurdueUniversity.

Doctorate of Philosophy in Education. Emphasis on Student Development.

1985                      University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Master’s of Science in Sports Administration.

1983                      University of Manitoba,Winnipeg.

Bachelor’s of Physical Education, with Computer Science and Biology minor.


 2015                       Taught WSSD 604.50 Facilities and Event Management

Taught WSSD 486.01 Performance Enhancement: Mental Training in Sport

Taught UNIV 103.F09  Leadership Through Sports

Taught WSSD 622.50 Sport Finance


2014                       Taught WSSD 604.50 Facilities and Event Management

Taught WSSD 486.01 Performance Enhancement: Mental Training in Sport

Taught UNIV 103.F09  Leadership Through Sports

Taught WSSD 622.50 Sport Finance


2013                       Taught WSSD 604.50 Facilities and Event Management

Taught WSSD 486.01 Performance Enhancement: Mental Training in Sport

Taught WSSD 615.50 Campus Recreation Programming

Taught UNIV 103.F09  Leadership Through Sports

Taught EDW 680.02 Portable Ropes Challenge

Taught WSSD 622.50 Sport Finance


2012                       Taught WSSD 604.50 Facilities and Event Management

Taught UNIV 103.10F  Leadership Through Sports

Taught WELL 175.16 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught WSSD 622.50 Sport Finance


2011                       Taught WSSD 604.50 Facilities and Event Management

Taught WSSD 486.01 Performance Enhancement: Mental Training in Sport

Taught WSSD 582.54 Sport Psychology

Taught EDW 755.02 Creating Community in the Classroom (K – 12)

Taught WSSD 622.50 Sport Finance


2010                       Taught WELL 175.16 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught WSSD 604.50 Facilities and Event Management

Taught  WSSD 615.54 Campus Recreation Programs

Taught WSSD 486.01 Performance Enhancement: Mental Training in Sport

Taught EDW 680.02 Portable Ropes Challenge

Taught WSSD 622.50 Sport Finance


2009                       Taught WELL 175.16 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught WSSD 604.50 Facilities and Event Management

Taught WSSD 454.50 Leadership Development Through Athletics

Taught EDW 680.02 Portable Ropes Challenge

Taught WSSD 622.50 Sport Finance


2008                       Taught WELL 175.13 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught WSSD 615.54 Campus Recreation Programs

Taught EDW 755.02 Creating Community in the Classroom (K – 12)

Taught WSSD 604.50 Facilities and Event Management

Taught WSSD 622.50 Sport Finance


2007                       Taught WELL 175.16 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught  WSSD 615.54 Campus Recreation Programs

Taught EDW 680.02 Portable Ropes Challenge

Taught WSSD 604.50 Facilities and Event Management

Taught WSSD 622.50 Sport Finance


2006                       Taught WELL 175.13 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught WSSD 615.54 Sport Finance

Taught EDW 755.02 Creating Community in the Classroom (K – 12)

Taught WSSD 604.50 Facilities and Event Management


2005                       Taught WELL 175.16 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught WSSD 615.54 Campus Recreation Programs

Taught EDW 705.01 Developing Student Leaders Through High and Low Ropes Facilitation

Taught WSSD 604.01 Facilities and Event Management


2004                       Taught WELL 175.16 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught WSSD 615.54 Campus Recreation Programs

Taught EDW 705.01 Developing Student Leaders Through High and Low Ropes Facilitation

Taught WSSD 604.01 Facilities and Event Management


2003                       Taught WELL 175.16 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught WSSD 615.54 Campus Recreation Programs

Taught EDW 705.01 Developing Student Leaders Through High and Low Ropes Facilitation

Taught WSSD 604.01 Facilities and Event Management


2002                       Taught WELL 175.00 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught WELL 175.17 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught WSSD 615.54 Campus Recreation Programs

Taught EDW 705.01 Developing Student Leaders Through High and Low Ropes Facilitation

Taught WSSD 604.01 Facilities and Event Management


2001                       Taught HPED 175.15 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught Freshman Year Experience Seminar

Taught HPED 175.00 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught HPED 615.54 Campus Recreation Programs

Taught EDW 680.02 Portable Ropes Challenge, K-12

Taught HPED 604.01 Facilities and Event Management


2000                       Taught HPED 175.13 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught HPED 175.16 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught HPED 615.54 Campus Recreation Programs

Taught EDW 680.02 Portable Ropes Challenge, K-12

Taught HPED 604.01 Facilities and Event Management

Submitted Course Proposal for HPED 276 Leadership through student activities


1999                       Taught HPED 175.13 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught EDW 680.02 Portable Ropes Challenge, K-12

Taught HPED 604.01 Facilities and Event Management

Submitted and was awarded a grant proposal for motivational presentation

Served as advisor for students in the Undecided Major Program


1998                       Taught HPED 175.13 Wellness: Concepts for Health and Fitness

Taught EDW 680.02 Portable Ropes Challenge, K-12

Taught HPED 604.01 Facilities and Event Management

Submitted and was awarded a grant proposal for Alcohol Awareness presentation

Served as advisor for students in the Undecided Major Program

Submitted grant proposal for joint faculty and staff student leadership development project


1997                       Participated in “Principle – Centered Leadership” workshop


1996                       Boiler Challenge Ropes Course Facilitator


1996                       “Excellence 21” facilitator


1994                       Trained as “Zenger – Miller” Staff Development Facilitator


1994                       Taught EDPS 600 “Human Relations in Group Counseling”


1993                       Site Coordinator for National Intramural Recreational Sports Association (N.I.R.S.A.) Natural High Drug and Alcohol free program.


1992                       Assistant in research regarding supervision of counselors supported by a grant from the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.


1992                       Submitted grant application to N.I.R.S.A. for research on student development through recreational sports.


1991 – 1992          Facilitated “Connections” staff development program for Student Services professional and service staff.


1991 – 1994          Faculty Fellow for Cary Quadrangle Residence Hall.


1990 – 1991          MinorityMentor.


1990                       Taught EDPS 100 “Personal Growth and Development”


1990                       Taught EDPS 300 “Student Leadership Development”


1989                       Participated in panel presentation on race awareness







Nesbitt, G.M. & Grant A. (2015). Applying the Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership Findings to Collegiate Recreation and Athletics. Chapter in Student Leadership Development Through Recreation and Athletics, Stenta, D.A. & McFadden, C.W. (eds.), New Directions for Student Leadership, No. 147, Fall 2015, 19-32, Wiley Subscription Services, San Francisco, CA.


Nesbitt, G.M. (2013). Facilities.  Chapter in Campus Recreational Sports: Managing Employees, Programs, Facilities, and Service, Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.


Nesbitt, G.M. (2013). Special Events.  Chapter in Campus Recreational Sports: Managing Employees, Programs, Facilities, and Service, Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.


Nesbitt, G.M. (2010). An Introduction to the Assessment Special Section.  NIRSA Journal, 34(2).


Nesbitt, G.M. & Bryant, J. (2004).  Anatomy of a Crisis: Nitrogen Dioxide Poisoning and its impact on Sport Club Policies. NIRSA Journal, 28 (2).


Lynch, J.F., Mowrey, F.J., Nesbitt, G.M. & O’Neill, D.F. (2004). Risky Business: Misperceived Norms of Sexual Behavior Among College Students, The NASPA Journal, 42 (1).


Lynch, J.F., Mowrey, F.J., & Nesbitt, G.M. (2001). Misperceived Norms: Actual Versus Perceived Sexual Behaviors in College Students. Addendum of Posters and Changes to the Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meetingof the Eastern Psychological Association, 72, (#61).


Nesbitt, G.M. (1998). Qualitative study of differences in benefits of sport club participation versus other extracurricular involvement.  NIRSA Journal, 22(2).


Nesbitt, G.M. (1998). Social-emotional development and extracurricular involvement of sport club participants.  NIRSA Journal, 22(2).


Goldenberg, M.A., Nesbitt, G.M., Klenosky, D.B., O’Leary, J.T., & Templin, T.J.  (1998). An introduction to ropes course and team challenge programs.  NIRSA Journal, 22(2).


Nesbitt, G.M. & Goldenberg, M.A. (1997). Developing a Portable Ropes Challenge Course.  NIRSA Conference Proceedings.


Nesbitt, G.M. (1993). Model for recreational sports professional development.    NIRSA Journal, 17(4).


Templin, T.J., Nesbitt, G.M., and Pinocci, T. (1993).  Graduate Programs in Recreational Sports.  NIRSA Journal, 17(4).


Nesbitt, G.M. (1993). What effect do our programs have on our participants. NIRSA Journal, 17(3), 16-19.


Nesbitt, G.M. (1993). Requirements for potential job applicants.  NIRSA Journal, 17(2), 16-19.


Nesbitt, G. M. (1989). Due process and recreational sports. NIRSA Journal, 13, 50-51.


Nesbitt, G. M. (1986). A review of current applications of computer systems in campus recreation departments. The Physical Educator, 43, 155-158.


Nesbitt, G. M. (1986). Evaluation of computer systems in campus recreation departments. Microform Publications,College ofHuman Development and Performance,University ofOregon, Master’s Thesis.




Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2015). Team Building Games and Activities, LLHPEW Conference, Lancaster, PA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2015). The Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership and it’s Implications for Student Affairs, PASSHE Student Affairs Conference, Lancaster, PA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2012). Club Sports Assessment Tool, NIRSA Regional Conference, Washington, D.C.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2012) Club Sports Assessment Tool. PIRSA State Workshop,


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2010). Assessment with an IPad.  NIRSA Region 1 Annual Conference, Uncasville, CT.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2010).  Delivered Invocation at 2010 NIRSA Honor and Award Banquet,. NIRSA Conference, Anaheim, CA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2010).  Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Campus Recreation.  NIRSA Conference, Anaheim, CA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2010).  NIRSA Christian Fellowship Roundtable.  NIRSA Conference, Anaheim, CA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2010).  Leadership Development.  Workshop presented to Non-Public Middle School Gifted students for Intermediate Unit 13, Lancaster, PA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2010).  Leadership Development.  Workshop presented to Public Middle School Gifted students for Intermediate Unit 13, Lancaster, PA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2009).  Leadership Development.  Workshop presented to High School Gifted students for Intermediate Unit 13, Lancaster, PA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M & Clark, Alyson (2009) Using Digital Video and Computer Software to Enhance Training and Administration of Staff, NIRSA Region 1 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M & Clark, Alyson (2009) Using an Academic Platform to Put Your Intramural Program On-Line, NIRSA Region 1 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.


Shuck, Douglas & Nesbitt, Gordon M (2009) Student Centered Design – Building Community, NIRSA Region 1 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2007) Student Professional Development Pre-Conference Workshop, NIRSA Conference,Minneapolis,MN.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2006) Securing a Graduate Assistantship or Initial Professional Position, PIRSA Conference,Kutztown,PA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2006) Ice Breakers andTeamBuildingActivities, NIRSA Conference,Louisville,KY.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2006) Student Professional Development Pre-Conference Workshop, NIRSA Conference,Louisville,KY.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2005) Securing a Graduate Assistantship or Initial Professional Position, PIRSA Conference, Slippery Rock, PA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2005) Ice Breakers andTeamBuildingActivities, NIRSA Conference,Orlando,FL.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2005) Experiential Education for Church Youth and Young Adults, Association for Experiential Education Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference,Towson,MD.


Nesbitt, Gordon M.  (2004) Christian Facilitation 101.  Association for Experiential Education Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference,Millersville,PA


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2004) Use of Technology in the Classroom,MillersvilleUniversityInstructional Showcase, Millersville, PA.


Nesbitt, Gordon M.  (2003) Student Professional Development Pre-Conference Workshop. NIRSAConference,Cleveland,OH.


Mowrey, Rebecca M., Nesbitt, Gordon M., Geary, Christine, Ward, Emily, & Pewderson, John. (2003). Risk Management and Legal Issues for Recreation.  NIRSA Conference,Cleveland,OH.


Nesbitt, Gordon M. (2003).  Student Professional Development Roundtable.  NIRSA Conference,Cleveland,OH.


Nesbitt, G.M. (2002).  Energizers andTeamBuildingActivities.  Alcohol Consortium Conference,Elizabethtown,PA.


Nesbitt, G.M. & Schaeffer, S. (2002). MillersvilleUniversityAnnual Play Day Workshop,Millersville,PA.


Nesbitt, G.M. (2002). TeamBuildingActivities.  PIRSA Annual Workshop,Indiana, PA


Nesbitt, G.M. (2002).TeamBuildingActivities.  NIRSA Annual Conference,San Antonio,TX.


Nesbitt, G.M. (2001). Deepening Christian Faith Through a Low Ropes Course Experience.  AEE International Conference,Charleston,WV.


Lynch, J.F., Mowrey, F.J., & Nesbitt, G.M. (2001).  Misperceived Sexual Norms Among College Students.  Association of Counseling Center Faculty of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Fall Conference, State College, PA.


Nesbitt, G.M., Lynch, J.F., & Mowrey, F.J. (2001)  Misperceived Norms: Actual Versus Perceived Alcohol Behaviors in College Students. PennsylvaniaStateSystem of Higher Education Student Affairs Conference, Shippensburg, P.A.


Lynch, J.F., Mowrey, F.J., & Nesbitt, G.M. (2001).  Misperceived Norms: Actual Versus Perceived Sexual Behaviors in College Students. Poster Presentation for Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association,Omni ShorehamHotel,Washington,D.C.


Nesbitt, G.M. (2000). Enhancing Observational Skills.  AEE International Conference,Tucson,Arizona.


Nesbitt, G.M. (2000). Maximizing your Graduate Assistantship. NIRSA Annual Conference,Providence,Rhode Island.


Nesbitt, G.M. (2000). Enhancing Observational Skills.  AEE Regional Conference,Columbia,Maryland.


Nesbitt, G.M. (1999). NIRSA, A Rich History.  NIRSA Annual Conference,Milwaukee,Wisconsin.


Nesbitt, G.M. (1998). Developing a Portable Ropes Challenge Course.  PSAHPERD Annual Convention.Lancaster,PA.


Nesbitt, G.M. (1998). Portable Team Challenge Activities.  LLCAHPERD Workshop,.Lancaster, PA.


Nesbitt, G.M. (1998). TeamBuildingExercises.  PRSA State Workshop.Allentown,PA.


Nesbitt, G.M. & Goldenberg, M.A. (1997). Developing a Portable Ropes Challenge Course.  NIRSA Annual Conference.Lousiville,KY.


Nesbitt, G.M. (1997).  Team leadership development.  NIRSA Region III Student Lead-On Conference.Chicago,IL.


Nesbitt, G. M. (1993). Model for graduate student development. NIRSA Annual Conference,Reno,Nevada.


Nesbitt, G. M. (1993). Personal and professional development II. NIRSA Annual Conference,Reno,Nevada.


Nesbitt, G. M. (1992). What employers are actually looking for!. Lead-On Student Development Workshop,Toledo,OH.


Nesbitt, G. M. (1991). Personal and professional development. NIRSA Annual Conference,Cincinnati,OH.


Templin, T. J., Nesbitt, G. M., & Pinocci, T. (1991). On being a graduate student in recreational sports.  Lead-On Student Development Workshop,Champaign,IL.


Nesbitt, G. M. (1989). What really happens in your facility after 5:00 p.m.NIRSA Annual Conference,Denver,Colorado.


Nesbitt, G. M. (1989). Communication/Listening skills. 2nd Annual NIRSA Student Development Workshop,Milwaukee,WI.


Nesbitt, G. M. (1988). Alternative career opportunities for recreational sports specialists. NIRSA Annual Conference,Hollywood,Florida.


Nesbitt, G. M. (1987) Effective methods for dealing with irate patrons. Indiana Recreational Sports Association Annual Conference,Vincennes,Indiana.


Nesbitt, G. M. (1985) Computers in intramurals. Canadian Intramural Recreation Association Annual Conference,Regina,Saskatchewan.



2013 Pennsylvania Intramural Recreation Sports Association Annual Workshop


2004 Pennsylvania Intramural Recreation Sports Association Annual Workshop


2004 Association for Experiential Education Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference


MU Getaway Weekend Leaders, Saturday, March 1, 2014


Warwick High School Girl’s Soccer, Thursday, August 22, 2013


Wellness Center Staff Training, Monday, August 19, 2013


Rosemont College Residence Life Staff, Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Residence Life Graduate Assistants, August 6, 2013


Lampeter-Strasburg high School, May 10, 2013


Lampeter-Strasburg high School, May 3, 2013


Susquenita High School, May 1, 2013


Hanover High School, April 29, 2013


Dallastown Middle School, April 26, 2013


Dallastown Middle School, April 19, 2013


Penn Manor Lifetime Fitness, April 5, 2013


Penn Manor Lifetime Fitness, October 26, 2012


Lampeter-Strasburg High School, October 12, 2012


Lampeter-Strasburg High School, October 5, 2012


Warwick HS Girls Soccer, August 23, 2012


Wilmington School of Friends, July 23, 2012


Penn Manor Alternative Education, May 17, 2012


Penn Manor Lifetime Fitness, May 16, 2012


St. Joseph College, May 7, 2012


Dallastown Middle School, April 27, 2012


Susquenita High School, April 11, 2012


Susquenita High School, April 4, 2012


McCaskey East High School, October 12, 2011


Lancaster Catholic Cheerleaders, August 18, 2011


Limerick Rage U18 Fast Pitch Softball, July 11, 2011


Central Penn College, May 23, 2011


Ephrata High School, April 29, 2011


McCaskey Girl’s Soccer, March 23, 2011


Penn Manor Lifetime Fitness, October 5, 2010


Penn Manor Lifetime Fitness, October 3, 2010


Loomis Labs, September 19, 2010


Lancaster Debate League, August 25, 2010


Ephrata High School SAP, June 14, 2010


Milton Hershey School, June 5, 2010


Union Central Elementary School, May 27, 2010


Penn Manor Lifetime Fitness Class, May 24, 2010


Dallastown High School, May 22, 2010


Dallastown Middle School, May 21, 2010


Marticville Middle School, May 20, 2010


Penn Manor Lifetime Fitness, May 18, 2010


Central Penn College, May 6, 2010


Hanover High School, April 23, 2010


Penn Manor Girls Lacrosse, March 24, 2010


Lancaster Bible College, October 16, 2009


Hempfield United Methodist Church Youth Group, August 29, 2009


Penn State Harrisburg, August 29, 2009


School District of Philadelphia, August 25, 2009


Central Penn Panthers, August 23, 2009


F & M Women’s Soccer, August 22, 2009


Red Lion Cheerleaders, August 20, 2009


Shippensburg University, July 28, 2009


Sertoma Camp, June 25, 2009


Girl Scouts, June 18, 2009


Susquehanna Rapids, June 13, 2009


Dallastown Middle School, March 21, 2009


Fairfield Area High School, March 20, 2009


Penn Manor Lifetime Fitness, March 19, 2009


Dallastown High School, March 13, 2009


Marticville Middle School, March 7, 2009


Janus School, October 31, 2008


Hanover High School, October 24, 2008


Hempfield United Methodist Church, September 27, 2008


Ephrata High School, September 17, 2008


Central Penn Hockey, September 6, 2008


West York Area High School, August 29, 2008


Daniel Boone Field Hockey, August 19, 2008


Red Lion High School, August 8, 2008


Susquehanna Rapids, August 3, 2008


Sertoma Camp Staff, June 26, 2008


Salvation Army Summer Camp Staff, June 25, 2008


Pequea Brethern Church Youth, June 24, 2008


Lancaster County Career and Tech Center, June 9, 2008


Central Penn Hockey, June 14, 2008


Manheim Central SAP, May 2, 2008


Marticville Middle School, April 30, 2008


LWB Refractory, October 31, 2007


Lancaster County Bible Church, October 29, 2007


Dallastown Middle School, October 12, 2007


Cocalico Middle School Enrichment Program, October 5, 2007


York Devils Peewee Hockey, August 11, 2007


Erisman Mennonite Church, August 11, 2007


Maximum Teen Travel, August, 9, 2007


West Manchester Township, July 11, 2007


Millersville University Residence Halls Graduate Assistant training, August 6, 2007


Manheim Central Middle School, May 22, 2007


Dallastown Middle School May 24, 2007


Dallastown High School Senior Class May 17, 2007


Fleur de Lait Industries staff training May 14, 2007


Millersville Information Technology staff training August 25, 2006


Cocalico Middle School October 4, 2006


Dr. Wushanley’s Wellness class October 19, 2006


Dr. Dorman’s Freshman Year Seminar October 11, 2006


Dr. Foster-Clark’s Freshman Year Seminar October 10, 2006


Susquehanna Rapids Hockey Team August 5, 2006


Dr. Keefer’s Workshop June 27, 2006


West Manchester Township staff training June 20, 2006


Universal Fitness Youth Camp June 13, 2006


Admissions and Financial Aid staff training, March 13, 2006


Temple University Student Leadership March 25, 2006


New Oxford High School “Super Chicks” April 25, 2006


Red Lion Senior High School, April 38, 2006


Dallastown Physical Education Major Class May 11, 2006


East Lebanon County Middle School, May 3, 2006


Temple University Student Leadership October 22, 2005


Cocalico Middle School, October 21 2005


Dr. Stengel’s Facing Fear Seminar September 27, 2005


Dr. Blazer’ Freshman Year Experience September 23, 2005


Dr. Dorman’s Freshman Year Experience, September 21, 2005


West York High School Student Council September 2, 2005


Red Lion Field Hockey team, August 26, 2005


Garden Spot Field Hockey team, August 19, 2005


Purofirst, July 14, 2005


Dr. Dupain’s Workshop, July 6, 2005


Janus School, April 27, 2005


Hempfield United Methodist Church, June 20, 2005


Penn Manor 5th Grade, April 20, 2005


Dr. O’Neill’s Freshman Year Experience Class September 15, 2004


Central Dauphin School District SAIL, October 20, 2004


Cocalico Middle School Enrichment Program October 29, 2004


Boys and Girls Club of Lancaster, August 25, 2004


Dr. Dupain’s Workshop, July 13, 2004


Dr. Keefer’s Workshop, July 13, 2004


Manor Middle School Adventure Education Class, May 27, 2004


Penn Manor Emotional Support Group, May 10, 2004


Penn Manor Women’s Issues Support Group, May, 12, 2004


Penn Manor Emotional Support Group, April 23, 2004


Millersville University Admissions and Financial Aid Staff Training, March 9, 2004

Penn Manor Emotional Support Group2003


Cocalico Middle School Gifted Program, October 29, 2003


Penn Manor High School Emotional Support Group, September 18, 2003


Penn Manor Middle School Emotional Support Group, September 17, 2003


Columbia High School, August 20, 2003


Hempfield Soccer Association, August 13, 2003


Residence Life Graduate Assistants Training, August 7, 2003


Boys and Girls Club, August 6, 2003


Dr. Lynch’s Workshop, August 1, 2003


Dr. Keefer’s Workshop, July 29, 2003


Dr. Dupain’s Workshop, July 15, 2003


Dr. Keefer’s Workshop, July 15, 2003


McCaskey High School Teen Parenting Program, August 9, 2003


Upward Bound, June 28, 2003


Penn Manor Girls’ Basketball, June 26, 2003


Penn Manor Emotional Support Class, May 9, 2003


Student Senate College Leadership Conference Presenter February 1, 2003



Association for Experiential Education 1986 – present

National Intramural Recreational Sports Association 1983 – present

AmericanCollegePersonnel Association 1990 – 1995

American Counseling Association 1990 – 1993



Member, NIRSA Leadership Development Commission, 2012 – present

Chair, NIRSA Community Service Project, Dallas, Texas – 2013 – 2014

Chair, NIRSA Community Service Project, Nashville, Tennessee – 2012 – 2013

Chair, Search Committee for Director for the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership 2012 – 2013

Chair, Selection Committee for Coordinator of Intramurals 2012

Chair, NIRSA Community Service Project, Las Vegas, Nevada – 2011 – 2012

Chair, Selection Committee for Coordinator of Intramurals 2011

Member, NIRSA Community Service Project, Tampa, Florida – 2010 – 2011

Student Memorial Center Design and Transition Planning Committee – 2008 – present

MU ADA Task force 2008 – present

Witmer Infirmary Review Committee – January – May 2008

Chair, Associate Director of Residence Life Search Committee January – May 2008

Member, Vice President for Student Affairs Search Committee, December 2006 – December 2007

Chair, University Wide Promotion and Tenure Committee – 2006 – 2007

Member, University Wide Promotion and Tenure Committee 2005 – 2006

Chair Department of Wellness and Sport Sciences Professional Development Committee.

Member NIRSA Journal Editorial Board 2004 – present

MemberMillersvilleUniversityCapital Campaign Planning Committee – 2004

ChairNIRSAStudent Professional Development Committee 2002 – 2003 & 2006 – 2007

Member NIRSA Curriculum committee 2000 – 2002

Member NIRSA CEU task force 1999 – 2001

Member Millersville University Wellness Committee 1997 – present

Member Millersville University Healthier Lifestyles Committee 1997 – present

Member NIRSA Finance Committee 1997-1998

Member NIRSA Conference Committee 1997-1998

MemberPurdueUniversityCampus Appeals Board 1995 – 1997

Member Purdue University Students Services Staff Development committee 1995 – present

Member NIRSA Editorial Board 1994 – 1997

Member Purdue University Student Services Retention committee 1992-1994

Member NIRSA Curriculum Development committee 1992-1993

Member NIRSA Student Development committee 1990-1992

Member NIRSA Development committee 1989-1990

MemberPurdueUniversityStudent Services Educational Programming committee 1988-1990

Chair NIRSA Career Opportunities committee 1988-1989

Member NIRSA Career Opportunities Committee 1987 – 1988.

Member NIRSA Aquatics Committee 1986 – 1987.





Certified Recreational Sports Specialist

Member Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

Member Who’s Who in theMidwest

Certified Ropes Course Facilitator by Adventure Based Experiential Education, Inc.

Graduated from the National IntramuralSportsAssociationSchoolof Sports Management.

Certified Ropes Course Facilitator by Cornerstone Design, Inc.


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