Adapting Your Communication to Build a Sense of Community

Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay

Have you ever felt as though your community leader did not know how to talk to your community? Whether they didn’t use the right lingo or attitude, or the reasons behind certain decisions or actions were poorly explained.

Or maybe you have been in the role as the leader and you felt you could not communicate with you community effectively. Either way, one should be able to recognize the importance of speaking to a society of people in a way that they comprehend. If you are not able to understand them and communicate your ideas to them, then your ideas and intentions can be misinterpreted and not taken as you intended them to be.

Learning to use the right medias, be personal, and listening skills can build trust between a leader and community members. Which can improve community efforts all together.

The first thing you should do is to use the right media for your community. Different generations and age groups feel more comfortable on the various forms of media, so you should use the media that reaches the majority of them. Examples of this are seen in the bulleted list.

  • Sending newspapers or letters in the mail
  • Announcements or news packages on television
  • Sending updating through email
  • Posting on social media platforms

When you use these medias together in a cohesive fashion, you ideally can reach everyone. This attempt at using different medias and trying to connect with everyone shows that you do want to communicate and understand them, and you aren’t just a random leader who makes decisions. It builds the sense of community, especially if you allow for discussion groups and forums to be held so everyone can speak their voice.

The second thing you should do to is be personal with your community. Many people do not like following a leader if they seem fake or not like a real person. And I mean this in the sense that they don’t seem to have a personality or share much about them as an individual. When you feel comfortable to share some aspects of yourself with others, it shows that you are genuine, which will allow people to also feel comfortable to share aspects of themselves in return.

Now, this does not mean you should be oversharing with everyone that you come across, or blasting your life story all over the media. That is when it can be a bit excessive and crossing the line. But in general, among your interactions with your community members, be personal and genuine and it will allow for a closer connection.

An example of being authentic to a community can be seen in a research study done by Yanting Huang with the International Journal of Production Economics to examine how trust-building occurs when websites communicate prices efficiently, in a way that does not try to trick their consumer. This applies to day to day interactions too. It shows that the company or leader has the individual in mind.

The third thing you should do is listen. Listen, listen, listen. Before making decisions that will impact your community, it is important to hear what your community has to say about it. When they voice their opinions (whether in opposition or agreement), you can understand why that decision would benefit them or harm them, and get their reasoning behind it as well. And by showing that you are truly listening to the people, it shows that you care and that their voices matter, which enhances the sense of community.

You can listen in many different ways. For example, you can make polls on social media or ask for responses via email/mail to questions. You can hold forums and sit there and listen. There are a variety of forms that you can take in information that your community shares with you, so you should make sure to not forget that their voices are important as well.

When you combine these efforts together, you create genuine relationships and connections to community members. This shows effort on your end to have their voice heard, and to bring them all into the circle of your community. And most importantly, it builds trust. Trust will get your far in leadership. If your followers or peers do not trust you, or question your trust in them, then it makes spreading messages and ideas significantly harder.

Working on your communication skills within your community is not something that should be overlooked. Maybe you should start to examine how your community communicates. Observe and try to improve what you appreciate!

Hug it Out: The More the Merrier

Hug it Out: The More the Merrier

Image by GLady from Pixabay

Written by: Annie Coghlan

If you had to guess, how many hugs do you receive in one day? Now, with that number in mind, think about how meaningful those hugs are; are they just simple greetings towards friends or do they allow you to feel comfort and endearment? If your answer is little to none, let me tell you why you need to increase that number!

First, try to define what a hug means to you as an individual. How long does an average hug for you last? Does it last longer than 6 seconds or do they seem to end almost as soon as they begin? Although physical touch can be a complicated thing for some individuals, it comes with so many different benefits for your lifestyle. However, I must note that in order for a hug to be beneficial, it must be at least six seconds but ideally 20 or more. A common theme you should keep a note of is, “the more the merrier”. For example, the more time you spend hugging, the more benefits you will acquire.

The benefits of increasing the number and lengths of hugs you receive daily seems to be never ending. The benefits can be physical, mental, and even social. An example of a mental benefit is the production of endorphins. When you receive a hug, your body produces endorphins, this can be described as a chemical release that relieves feelings of stress. Endorphins are also known to produce feelings of euphoria, happiness, and calmness, improving overall mental well-being. So, the more hugs you receive, the more endorphins your body will produce. The more, the merrier.

In researching more about the neurological science behind hugs, it was also noted that hugging releases the hormone oxytocin. This alone can strongly impact your physical health, improving heart health. This elevation in oxytocin levels can support not only heart health but it also creates feelings of happiness. In some research it was also said that hugs can act as a natural pain reliever for physical pain. With that being said, why would you want to hold back from benefitting yourself physically?

Having meaningful hugs throughout your day is also said to reduce stress, improve relationships and even improve your mental well-being. Stress offers little to no good benefits for an individual. It causes individuals to become less motivated, it negatively impacts your physical health, and it can have huge influences on behaviors and attitudes. Reducing stress can offer an entire list of its own benefits, including better sleep, better moods, and better relationships. Hugs can provide instant relief to your stress and in turn, can positively impact you physically, emotionally, and socially.

Personally, I feel stress and anxiety throughout every single day of my life, and I will do just about whatever it takes to reduce that stress. So, what does that mean? The short answer would be to hug more and hug longer, but what does that really entail.

In an article by Sukhman Rekhi, titled “Hugs: Benefits, Research & Quotes” Rekhi talks about the importance of how many hugs you receive in a day. Although there is no one specific number, there is infinite proof in the benefits of receiving hugs. Family therapist Virginia Satir suggests, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth”. So the more the merrier, right? Even in multiple psychological studies it is suggested that partaking in hugs GENEROUSLY, has significantly better health outcomes than those who do not partake in physical touch.

Individuals of all ages are able to seek these benefits from hugging. The age range that gains the most benefit of hugging is toddlers and infants as it has a huge impact on their sensory levels. These specific benefits are available to all who partake but will offer the most benefits to those who are struggling mentally.

In my own opinion, the only problem with this research is that it is not more well known. This could be an incredibly beneficial change in many individuals lives.  College students, children, animals, parents, elders, anyone, and everyone who experiences hugs on the daily, experiences the benefit. Spread the love and spread the word that hugging can make the difference.

All of the research proves this idea that hugs are nothing but beneficial to those who partake in them daily. So, what are you waiting for? Go find a friend, a family member, a significant other, a dog, whoever you want, and hug them. Not only are you benefitting yourself, but you are also benefitting the recipient of your hug. So who’s your new hug buddy going to be?

Social Media Vs. You


By: Zakara Preston

Before reading this blog you probably were on your phone scrolling through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook  or maybe your sibling is making a TikTok in the other room. The point is that social media is surrounded by us in many ways. Social media has a big impact on society communication. Being a young adult there is no doubt that social media is surrounded by us we all are connected whether it’s for work or school or just someone you know thats constantly on it. I go to say that social media is only going to grow. It’s important to know the evolution on how we communicate on these platforms how it impacts you and communication.

Before the early 2000s the ways of communication were through newspapers, radio and face to face conversation. The evolution has grown so much. The impact of social  media and communication is very significant. There are negative and positives aspects. Being a young adult it’s important to know the impacts of social media to use it strategically and to be aware so you don’t fall into the negative aspects of social media.

When you’re scrolling on social media you’ll see companies promoting thier products and coming up with content for brand awareness. Social media marketing and strategy is positive for companies as it allows engagement and brings in more customers. So if you’re working for a company or thinking of starting a business social media will be needed for companies reputation and to attract customers.

A study talks about how “social media provides awareness among society like campaigns advertisements articles promotions which helps communities stay up to date.” This shows how campaigns use social media to communicate awareness.

Theres plenty of changes social media has made of interpersonal communication non verbal and verbal.  The study mentions how a person may be eating dinner and they are scrolling through twitter and not communicating at the dinner table. They also mention self expression and how theres a sense of urgency to share and interact with others online. We are speaking a whole new language with the use of emojis and using gifs so we communicate visually and with abbreviations online such as lol, gtg, brb.  This is an aspect on how we communicate as a society online. 

The study conducted a survey most age 21 to 25 and they found that majority of people strongly agreed that social media has greatly impacted on the way people speak and write in their everyday lives. 25.5% of participants strongly agreed that social media minimize face to face interaction. While 36.3% just agreed and 29% neither agreed or disagreed.

Respondents gave their opinion on social media and communication one says  “ Social media makes communication colorful easier to understand while another respondent mentions “how it neglects to focus on our inner feelings and emotions” one mentioned how “its normalizes a system in which immediately delivering ideas without authentication or self criticism.” Social media pros are that it  made people feel confident talking about certain topics, it’s easier to gain more knowledge about a topic. You can  connect with others and those that are unable to see each other due to distance.  The cons can include the lack of in person social skills lack of deeper connection with others.

I feel like social media does have an impact on communication in everyday lives. Since it’s been here for awhile and for most of my youth its becomes normalized for form communication. I love the connectedness I can feel when I can relate to a funny video I seen on tiktok. It’s also good for getting in touch with others and keeping up with family and friends. I think the problem comes in is that it can be addictive. This is when social media can be very negative because it can be bad for your mental health. You may start comparing your lives to others you see online which can lead to sadness and feeling lonely. Self image issues, body image issues, the fear of missing out and constantly checking social media all these aspects affects mental health.

Overall, it’s important to be aware as a young adult of social media and its impacts because you can use it your best advantage such as for communication, networking building an audience and creating content that you enjoy. The problem comes in is when theres too much increase time on social media and when it starts effecting your mental health. Thats when you have discipline. You have to know when to take a break from the platforms, whether that be to deactivate an account, or deleting all social media apps, unfollowing people and content that are negative.

I suggest to use social media in a way that is beneficial to you specifically when it comes to communication staying in contact with others, networking, and producing content since these aspect of communication can grow you as individual. Alot of  Communication now and days are going to take place on social media. So thats why it’s important to know how you’re communicating on social media knowing how its impacting you. In what ways are you communication on social media?

Unplugged and Unleashed: Finding Balance in a Digital World

Free home office video conference homework computer illustration

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay
By Sean Toutant

With the rapid growth of the internet and digital media, daily use of these technologies has become a norm in our evolving digital world. Covid 19 transformed the way we live our lives by emphasizing social media as a primary focus, leading to individuals becoming less outgoing than they otherwise would. The balance between online and offline interactions is crucial for college students to achieve their personal growth and overall well-being. We should prioritize incorporating non-digital activities, building strong friendships, and making the most of our college experience. For college students, balancing online and offline interactions is crucial for both their personal development as well as professional growth. It’s important to engage in non-traditional activities, cultivate strong bonds, and maximize the benefits of our time at college. However, with the advancements in technology, young people are spending more time connected to digital devices, which has serious health effects and implications for behavioral dependence.

In this current global pandemic, the importance of this issue has increased, and it has radically changed our way of seeing, thinking about, and doing things. The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Communication Study of Young Adults and Online Dependency in Portugal is a quantitative research study that involved 407 young university adults. The study sought to examine their use of digital media, particularly during the pandemic, and evaluate the impact of their constant internet connection on their addiction. With the onset of COVID-19, our lives have been transformed into virtual reality. As young adults became more reliant on the Internet, they experienced significant effects due to their increased dependence on technology. To understand these effects, their study utilized extensive questionnaires and surveys, gathering information from a general sample of 407 young university adults in Portugal. During the pandemic, studies indicated that internet dependence saw a significant surge. Even though academic obligations contributed to this surge, many respondents turned to the Internet for both personal and professional purposes. By embracing the internet, the separation of work, leisure pursuits, and social interactions became clear.

There were several reasons for wanting to hide on the Internet during the epidemic. The implementation of strict social distancing measures resulted in isolation and limited physical social interaction. During this period, the internet became a vital means of communication between loved ones. Online gaming, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and video calls have become indispensable tools for maintaining relationships. Additionally, the eerie and frequently distressing news cycle of the pandemic led many to turn to the carefully chosen online medium for comfort. Streaming services and YouTube were among the entertainment options that provided a break from the harsh realities of the world. Their investigation uncovered the alarming findings regarding the consequences of excessive internet usage on individuals. Numerous participants stated that they experienced various sleep difficulties, ranging from severe insomnia to disturbed sleeping habits. Their circadian rhythms were disrupted by the blue light from screens and constant online activity, making it difficult to relax and fall asleep.

In addition, respondents who went offline frequently reported negative emotional reactions such as mood swings, depression, and nervousness. A range of factors contribute to the high level of emotional awareness, including the addictive nature of social media and the need to create a flawless online identity. OMO and the anxiety of constantly being compared to others contributed significantly to these emotions. Their study, which looked at how young adults and Generation Z influenced online dependency during the COVID-19 pandemic, shows that this has been unmistakably demonstrated through research. Despite the internet’s role in providing essential services for staying connected, continuing education, and working from home, it has also become a double-edged sword. The prevalence of internet addiction is a result of its ability to provide distraction and escape from everyday life. Considering the gravity of this situation, it is imperative for individuals, schools/institutes, and governments to prioritize efforts towards digital literacy and responsible use of digital media. During the period of digital detox, individuals can take a break from screens and engage in offline activities to alleviate the negative effects of internet addiction. Also of note, parents, teachers, and mental health professionals need to be aware that young adults can identify the problem and address it through screening and treatment. This involves encouraging open dialogue about healthy internet use and promoting the importance of maintaining a balance between online and offline life.

We, as the 21st century’s young people, must acknowledge the consequences of internet addiction and its harmful effects on our lives. By taking proactive steps, we can establish a more positive connection to the internet and prevent distractions from interfering with our daily lives. So, what steps will you take to ensure that you harness the power of the internet while safeguarding your well-being and personal growth? Let’s embark on this journey together and explore the endless possibilities that await us when we maintain a harmonious balance between our online and offline worlds.

The Decrease in Test Anxiety with Online Learning and Supportive Communication

Image by HtcHnm via Pixabay

Written By: Marissa Sweger

Did you feel stressed, anxious, or hopeless the last time you took an exam before, during, or after it? If you answered yes, then you might have test anxiety. Test anxiety is a severe version of these feelings when taking an exam. It is very common among college students ages 18-30. As college students, we take multiple classes while having other obligations that take up our time. These things can stop you from properly studying or adding extra stress. There is also the fear of asking for help. You may need help with your courses and additional support but are too anxious to ask. I’ve been there. You or someone you know will probably face anxiety over taking an exam in your collegiate career.

I’ve always had severe test anxiety. From elementary school to now, as a junior in college, I find myself afraid of taking exams. When I take an exam, I feel like I jumped into ice water. I feel frozen. My mind goes blank, my heart races, and my palms sweat. I get nervous just at the thought of taking a test. These are the feelings I went through when I had to take an in-person exam, but during the pandemic, I noticed that my test anxiety decreased when taking exams online. During the pandemic, we had to switch to a new kind of learning, which brought a new way of taking exams. So, how do communication and taking online exams help reduce test anxiety?

The study “Saudi Undergraduate Students’ Preferences toward Tests and Test Anxiety Differences in Blended Learning” by Alghmdi (2022) from the International Journal of Linguistics, Literature & Translation examines the difference in test anxiety during face-to-face and online exams. In the study, 138 female undergraduate students filled out questionnaires about their level of anxiety with paper and online tests. Test anxiety can negatively impact student performance, which can be a serious problem for learners and eventually lead to low academic achievement. This study found that the students preferred better control, fast and easy use, friendly interfaces, and instantaneous feedback that online testing provides.

Research has also shown that there is a direct impact on supportive communication networks and test anxiety and performance. In the study “The impact of supportive communication networks on test anxiety and performance,” by Goldsmith and Albrecht (1993) found that outside supportive communication can positively or negatively impact test anxiety. People with high stress aren’t likely to ask those in their class for help due to feeling inferior. They are more likely to seek out knowledge from their friends and family, who make up the majority of their social circle. Students perceive supportive communication from outside the classroom to be helpful, and it is positively related to exam grades for students with high anxiety. It was found, however, that outside relationships can’t provide any help for exam-based support, whereas a student might benefit from a classmate’s knowledge.

The way I studied changed during the pandemic; I used new resources available to me, such as drop-in Zoom office hours and class discussion posts, to gain a deeper understanding of the course material. Before that, I was too afraid to ask for help for fear of people thinking I was dumb. These things helped me feel more at ease when it was time to take those online exams.

I had taken some virtual courses at community college. Those virtual classes also prepared me for the transition during the pandemic and helped me understand what study methods worked for me. Another thing that helped was taking my exams in a room by myself. Knowing that everyone around me is finishing their exam makes me think I should finish mine faster so I’m not the last one done. Research has taught me some good coping skills to help with my test anxiety.

As you go through college, whether that be as an undergraduate or graduate, you’ll probably be faced with test anxiety at some point. There are many resources available to help cope with test anxiety. Whether that be learning efficient study habits, getting help from a tutor or professor, or even getting more sleep. There is no shame in asking for help from peers and tutors. You won’t look like an idiot, and more times than not, your peers are happy to help because they are going through the same thing. You could try focusing on positive thoughts and affirmations before you take your exam. I eat sour candy before an exam because my therapist told me that eating something sour is a good distraction technique for anxiety. Refrain from exhausting yourself with studying. Take a break occasionally, and do something fun like phone a friend or watch an episode of your favorite show. You might never completely eliminate your test anxiety, but you can manage it.

Is Your Health Affected by Your Ability to Communicate?

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Written by: Emily Bruckner

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As a woman in her twenties, there are many things that have changed regarding my health journey.  In order to be successful at being “healthy”, you have to go through new procedures, learn about new risks, be actively aware of your health and know how to communicate with the people trusted with your healthcare. As someone who was fearful of medicine and the jargon used to describe it, communicating my needs was a constant struggle. This is not to be limited to only women, as any person can experience this barrier in communication. In my personal experience, the acceptance of medication and therapy has expanded to new lengths, but the education on support outside of school systems is not as strong. There are several factors that could affect engagement and understanding of one’s medical needs. The specific focus of the health communication discussed is learning to efficiently communicate with doctors about any needs. This is a constant struggle for adults ages 18-30, as many new procedures are performed, changes and growth happen and there may not be a parent or guidance after someone reaches a certain age. The message intended for these adults is that there are important things to be learned and about ones’ overall health, and it is important to know how to communicate with doctors, professionals and the people who are important in that individuals’ life.


An article discussing everyday health and communication discusses the importance of interpersonal communication, and how it is central to maintaining ones’ health (Reifgerste, Wagner 2023). This can be represented as an example of patients struggling to comprehend data they receive from their medical results. Another factor listed includes patients not having a communicative space to discuss the data and how having multiple people who have access to medical records can be a good thing. The ideas of patient empowerment and not giving in to self-doubt are also illustrated throughout this research article.


As a young adult, it is important to gain independence when it comes to preparing to vouch for yourself when it comes to your own personal, medical needs. The reasons as to why understanding can benefit the patients’ health. Control is maintained, questions are asked for clarification and self-reflection is administered. Often, I found myself asked, “Do you have any questions?”, and the answer would most likely be no, or some random question that was phrased in a way that was unrecognizable from my intentions. Further knowledge about results and reflection are important in the process of communication.


This coincides with the suggestion of maintaining a space that you can discuss your medical results in in order to gain a better understanding and make the best decision for your health. This includes becoming more familiar with medical jargon, being proactive, familiarizing oneself with available websites and containing trusted information and communicating with your doctor about your needs. Giving patients the tools and not explaining how to use them, or present them in an accessible way can be a challenging task many people do not bother completing.


Reiterating the issue above, existence does not equal access, and therefore can be an issue with communication affecting your health. In order to make changes to improve your health journey, you have to be self-aware and willing to communicate to alter your ability. Data is often overwhelming for someone like me who strays far away from numbers and science. The research article further provides support for the theory that communication can benefit your health.


By allowing myself to rely on my parents to deal with the medical aspect of my life, growing up in high school, it came as a shock when they suddenly expected me to be responsible for it all at once. Learning how to have a relationship with the people you see for medical care is important. Being able to communicate to those who we call experts in their fields certainly cannot do their job to the best of their ability if we do not participate in the goal of keeping ourselves healthy. Interacting with technology, scheduling appoints and discussing options are all things that contribute to communication with people who are responsible for our health.


Bruckner / October 18, 2023

The Importance of Body Language

Written By Christian Cellasio

Smith, M., MA. (2023). Nonverbal communication and body language.

This post is focusing on young adults entering the business world and people who struggle with eye contact and body language.

The phrase “You can’t judge a book by its cover” does not apply in real life. Its true. You are being judged at every moment in your life by the people around you. Its hard to comprehend, but humans are emotional creatures. You get judged by the level of emotion you show in public.

Being in a room with a silly baby makes everyone feel happy, almost guaranteed that you smile as a result of the baby’s happiness. Seeing one of your closest friends shelter themselves, walking around with their head down lets you know that your friend is struggling. It is impossible to not share your emotions, and by those social cues, you get perceived a certain way from surroundings. Social cues from body language help communicate emotions to one another, and it is important to be able to have awareness of the emotions you are giving off.

Image by FotoGrafie via Pixabay

Body language is one of the only forms of communication that does not revolve around verbal communication. Body language is universally understood regardless of native tongue, background, or culture. It is a way individuals can express themselves and share that emotion with others. Additionally, being able to read the body language of others is equally important. With that being said, it requires cultural awareness, as simple hand gestures could be perceived differently by different cultures, such as the “A OK” being perceived as a symbol of hate in countries such like Germany and Brazil (Smith, 2023). Being able to read another person allows you to offer support or insight into their emotions.

Being able to observe another’s body language is crucial in being able to understand their emotions on a stronger level, however, body language is important for yourself as well. Think of yourself as a billboard, and you are the advertisement. Being able to display strong body language is important to potentially gain confidence and respect of others.

Listening with your ears is not enough; when you listen with your eyes, you are able to gauge a stronger understanding of your conversation.  According to research, approximately 55% of communication is conveyed through body language, 38% through tone of voice, and only 7% through words, showing that body language not only enhances your understanding in emotion, but it allows you to understand what they truly mean on the deepest level (Smith, 2023). Strong body language is a sign of confidence, and in the world of business, fewer things are as important as confidence. During a presentation, if the speaker begins to panic and overwhelm, that emotion sends confusing messages to your listeners and makes your information seem unreliable.

Remember going over to a girls house and telling yourself “Firm handshake and look him in the eye” for what you would do when her father opened the door? Yeah, those small cues go a long way in gaining respect. In an interview, being able to answer questions and looking professional are important, but if you can’t look and act confidently, you’ll never get that job. Encounters like these are more common than you may realize in society. In professional environments, you are constantly being judged by your body language and it is up to you, and only you, to be glowing in confident body language. Often times in the business world, when considering promotions, employers already know which candidate they want to hire even before interviews start, because of how you professionally carry yourself, and that brings us back to how you are being constantly judged at all times, and it’s important to have the self-awareness and to carry yourself properly. So, the next time you go into a waiting room for an interview, never have your arms crossed, and most importantly: ALWAYS KEEP EYE CONTACT.

Image by SDI Productions via Pixabay

Image by SDI Productions via

What’s equally important is remembering to read the room. Being able to adapt your body language is also key, as it makes you feel more relatable when you know when it’s appropriate to go from a professional to a more casual environment (Smith, 2023).

The development of body language is something that younger generations are struggling with, as the world is moving digital, younger people have less experience to practice body language skills and gain confidence in those professional scenarios. As well as the fact that people spend more time than ever with friends over the phone rather than in person, we are losing face-to-face encounters, not being able to utilize body language to our advantage. As the younger generations are entering the ‘real world’ for the first time, it is important to be aware of these social cues by form of body language. It is important to practice positive body language skills; whether that’s talking to yourself in the mirror, writing and studying scripts, or however you deem appropriate, it is increasingly necessary to practice for your own self confidence. It’s also to understand the meaning of being there for a loved one. In this digital world, a text message saying “are you ok” is not good enough. Often times people need that shoulder to cry on in times of distress, or a person to hug when celebrating a milestone. Together, let’s work towards improving both our non-verbal and body language cues as well as recognizing those cues of the people around us.

  1. Diverse Forms of Communication: Body language can be expressed in many different ways

2. Adaptability and Evolution: Embrace societal times and how people show their emotions and being able to adapt to the different social groups and relate to them

3. Seeking help: Dont be afraid to reach out, as learning body language is growing yourself socially and reaching out or asking clarity questions is a form of growth

Takeaway this: Body language is important. It is a necessary component in professional environments to display a level of confidence and to match the professional atmosphere, but it’s equally as important in your personal lives. Reading social cues and seeing the emotions of your friends and family allows for strong connections and deep understandings. Mastering the language of the body enhances both our professional presence and personal relationships, fostering meaningful connections and a more insightful understanding of those around us. What aspects body language and nonverbal communication are you most excited about strengthening in your personal and professional lives?

Social Media vs. You



By: Zakara Preston

Before reading this blog you probably were on your phone scrolling through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook  or maybe your sibling is making a TikTok in the other room. The point is that social media is surrounded by us in many ways. Social media has a big impact on society communication. Being a young adult there is no doubt that social media is surrounded by us we all are connected whether it’s for work or school or just someone you know thats constantly on it. I go to say that social media is only going to grow. It’s important to know the evolution on how we communicate on these platforms how it impacts you and communication.

Before the early 2000s the ways of communication were through newspapers, radio and face to face conversation. The evolution has grown so much. The impact of social  media and communication is very significant. There are negative and positives aspects. Being a young adult it’s important to know the impacts of social media to use it strategically and to be aware so you don’t fall into the negative aspects of social media. 

When you’re scrolling on social media you’ll see companies promoting thier products and coming up with content for brand awareness. Social media marketing and strategy is positive for companies as it allows engagement and brings in more customers. So if you’re working for a company or thinking of starting a business social media will be needed for companies reputation and to attract customers.

A study talks about how “social media provides awareness among society like campaigns advertisements articles promotions which helps communities stay up to date.” This shows how campaigns use social media to communicate awareness.

Theres plenty of changes social media has made of interpersonal communication non verbal and verbal.  The study mentions how a person may be eating dinner and they are scrolling through twitter and not communicating at the dinner table. They also mention self expression and how theres a sense of urgency to share and interact with others online. We are speaking a whole new language with the use of emojis and using gifs so we communicate visually and with abbreviations online such as lol, gtg, brb.  This is an aspect on how we communicate as a society online. 

The study conducted a survey most age 21 to 25 and they found that majority of people strongly agreed that social media has greatly impacted on the way people speak and write in their everyday lives. 25.5% of participants strongly agreed that social media minimize face to face interaction. While 36.3% just agreed and 29% neither agreed or disagreed. 

Respondents gave their opinion on social media and communication one says  “ Social media makes communication colorful easier to understand while another respondent mentions “how it neglects to focus on our inner feelings and emotions” one mentioned how “its normalizes a system in which immediately delivering ideas without authentication or self criticism.” Social media pros are that it  made people feel confident talking about certain topics, it’s easier to gain more knowledge about a topic. You can  connect with others and those that are unable to see each other due to distance.  The cons can include the lack of in person social skills lack of deeper connection with others.

I feel like social media does have an impact on communication in everyday lives. Since it’s been here for awhile and for most of my youth its becomes normalized for form communication. I love the connectedness I can feel when I can relate to a funny video I seen on tiktok. It’s also good for getting in touch with others and keeping up with family and friends. I think the problem comes in is that it can be addictive. This is when social media can be very negative because it can be bad for your mental health. You may start comparing your lives to others you see online which can lead to sadness and feeling lonely. Self image issues, body image issues, the fear of missing out and constantly checking social media all these aspects affects mental health. 

Overall, it’s important to be aware as a young adult of social media and its impacts because you can use it your best advantage such as for communication, networking building an audience and creating content that you enjoy. The problem comes in is when theres too much increase time on social media and when it starts effecting your mental health. Thats when you have discipline. You have to know when to take a break from the platforms, whether that be to deactivate an account, or deleting all social media apps, unfollowing people and content that are negative.

I suggest to use social media in a way that is beneficial to you specifically when it comes to communication staying in contact with others, networking, and producing content since these aspect of communication can grow you as individual. Alot of  Communication now and days are going to take place on social media. So thats why it’s important to know how you’re communicating on social media knowing how its impacting you. In what ways are you communication on social media?

Don’t Just Say So Use Peso



Image from Pixabay

By Ethan Ijumba

As a writer, many types of writing styles work in conjunction in fields where utilizing different methods and models to promote and better a brand. One of the models that those in the public relations field follow is PESO.  To better understand the different outlets, PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned) is a form that helps differentiate the media types into separate categories to help reach a target audience. The PESO model assists in how organizations can utilize different types of media to market their businesses. 


To better understand the media types that fall under the PESO categories, it is best to review each category and exactly what marketing means to classify them into these groups. When reviewing strategies to help better understand how businesses can improve their marketing strategies, by effectively leveraging each part of the PESO model and implementing these strategies, brands can create an impactful marketing strategy that maximizes reach, engagement, and results.


Paid Media refers to any form of advertising or promotional content that a brand pays for, this also includes traditional methods such as print and broadcast advertisements. Earned Media is any publicity or coverage that a brand receives without paying for it. This includes media mentions in newspapers, magazines, and online publications, as well as social media influencers or celebrities promoting the brand. Shared Media refers to any content that is shared by individuals or organizations on social media platforms. This can include brand-related posts, user-generated content, or viral videos that gain widespread attention. Lastly, Owned Media refers to the channels and platforms that a brand or organization owns and controls. This includes websites, blogs, social media accounts, and email newsletters.


An example of an owned media outlet is gossip columnist, Perez Hilton because he owns and controls his own blog and social media accounts. He can publish his content, share his opinions and thoughts, and engage directly with his audience. By doing this, Hilton has built a brand that is not only personal but successful in capitalizing on his owned media channels, which has allowed him to establish himself as a major figure in promoting the entertainment industry. In his case, Hilton’s use of social media not only gave him successful ways of promoting his brand in terms of longevity, but it also helped platforms create new channels of media for him to use.


While owned media may have helped Perez Hilton establish himself as a brand to be recognized. What many organizations tend to utilize is the shared media method of sponsored posts. For example, rather than using media channels and traditional mediums such as TV, radio, and such. Companies tend to collaborate with social media influencers for sponsored ads and promotional content that reaches their followers directly as well as allow brands to organically reach a wider demographic with authenticity. 


Based on how PESO can impact a brand’s marketability, it is important for brands to research their audience to select what category of the PESO model may be best to target. If the target audience is better reached through traditional media channels, such as print or broadcast, then the brand may want to consider investing in paid media campaigns. On the other hand, if the target audience is highly engaged in social media and relies heavily on recommendations from peers, then shared or earned media may be more effective. 

From how the PESO model can be used to better a brand’s marketing with these tools, I would say I learned more about the different aspects that companies can use to better reach their target audience. With that being said, the PESO model helps utilize what a corporation should look for when weighing in the options available to them. Rather than focusing on a traditional method that works for a certain company, it’s better to overview the different types of media that can be better utilized so that way the goals of the organization are met successfully. With what I’ve learned about PESO, it’s important to consider the benefits of using different media outlets to help build a brand’s credibility and lead to conversions and business growth. Implementing these different strategies can help businesses increase their engagement and results. It is also important to remember that the PESO model works together and when combining paid, earned, shared, and owned media effectively, brands can create an approach that maximizes their potential.