We Are Slaves To Social Media

We Are Slaves To Social Media  

by Ethan IjumbaHow Smart Phones Are Turning Our Public Places Into Private Ones - Bloomberg


The amount of time we spend and use for the applications, feeds, and reports we receive from our technological devices is concerning. We live in a world of gratifications from likes, shares, and comments that allow us to feel a specific emotion that brings us joy based on the number of engagements we receive. This constant need for validation from others can be addictive and detrimental to our mental health. As a society, we’ve seen different perspectives on social media’s positive and negative uses and how they’ve shaped our cultural norms and cultivated our views and behaviors. Rather than viewing the negatives of social media, the positives are still evident to be noted. It’s still essential to be aware of the adverse effects of social media and technology on our mental health and well-being. Still, it’s equally important to recognize how they have shaped our society positively.

While social media presents what some may consider a negative impact, it has become a tool for educational purposes; institutions and organizations have utilized platforms such as YouTube and Instagram to share educational content and resources. It has also allowed the creation of careers such as remote-based jobs, influencers, streamers, and other careers that society can pursue if appropriately managed. Social media has provided a platform for education, career opportunities, and connectivity. It is up to us as individuals to find a healthy balance and use these tools to enhance our lives rather than detract from them. With that being said, our devices have also become methods not only to communicate but also to disassociate with others and refrain from building new connections and relationships in interpersonal situations. While the technology we possess has the potential to enhance our lives and connect us with others, it can also become a barrier to building new connections and relationships in interpersonal situations. 

The technological devices we have for our use and disposal allow us to communicate with other members of the society we share. However, we’ve seen a social disconnect and divide that social media causes, whether it intends to bring us closer or further apart. However, it’s becoming increasingly common for us to see individuals and groups on their phones in ways that may or may not be productive. We spend hours each day consuming content that may not be meaningful or beneficial to our lives. These effects may be due to the constant need for validation and comparison on social media platforms, leading to feelings of loneliness and low self-esteem. Although it may be easier for some to create and build relationships with others on social media, the building of interpersonal skills is then lost in translation when it comes to solely using social media as a method of communication. 

To those who use their devices for productive or work-related reasons, the constant bombardment of emails, updates, and messages makes it difficult to disconnect and recharge from social media handles. This can lead to burnout and stress, affecting physical and mental health. We must set boundaries and limits for our social media usage. The more we allow social media to consume our everyday lives, the more susceptible we become to the issues and dangers it presents. Harvard Business Review Senior Senior Associate Editor Kelsey Hansen dives further into how social media has addictive traits in her article, Our Social Media Addiction stating:


My social media use seemed harmless. But I soon noticed that my attention span and mental capacity were suffering. When trying to finish school assignments, I’d check Facebook repeatedly. Each day I spent hours scrolling through its pages. It got so bad that I had to temporarily deactivate my profile ahead of my final exams to eliminate temptation. But after they ended I was back at it. I remember how, during a weeklong trip I took with my family that summer, we had no computer access (this was before smartphones), and I kept thinking, I can’t wait to get home to check Facebook. I’ll have more notifications since I’ve been away. Most notifications I got were surface-level comments or passive “likes” that didn’t mean anything, yet it was so hard to stop checking them. (Hansen 2022)

With the constant need to feel that checking our phones will bring us feelings of happiness or joy, personal social media usage is something that we must evaluate and maintain a balance that allows us to advance by using social media mindfully and purposefully. By doing this, we can reap the benefits while minimizing the opportunity for negatives. Overall, it is crucial to recognize the impact of personal social media usage on our lives and find a balance. While social media can connect us to others and provide valuable information or entertainment, it can also lead to feelings of comparison, addiction, and a lack of presence at the moment.



Anderson, Monica. “The Virtues and Downsides of Online Dating.” Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, Pew Research Center, 6 Feb. 2020, www.pewresearch.org/internet/2020/02/06/the-virtues-and-downsides-of-online-dating/. 

“Our Social Media Addiction.” Harvard Business Review, 17 Oct. 2022, hbr.org/2022/11/our-social-media-addiction.

The secret to anti-aging

Written by: Sarah Gillmen

Has it ever occurred to you that your aging and so is your skin?  Is there anything that can stop it? How will you stop the affects of aging before they start? What does retinol cream do to protect the skin? Your skin won’t stay youthful forever. Here’s how you can try to get ahead of those wrinkles and blemishes of your skin.

As a young adult women I have taken it upon myself to research and find out information about health and beauty. I developed a skin care routine a few years ago when my skin got out of control with hormonal acne and I wanted to get rid of it. The face is always the first place I look at on someone and when there are blemishes or signs of aging people notice those things. It could an insecurity thing but I felt like I wanted a change and so I did what I could to research and find ways to cure these skin issues I was experiencing.

A lot of people are not aware of how important it is to take care of your skin even in your younger years. The affects of your skin aging are easier to prevent and change when your younger. Products also have the chance to work better when you don’t already have the affects of aging. Retinol is known for its ability to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. It promotes collagen production which is what lessens the older we get. Without collagen our skin barrier starts to loose its elasticity which then leads to what we know as wrinkles. After the age of 20 your skin starts to produce 1 percent less collagen in the skin each year. As a result the skin becomes thinner and more fragile with age.

The article What Are The Benefits of Retinol Serum?, by Eva Naturals it talks about the benefits of using retinol for hyperpigmentation. “Have dark spots on your face from previous sun damage? What about a mild case of hyperpigmentation? Retinol is well-known for its ability to even out skin tones, but it can also lighten areas that are unnaturally dark. The more uniform your skin’s appearance is, the healthier and more youthful it will look.” Your skin health is important at all ages but especially as you get older because of years of sun damage can leave your skin looking wrinkly and with a lot of dark spots caused from hyperpigmentation. In addition to using retinol it is also important to be applying sun screen to your face every morning to reduce the risk of sun damage. Retinol is known to treat hyperpigmentation causes such as melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. It aids in the fading of dark spots and the uneven texture of the skin.

As you age there also has been found to be a decrease in the amount of sweat and oil glands, resulting in less elastin and GAG formation. When this production of cells and glands slows this is called intrinsic aging and it is characterized by the thinning of the skin and the results of less production of things that slowly decline with age. Retinol promotes cell turnover by encouraging the shedding of old damaged skin cells and the production of new healthy ones. This can result in refreshed and healthier looking skin.

Retinol can also aid in the prevention of acne an scaring and hormonal acne. Even years after being a teenage people can still experience issues with oily skin and clogged pores. Applying a retinol cream can help with the oiliness of your skin which will lead to fewer break outs. Not only this but it helps give your skin a natural glow. It exfoliates at a cellular level, which results in a brighter and smoother looking appearance of the skin. Giving you the “glow” that is so sought after. So retinol is a great way to improve your confidence and enhance your overall confidence, by loving your glowing and youthful looking skin.

Gillmen/ September 26, 2023

Is Your Health Affected by Your Ability to Communicate?

Image by (supersizer) via (Pixaby)

Written by: Emily Bruckner

https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspxdirect=true&AuthType=sso&db=cms&AN=152720243&site=ehost-live&scope=site&custid=s3915890As a woman in her twenties, there are many things that have changed regarding my health journey.  In order to be successful at being “healthy”, you have to go through new procedures, learn about new risks, be actively aware of your health and know how to communicate with the people trusted with your healthcare. As someone who was fearful of medicine and the jargon used to describe it, communicating my needs was a constant struggle. This is not to be limited to only women, as any person can experience this barrier in communication. In my personal experience, the acceptance of medication and therapy has expanded to new lengths, but the education on support outside of school systems is not as strong. There are several factors that could affect engagement and understanding of one’s medical needs.


In a research article called, eHealth platforms as user-data communication, these factors are roughly known as patients struggling to comprehend data they receive from their medical results. Another factor listed includes patients not having a communicative space to discuss the data and how having multiple people who have access to medical records can be a good thing (Mahnke, Nielsen 2021). The ideas of patient empowerment and not giving in to self-doubt are also illustrated throughout this research article.


As a young adult, it is important to gain independence when it comes to preparing to vouch for yourself when it comes to your own personal, medical needs. The study discusses the first factor listed, which involves struggling with the comprehension on numbers and notes commonly used throughout results. They include reasons as to why understanding can benefit the patients’ health. Control is maintained, questions are asked for clarification and self-reflection is administered (Mahnke, Nielsen 2021). Often, I found myself asked, “Do you have any questions?”, and the answer would most likely be no, or some random question that was phrased in a way that was unrecognizable from my intentions. Further knowledge about results and reflection are important in the process of communication.


This coincides with the suggestion of maintaining a space that you can discuss your medical results in in order to gain a better understanding and make the best decision for your health. This includes becoming more familiar with medical jargon, being proactive, familiarizing oneself with available websites and containing trusted information and communicating with your doctor about your needs. The research article demonstrates this by stating, “While there is general agreement in the medical field that access to data is beneficial to patients, there is a lack of research that looks deeper into how patients experience themselves through digital health” (Mahnke, Nielsen 2021).  Giving patients the tools and not explaining how to use them, or present them in an accessible way can be a challenging task many people do not bother completing.


Reiterating the issue above, existence does not equal access, and therefore can be an issue with communication affecting your health. In order to make changes to improve your health journey, you have to be self-aware and willing to communicate to alter your ability. Data is often overwhelming for someone like me who strays far away from numbers and science. Perfectly put, the study quotes Lupton (2018:2), “making sense of the information, deciding how valid or valuable it is… to know their bodies better and more intensively and to work to interpret these novel forms of information about themselves (Mahnke, Nielsen 2021).  This quote from the research article further provides support for the theory that communication can benefit your health.


By allowing myself to rely on my parents to deal with the medical aspect of my life, growing up in high school, it came as a shock when they suddenly expected me to be responsible for it all at once. Learning how to have a relationship with the people you see for medical care is important. Being able to communicate to those who we call experts in their fields certainly cannot do their job to the best of their ability if we do not participate in the goal of keeping ourselves healthy. Interacting with technology, scheduling appoints and discussing options are all things that contribute to communication with people who are responsible for our health.


Bruckner / September 26, 2023

Put the Phone Down: Dating in the Digital Age

Image by icsilviu from Pixabay
Image by icsilviu from Pixabay

Written by: Aaliyah Reksid

Being in a romantic relationship can be difficult at times. One of the best ways to help prevent/help the conflict is by communicating with your partner, but what if when you are trying to speak to them they are on their cell phone instead of listening?

The nature of romantic relationships has changed over time and so has technology. Pew Research Center has studied the change in both and together for a long time. They conducted a survey among 4,860 U.S. adults that focused on the patterns, experiences, and attitudes related to digital technology use in romantic relationships.

One of the first topics they covered within the survey was how often they believe their partner to be looking at their cell phone when they are trying to have a conversation and if so how much it bothered them. Say you are sitting at a restaurant and you look around how many people sitting at the table are having a conversation and how many are on their phones? Personally not only has this happened to me, but when going out it is very often that I see this amount of two people. In the study, 51% say their partner is often or sometimes distracted by their cell phone when they are trying to have a conversation. 40% say that they often or sometimes are bothered by the amount of time their partner spends on their phone.

But what happens when curiosity kicks in? Do you ever wonder what someone is doing spending so much time on their phone that it has become that much of a distraction? 34% of people in the survey say they have ever looked through their current partner’s cell phone without their partner’s knowledge.  There is a very widespread agreement that looking through your partner’s phone without their knowledge is unacceptable, seven-in-ten Americans agree with this statement. Some people say that depending on the circumstance it can be acceptable for 34% of women and 25% of men.

Personally, I believe that snooping through your partner’s phone without their knowledge is unacceptable. Especially without cause. I had been in a relationship where the person I was dating had gone through my phone without my permission. They had brought up to me something I had said long before we were dating (two years to be exact) and had started a fight with me over it. This caused me to lose my trust in that partner and caused more issues down the line. On the other hand, I have had a friend who had gone on her partner’s phone without them knowing as she had a suspicion of him cheating and it turned out she was correct.

For my partner, at the time, to have been able to get into my phone he needed my password, which I had trusted him with. In the study, they asked if the people involved shared their passcodes with their partner. Depending on the relationship status, 75% of all partnered adult relationships people said yes. This included people who were married, living together, and in committed relationships.

It is not just the cell phone itself that can cause problems in a relationship, but more so what is on the screen. With social media, it is extremely easy to start comparing or sharing your relationships online. Many people see social media as a great way to show their love for their partner by posting about them. 81% of people within the study said they have often or sometimes seen people posting about their relationships on social media and 28% said they share and discuss their current relationships or dating life on social media. I have fallen into this category as I like to be able to post about the people in my life as a way of showing my happiness and love for them.

What happens when you see other couples online and start to compare your relationship to theirs? 46% of people said that seeing other couples on social media affects how they view their own love lives. (35% said sometimes and 15% said rarely).

Technology in the 21st century is so far advanced than a decade ago that it can cause many problems within your personal relationships. Have you ever experienced these issues before? Have you talked it through with your partner or did curiosity kill the cat and you went snooping without asking?

The photo is from Arizona State University
Hey everyone,

You know that feeling when you’re about to start a new chapter in your life, and it’s a mix of excitement and uncertainty? Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about today – the leap from high school to college. And guess what? We’ll be drawing some inspiration from Shanitra Jones Barnes’ intriguing research titled “College Readiness of Freshman Students from Inner-City Schools.” So, whether you’re a high school student gearing up for college or just curious about the journey, stick around. We’ve got some insights and tips coming your way!

Imagine stepping out of the familiar structure of high school into the vast world of college. It’s like getting the keys to your own academic kingdom. You get to pick your classes, choose your professors, and chart your own educational path. As Shanitra Jones Barnes’ research suggests, this newfound academic freedom means you can tailor your education to your interests and dreams. A good tip that I recommend is to embrace this opportunity to explore a wide range of subjects and uncover your passions. And remember, professors and academic advisors are there to guide you along the way.

Ready for more? Let’s dive in!

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room—the workload. College coursework can be demanding, as highlighted in Jones Barnes’ study. It’s a step up from high school, and you’ll need to buckle down and manage your time effectively.Get organized! Create a study schedule and cultivate strong time management skills. If you ever feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out to academic support services.

Colleges are like melting pots of cultures and backgrounds. Just like the research suggests, you’ll meet people from all walks of life, and that’s a beautiful thing. Embrace this diversity; it’s an opportunity for personal growth and expanding your worldview. Join clubs, organizations, and student groups that pique your interest. You’ll not only make friends but also create a support network that’ll come in handy.
Living away from home for the first time can be both thrilling and daunting. You’ll have newfound independence, but with it comes responsibilities—budgeting, cooking, and laundry, to name a few.

It’s time to master those life skills before heading to college. The more prepared you are, the smoother the transition will be.
With more unstructured time on your hands, time management becomes your superpower. Balancing academics, extracurricular activities, and social life is key to a fulfilling college experience. Use planners or digital apps to stay organized. Prioritize tasks and create a study routine that works for you.

In conclusion, the transition from high school to college is an exhilarating journey filled with challenges and opportunities. As you embark on this adventure, remember that seeking help and support is a sign of strength, not weakness. College is a place for growth and self-discovery, and with the right mindset and a little guidance, you can thrive.
Now, if you want to delve deeper into this topic, I highly recommend checking out Shanitra Jones Barnes’ research, “College Readiness of Freshman Students from Inner-City Schools.” It’s an excellent resource for gaining a deeper understanding of the unique challenges faced by students from inner-city backgrounds during this transition.

[Read the full study here] (https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=11416&context=dissertations).

Cheers to your college journey! ??

Sustainable Recycling on College Campuses

Geographic shapes organized to represent a landscape of (from left to right) a river, a windmill, a group of trees, and two mountains. The sky contains a round yellow sun to the left, and a bundle of clouds to the right.
Picture from Marc Manhart on Pixabay. Image Description: Geographic shapes organized to represent a landscape of (from left to right) a river, a windmill, a group of trees, and two mountains. The sky contains a round yellow sun to the left, and a bundle of clouds to the right.

Have you ever wanted to practice more sustainable efforts in your day to day life? Do you have a passion for saving the environment around you? Well it’s not as difficult as it seems. You can practice these efforts every day with the help of your college campus.

Many students are aware of recycling programs that go on around campus and other locations, specifically because of those blue bins specific to place recyclable items in. In grade school we learn on a surface level how to “reuse, reduce, and recycle,” at least as much as 10 year olds can understand. At that point in our learning, the concept of recycling was introduced to us as a form of a hands-on activity, and making something new with what you already have, or with something that you would throw away.

While these hands-on activities were an important skill for young students, schools saw the bigger benefit to these recycling programs. According to Sustainability Practice and Education on University Campuses and Beyond by Kumar Ashok and Kim Dong -Shik, schools’ realized the benefits of these programs, including pollution prevention, reducing costs of using the landfills, and saving raw materials. Schools are a prime example of an establishment that saw the benefit from both a business and education perspective.

One of the most common ways you can be conscious about recycling for sustainable efforts is placing your recyclable bottles, cans, and packaging from your food and drinks you consume. It is easy to save your packaging and throw it into the blue recycle bins. Once it is in the bin, it is off your hands and you can walk away knowing you are helping save more waste from going to the landfills, and that material can be used to make new things.

In Sustainability Practice and Education on University Campuses and Beyond, the authors write about how colleges can contribute to making a successful recycling program on campus. If your campus does not have a reliable program or you want to suggest improvements to a preexisting one, then here are some things you should keep in mind.

Campus support plays a big role in the success or failure of a recycling program. If there is no visible effort being shown to students, then the students have no motivation or inspiration to value it enough to take part. Additionally, if the campus doesn’t have recycling bins or areas to take your recyclables, then it makes it significantly more difficult to responsibly dispose of these things, especially for students without cars. The research article discusses how the consistency of having the same size, color, and type of bin can visually help students with identifying these opportunities.

Another thing that helps motivate students to participate is informing them of how recycling is a sustainable effort they can participate in and how the process works. One way this can happen is posting infographics around trash disposal areas with blue bins. When displayed correctly, people can quickly read the information on the sheet and it can play into their decision to throw away their trash without thinking, or to sort out the different items.

Overall, these efforts from students and the colleges themselves work together to impact our environment and try to prevent so much waste from being put into our landfills and littered. Keeping everything much cleaner and safer.

If you participate in other recycling you think are worth sharing with others, feel free to leave a comment. And if you think your university should have more recycling efforts and programs, be the catalyst and be a community leader to start up these programs!


Ashok, K., & Dong -Shik, K. (2017). Sustainability Practice and Education on University Campuses and Beyond. Bentham Science Publishers.

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Journaling for Young Adults: How Putting Your Thoughts on Paper Can Heal Your Mind

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Written By: Marisa Manns

As a young adult, stress is something you may know all too well. As you begin to have to worry about bigger things, whether its a career, getting through a higher education, moving into your first apartment, or watching your friends start to leave home to also do bigger things – you may feel like your head is absolutely scrambled – and that’s okay. First of all, breathe. But also, you should seriously try journaling.

Journaling is a great way to sort your thoughts out. The best part is, you can write about whatever you want. Nobody has to see your journal besides you. For me, journaling has become one of my favorite parts of the day and has immensely helped me self-reflect and ultimately have a clearer mind.

Why should you journal as a young adult? According to Write to Heal: The Benefits of Journal Writing for the Body and Mind, writing down your thoughts and problems helps to advocate for positive reflection and motives, which greatly aids in decision-making. Journal writing focuses on the writer’s internal sensations, responses, and thoughts. Write to Heal: The Benefits of Journal Writing for the Body and Mind also claims that journaling can help the writer observe experiences more clearly and release stress from their minds.

Journaling does not only give you full freedom to write whatever you want, but you can also journal whenever you want. I’ve found that I enjoy journaling the most either in the morning right after waking up, or at night before going to sleep. As the morning is the start of your day, morning journaling can help prepare you to reach your goals in the day ahead. Nighttime journaling (my personal favorite) is a great way to reflect upon the day and clear your mind before a good night’s rest. In addition to this, you can journal wherever you want; but you may want to journal in private to make the most of it.

In my personal experience, I also love to set the scene. Shut your door and sit in a comfy space (I love to journal in my bed, but you can also sit on your favorite couch or beanbag). I also sometimes light a candle, burn some incense, put my oil diffuser on, or turn on my sunset lamp while journaling. By all means you do not have to set the scene, but I will say, it’s extremely relaxing, and those are just a few ways you can do so.

As a young adult myself, nearing college graduation, I have a lot on my plate. Finding a career and planning my post-grad life while still trying to focus on the present and finish school out strong is not easy. Its quite stressful. Journaling is a therapeutic activity I do that helps me release these stressful feelings. I’d like to clarify, however, that journaling is not only an activity for stress. I also love to journal about my successes and the things I am proud of.

Journaling your successes will remind you of all the accomplishments you have made. It is a way for you to look back on your personal growth! Make it a priority to be proud of YOU, because during these stressful times, YOU will need to have your own back. So write about that A you got on your test, write about the interview that went really well, write about how you went to the gym for the first time in 3 years, or even about the really good dinner you made last night. Just as journaling is a great space to release your negative thoughts, its also a way to remember your positive thoughts and acknowledge your accomplishments.

So we know journaling is good for self-reflection, decision-making, goal setting, self-awareness, and especially emotional release. Here are some additional compelling reasons why you should consider making journaling a part of your daily routine:

  • Memory Preservation – Keeping a journal allows you revisit past experiences and relive them through your words.
  • Creativity Boost – Journaling encourages free thought, brain storming, and idea generation.
  • Self Discovery – It can help you understand yourself better, uncovering your values, beliefs, and personal growth opportunities.
  • Improved Communication – It enhances your communication skills by allowing you to organize your thoughts and properly articulate them.
  • Accountability – Journaling can help you hold yourself accountable to your goals, habits, and commitments.
  • Time Management – By logging your daily activities and tasks, you can become more efficient.

A Siblings Bond: Then and Now


By: Raysa Kelly

Image by Mascot images from Shutterstock

If you could describe your relationship with you sibling in 5 words, how would you describe it? If I am talking about my brother I would say “He is annoying, but loved,” but, if I am talking about my sister I would say “She is always my rock.” Siblings are the ones who we grew up with, fought with, and told our secrets to; who we looked up to or wanted to be a role model for. This experience changes and shapes who we are as people even if growing up creates a distance.

A research study by Alexander C. Johnson Sibling Relationships in Adolescence and Young Adulthood in Multiple Contexts: A Critical Review examines the quality of relationships between siblings in childhood and adult life. The study focuses on topics such as how sibling relationships change over time, how gender affects sibling relationships, and how sibling relationships affect behavior and attitudes.

I remember when I was younger and I would barge into my sisters room everyday after school to tell her every detail of my life while she pretended to listen. My younger brother would then repeat this process to me, but it was more like “Sissy, let’s play Minecraft.” or “Sissy, watch me play Angry Birds.” If we flash to today, the dynamic is much different. I am in college and my sister moved out, but we still text roughly twice a week and try and keep in touch. With my brother, I now have to beg for his attention and get my text back when he’s not with his girlfriend or playing Subnautica.

The research shows that as we grow older, our bonds with our siblings are affected by stability and change. In adolescence, the close bonds usually stay strong and consistent, but as we grow older, life happens. Siblings move out, make new friends, start getting into relationships and branching out on their own. The power dynamic between younger and older siblings also starts to lessen for and siblings start to fight less. Despite the lessening of animosities, my little brother will never get shotgun; even if he’s taller than me now.

The relationships between our siblings have a strong correlation on who we are today. The research shows that a close bond between siblings in adolescence has positive impacts such as greater self esteem, resilience, positive school attitudes, and empathy. When the relationship between siblings is weaker it tends to have more negative impacts. These include narcissism, anxiety, depression, lower self-esteem, and antisocial behavior.  This stronger bond also has a “monkey-see-monkey-do” affect.

For example, I used to be on the swim team from fourth grade until I graduated and I got pretty good at it around 8th grade. My little brother was sick of playing football and decided to join the swim team so we could swim together. Monkey see, monkey do. My sister used to curse in songs when she would drive me around, so I would also curse in those songs and then I would curse in songs when I was listening to them by myself. Monkey see, monkey do. Though this doesn’t necessarily mean that I molded my brother into a swimmer or that my sister molded me into cursing, it’s just something that we did in correspondence to what we saw.

Sibling relationships can also vary depending on gender. Siblings of the same gender are usually closer than siblings of the opposite sex. Overall, young women are found to report a closer relationship with their siblings though, they also report more fighting between sisters. Which I can agree with as my sister and I used to battle over the dumbest things, such as which one of us bought a mug that said “My dog is my best friend.” We actually still fight over that because I know I bought that from Target. At the same time, I would tell her way more about my personal life than I would ever tell my little brother and vice versa.

Overall, our siblings and our relationships with them growing up will influence who we are today. They had a positive affect on me when it comes to my social skills, empathy, and level of patience. These bonds created in adolescence stay with us for our entire lives and nothing could make me happier, unless maybe my sister admitting I was the one who bought that mug.

The Importance of Body Language

Written By Christian Cellasio

Humans are emotional creatures, and there are so many easy ways to share emotions with one another. Being in a room with a silly baby makes everyone feel happy, almost guaranteed that you smile as a result of the baby’s happiness. Seeing one of your closest friends shelter themselves, walking around with their head down lets you know that your friend is struggling. Social cues from body language help communicate emotions to one another.

Body language is one of the only forms of communication that does not revolve around verbal communication. Body language is universally understood regardless of native tongue, background, or culture. It is a way individuals can express themselves and share that emotion with others. Additionally, being able to read the body language of others is equally important. Being able to read another person allows you to offer support or insight into their emotions.

Listening with your ears is not enough; when you listen with your eyes, you are able to gauge a stronger understanding of your conversation.  According to research, approximately 55% of communication is conveyed through body language, 38% through tone of voice, and only 7% through words, showing that body language not only enhances your understanding in emotion, but it allows you to understand what they truly mean on the deepest level.

Body language helps build relationships, being attuned to nonverbal cues from your peers allows us to gain a deeper understanding compared to just listening. With that being said, this is much easier said than done.

In the more intimate aspects of our lives, such as during romantic relationships or deep friendships, understanding body language can be a game-changer. It allows us to be more empathetic, to be there and to help communicate the needs and feelings of our loved ones. Going back to the previous example, imagine a situation where you notice when a friend is feeling down, even when they haven’t uttered a word. It enables us to offer support and comfort, making our relationships stronger and more meaningful because you are showing that you’re there for them, since they could be feeling embarrassment or unsettlement to reach out and could be struggling to communicate their emotions through words.

Being able to observe another’s body language is crucial in being able to understand their emotions on a stronger level, however, body language is important for yourself as well. Think of yourself as a billboard, and you are the advertisement. Being able to display strong body language is important to potentially gain confidence and respect of others.

Remember going over to a girls house and telling yourself “Firm handshake and look him in the eye” for what you would do when her father opened the door? Yeah, those small cues go a long way in gaining respect. ­In an interview, being able to answer questions and looking professional are important, but if you can’t look and act confidently, you’ll never get that job. Encounters like these are more common than you may realize in society. In professional and respectful environments, you are constantly being judged by your body language and it is up to you, and only you, to be glowing in confident body language. So, the next time you go into a waiting room for an interview, never have your arms crossed, and most importantly: ALWAYS KEEP EYE CONTACT.

With that being said, remember to read the room. Being able to adapt your body language is also key, as it makes you feel more relatable when you know when it’s appropriate to go from a professional to a more casual environment.

The development of body language is something that younger generations are struggling with, as the world is moving digital, younger people have less experience to practice body language skills and gain confidence in those professional scenarios. As well as the fact that people spend more time than ever with friends over the phone rather than in person, we are losing face-to-face encounters, not being able to utilize body language to our advantage. As the younger generations are entering the ‘real world’ for the first time, it is important to be aware of these social cues by form of body language. It is important to practice positive body language skills; whether that’s talking to yourself in the mirror, writing and studying scripts, or however you deem appropriate, it is increasingly necessary to practice for your own self confidence. Its also to understand the meaning of being there for a loved one. In this digital world, a text message saying “are you ok” is not good enough. Often times people need that shoulder to cry on in times of distress, or a person to hug when celebrating a milestone. Together, let’s work towards improving both our non-verbal and body language cues as well as recognizing those cues of the people around us.

Nonverbal Communication and Body Language – HelpGuide.org

Image by SDI Productions via Pixabay
Image by SDI Productions via Pixabay

Mass Media and a Future For Athletes

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Image by Keith Johnston via Pixabay  

Written By: Elena Sarkissian 

Are you an athlete, wondering if you are going to find work after college? Are you feeling pressure from trying to balance schoolwork, practices, and games? It is important to plan ahead and learn how social media can benefit your athletic career, as well as your career after graduation.

Personally, as a volleyball player in college, I can say that it can be very stressful to get homework done when most weekends and weekdays revolve around games and practices. In addition, balancing work on top of that adds a different level of stress. The feeling of needing to drop a sport for a job related to your field puts even more pressure on your shoulders.

Many athletes that I know tend to procrastinate their schoolwork and constantly feel like their work load is nonstop. Especially when you are doing sports, work, and school, it can be hard to let your brain rest at times. College students are prone to having more stress and anxiety because of the activities and work they become a part of. The crazy part is that we, as college students, are told to get involved in activities that will boost your resume however, these activities take up a lot of time that we could be focusing on school and work. The benefit of being a student athlete is that successful sports students can lead to a social role that encourages other athletes at the beginning of their career.

According to an article called, “The Role of Mass Media in Promoting the Dual Career of the Performance Athlete”, mass media creates interest and content in the sports field. Mass media and sports work hand in hand because nowadays, athletes use social media and television to keep up with other professional sports. In addition, this article emphasizes the importance of mass media in relation to sponsorships and brand partnerships for athletes. Combining mass media and education with sports leads to dual career. Dual career refers to the attempt of athletes to combines sports performance with education or work and is a continuous concern for athletes.

The purpose of the article, “The Role of Mass Media in Promoting the Dual Career of the Performance Athlete”, was to determine the role that mass media has or can have in the development of the dual career concept. A survey was conducted using 30 people who work in mass media regarding their opinion about dual career. Three questions were asked during this survey; 1. Does mass media play an important role in promoting “dual career” and the performance athlete’s profile?, 2. Does mass media have the quality to promote “dual career”, 3. Is the promotion of performance athlete’s profile determined by mass media.

The results of this study were that 24 people associated dual career with a way to have simultaneous professions, including sports and education. It is very difficult for athletes to not only have a job sports wise, but also having a job as a student however, the sports institutions that coverage around athletes, such as ministries, clubs, and managers, can contribute to the development of the athlete’s image in society. In turn, “these organizations, in order to be effective, need public visibility, and the aspects presented should be directed towards the positive values of dual career. If the people around the athlete are well educated around the importance of balancing both sports and a career afterwards, it is more likely that the student will be successful. Furthermore, mass media is not only beneficial for a student athlete, but also for the athlete after graduation.

Communication channels, such as social media, are key for employment. Nowadays, mass media is used on all platforms to get in touch with students for athletic scholarships, job opportunities, internships, and much more. There are attributes in an athlete that are important in order to balance sports and a job. This includes determination, the ability to adapt to unforeseen situations, and the ability to show impeccable conduct. These are all attributes that can be taught if you learn early on.

Overall, it is okay to be stressed and not know what the future holds when you are a student athlete. However, it is important to plan your future afterwards and discover the opportunities that are presented for you.
