Stephanie Wenger is graduating with a BA in English this spring. Stephanie’s kindness and thoughtfulness have always enhanced our sense of community within the English Department.
Stephanie Wenger loved her time at Millersville. She fell in love with this school as soon as she set foot on campus. Her experience at Millersville was made special by all the friends she made and all the opportunities she had to grow into the professional, hard-working person she is today.
Stephanie took advantage of the many clubs and leadership opportunities on campus throughout her college career. As President of the English Club, Stephanie organized many excursions outside of campus to see plays, films, and readings. She also led weekly meetings with club members to discuss all things English.
Dr. Corkery, the advisor for the English Club, praised Stephanie for her hard work, “Stephanie is remarkably kind and thoughtful. You can see how she cares about including people in whatever she does from the way she collaborates. She wants the group to thrive, not just herself. She has been a wonderful contributor to our English community. Thanks Stephanie!”
She was also on the e-board of the National Society of Leadership and Success as the vice-president and took part in George Street Press where she was published in the 2018-2019 issue.

While English majors are only required to complete one internship for their degree, Stephanie decided to pursue two internships to expand her professional skill set. Her first internship was with the Archives and Special Collections through the McNairy Library where she worked with the YWCA collection. She also interned with Housing and Residential Programs where she worked as the marketing intern. Her job was to write for the

blog and create social media content.
Looking back at all the English courses she’s taken, Stephanie remembers two classes she loved the most. The first was World Literature with Professor Skucek, and the second was Web Writing with Dr. Pfannenstiel. She loved these classes because she found the content fascinating and the professors were wonderful.
As of right now, Stephanie doesn’t have any set plans after she graduates. However, she is working on getting a job in the marketing writing field.
Congratulations, Stephanie! We are so proud of all your accomplishments, and we hope you keep in touch.