Last week, two events on campus gave students, faculty and staff opportunities to gather and celebrate both the new school year and the Department of ENWL’s commitment to Millersville’s EPPIIC Values. Check out the Upcoming Events list at the end of this post for next week’s activities!
Games for Learning
Our Games for Learning event, hosted by Creative Writers Guild and George Street Press, gave students a chance to play literature and language themed games, enjoying some snacks and pizza while getting to know each other. This low-key event is a great way to kick-off the new semester and engage with ENWL topics in a fun way! If you couldn’t make it, that’s ok – you can connect with Creative Writers Guild and GSP on Instagram (cwg_mu , mu_georgestreetpress) or on Get Involved! Millersville’s site for clubs and student orgs.
The annual State of the ‘Ville this past Friday also includes the presentation of the 2024 EPPIIC Awards. These awards recognize Millersville University employees who demonstrate an outstanding commitment to representing MU’s EPPIIC Values: Exploration, Professionalism, Public Mission, Integrity, Inclusion and Compassion.
We had a record number of nominations for ENWL faculty members across multiple categories: Exploration, Dr. Katarzyna Jakubiak; Professionalism, Dr. Nicole A Pfannenstiel; Integrity, Dr. Emily Baldys and Dr. Justin Mando (Team); Inclusion, Dr. Emily Baldys; Compassion, Dr. Jill Craven. Check out the heartfelt nominations from students here.
From Left to Right: Dr. Pfannenstiel, Dr. Baldys, Dr. Jakubiak, Dr. Craven, Dr. Mando
Congratulations to our nominees – we are so proud to have such EPPIIC faculty!
Upcoming Events Next Week (9/15 – 9/21)
Mon 9/16 – GSA Ice Cream Social – 7:30 PM SMC 28
Tues 9/17 – English Club General Meeting – 6:30 PM, Ford Atrium
The English Department encourages students to check out the English-related clubs! The English Club, Film Club, George Street Press, and TheSnapper give students opportunities to build community and flex their writing and critical-thinking skills. Click on the headings for the clubs’ Get Involved pages.
The English Club provides a welcome environment where lovers of language and literature can come together to participate in literary activities, field trips, discussions, and more! Both majors and non-majors are welcome. Meetings will begin at 5:30pm on Thursdays starting September 12th. The location will be sent out via email at a later date. For more information, contact President Stephanie Wenger or Vice President Morgan Reichenbach.
The Film Club is a campus organization where film fans can gather for screenings of films followed by discussion, as well as connect with others with a passion for the art of film across Millersville. The club screens films, both older and more contemporary, and discusses the topics presented by correlating the film to larger societal issues. Film Club will begin screenings on September 16th at 7pm in Club de’Ville and will meet every other Monday afterwards. For more information, visit the club’s Facebook page, contact President Lisa Crum, or email adviser Jill Craven.
George Street Press is Millersville University’s literary magazine that is open to students and faculty alike. The publication is completely student run and student published, accepting all sorts of work from poetry, short fiction, essays, creative nonfiction, photography, painting and sculpture. If you are interested with assisting in publication, the club meets Monday nights in Club De’Ville (the commuter lounge in the lower level of the SMC) at 9pm. If you would like to submit any work for the Fall 2019 publication, submissions open on November 1st at If you have any questions, contact President Kitsey Shehan or Vice President Sara Pizzo. Updates can be found on the club’s Instagram page.
Editor in Chief Jared Hameloth and Managing Editor Julia Walters at Org Outbreak (Photo courtesy of Jared Hameloth)
The Snapper is Millersville University’s student-run newspaper, providing fair, accurate, and unbiased reporting on a weekly basis for the student body. They are the campus’ independent watchdog, a tireless advocate and champion of student rights. Through the sections and other positions, The Snapper provides students with an opportunity to experience the fields of print and digital media, along with many opportunities to improve their own writing skills. The Snapper’s office is located in the bottom level of the SMC, room 15. They hold weekly meetings every Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Students can contact The Snapper at:
The purpose of MU’s AAUW, among other things, is to prepare students for leadership in the civic realm, offer students an opportunity to exchange ideas on social justice, network members with the global AAUW community of more than 170,000 members, and support women in gaining positions of leadership across campus. Meetingtimes will be announced. For more information, adviser Jill Craven. Want to get involved with AAUW? Consider taking on a leadership position for the 2019-2020 school year.
Creative Writers’ Guild is a place for MU students to mingle and share ideas, discuss their passions, and simply enjoy one another’s company. The members have essentially become a family, and there is always room for more family members to join. Every meeting, club members are given a prompt to guide their writing, but have the freedom to create anything they like. Members have done everything from fanfiction to poetry to improv storytelling, and are always looking to try new writing prompts. The club meets on Tuesday nights at 7:30pm in Chryst 210. To learn more, contact President Jacob Coopersmith.