Abby Good is graduating from Millersville University as an English BSE major. “My time at Millersville was made special by the people I met, professors I learned from, and the knowledge I’ve gained,” she shares.
Abby’s favorite English course was ENGL 232 World Literature 2, with Dr. Skucek. The class allowed students to truly read world literature, which was something she didn’t have much experience with. Prior to this class, she was familiar only with a few European authors. The novels read in class helped introduce her to authors from various countries, such as Fyodor Dostoevsky, Hermann Hesse, Franz Kafka, Gustave Flaubert, and a few others.
Abby was a member of the women’s volleyball team for all four undergrad years. She was recognized with a Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference Scholar-Athlete Award twice. She was also actively involved in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club (member and then President 2019-2020) and was a member of Omicron Delta Kappa.
Abby recently completed Professional Development School. For three semesters, she was at Marticville Middle School in the Penn Manor School District. She worked closely with both an English teacher and a Learning Support teacher. Through this internship, she learned immensely from her mentors, planned and implemented lessons, and grew as a teacher.
After graduation, Abby plans to get a job in either an English or Special Education position.You can learn more about Abby in her student profile.
We are excited for what the future of education holds special for you, Abby! You will do great. Stay in touch!