By: Hayley Billet
The department of English and World Languages will be announcing thesis defenses in the coming weeks to celebrate the significant accomplishment of our students.
For students planning to defend their thesis work, you must first work with your Thesis Chair/Advisor. Once your Chair/Advisor thinks your thesis is ready, that final draft should be shared with your committee for review. Your committee and thesis chair will approve moving to a defense.
Once you have your Chair and Committee approval, please establish a date, time, and location for your defense. The Chair and Committee must agree to the date, time, and location of the defense. Once those details are determined, it is the responsibility of the student to notify the Graduate Coordinator of your defense.
To inform the graduate coordinator of your defense, you will need to fill out the “Announcement of Defense” information located below. This should be submitted two weeks prior to your defense. This information should be sent to the graduate coordinator, who will announce it to the department.
Note: It is also important that you make sure your thesis chair and committee have signed off on your thesis and approved it for the defense.
Announcement of Defense Information:
This information should only be emailed to the Graduate Coordinator.
- Please copy and paste the text below into an email
- Fill in all the required information
- Send email to the current Graduate Coordinator:
This should only be submitted to the graduate coordinator when all fields can be completed!
Last Name:
First Name:
Millersville Email:
Program of Study:
Defense Date:
Defense Time:
Defense Location:
Thesis Title:
Committee Chair:
Committee Member:
Committee Member:
Please provide a brief description of your thesis (250-words max):