Recently, the Washington Monthly magazine has released its annual ranking of the top Graduate schools. Millersville University hasbeen recognized at #90 on the list. It was selected on the basis of social mobility, research, and promoting public service, which is one of Millersville’s many primary concerns and goals. Millersville has also topped all PASSHE graduate schools. This is certainly exciting news.
It is important to note that this ranking is not one to overlook. You might be thinking “Well Millersville gets a lot of recognition, why should this be any different?” Or “Why is this so important?” It is stated on The Washington Monthly’s website that their Master’s University Ranking that they choose and rank colleges “… based on what they do for the country.” Again, Millersville has ranked on the list because they have been recognized for their social mobility, research, and promoting public service. Millersville’s ranking on the list means that they (as we already know) are committed to providing a wide range of opportunity and future success for their students(especially when making the switch to remote learning and online classes), as well doing what they can for their community.
Millersville has placed #90 on the list. This ranking is important and impressive because The Washington Monthly conducted their list based on criteria that required schools that are listed in the U.S. Department of Education’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, are not specifically graduate schools, are involved in federal financial aid programs, and excel in the three previously mentioned categories, not just one. More information on The Washington Monthly’s methodology can be found at the link listed below. Millersville made the list because they not only excel in the three categories, but they also excel in availability, accessibility, and engage in diverse programs. Though it has placed on the lower side of the list, it is important to note that Millersville has risen to the occasion to represent PASSHE graduate schools. It is the only PASSHE graduate school to have made the list. This is a great honor for Millersville, to take the 90th spot on a list that examines a vast array of graduate schools across the country. Simply being placed (anywhere) on the list is an achievement to be celebrated and certainly not one to be overlooked.
What sets Millersville apart from many schools is that it will never stop its pursuit of greatness, whether that be for their students, administration, or community. Millersville is always striving to do good by its students and community and persevere in the face of struggles and hardships(especially during the COVID-19 pandemic).
It is no secret to students that Millersville is a great school to attend due to the faculty and staff’s continued perseverance and commitment to their students, inspiring them and giving them the help they need to reach their full potential. Though this may seem a bit biased because I am a student in Millersville’s graduate program, I can assure you that these claims are true. I have seen it first hand during my many visits to campus during my undergraduate career, and have experienced it myself. I myself am an introvert, so the fact that this is coming from me should not be taken lightly.
What does this mean for English grads? The English graduate program at Millersville provides an intensive study and more thorough interaction with writing, reading, critical thinking, and preparations for the future. Since Millersville is a top ranking graduate school, imagine the recognition it will get on job applications and resumes. Millersville is quickly becoming, if it is not there already, an A-list college. Its presence on resumes and applications will provide students with endless possibilities and unlimited opportunities.
The English Master’s program at Millersville is recognized as a fulfilling and highly rated program. Millersville’s ranking only adds to its appeal. With this recognition, many programs at Millersville are also getting praise and attention, the English program being one of them. Pursuing a Master’s degree in English will prove to be a worthy experience and thanks to Millersville’s ranking as a top graduate school, possibilities for the future are as endless as ever before.
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Works Cited
“Washington Monthly Logo.” Washington Monthly Magazine, Washington Monthly, https://