Why I Write by Sean O’Donnell

Writing allows students to express their thought in a way a test will never be able to do. It allows students to take stances on topics and express their own thoughts. The teachers can see whether not a student understands the topic and can see where they need improvement. For me, writing is a tool that is used in my selected major. If done well, it can have the ability to change perspective and inform the public.
As a writer, I focus on a form of writing called public relations writing. This focuses on crafting press releases, memos, and other business-related writing. It requires my writing to be short and to the point while providing the necessary writing to help the business display a message.
Through my years at college, I have had the opportunity to write press releases, thank you notes, and pieces that request donations from other organizations. My work has also been published in annual reports given to the board members and residents of Meadowood Community village.
Writing allows me to not only express my opinions but help further my career in the PR industry. My internship mentor from Meadowood seems to have the public relations style of writing down to a science. Therefore, I like to style my pieces after her work. She has taught me various of techniques that I look forward to using in the future.