Undergraduate Courses Taught
MATH 090: Basic Mathematics
For students who need additional preparation before taking a college mathematics course. Remedial in nature and not applicable toward the science/math requirement. After successfully completing MATH 090, students are prepared to take courses that fulfill this requirement. Students who must take MATH 090 earn course credits, and the grade is counted in the cumulative grade point average, but MATH 090 course credit cannot be counted towards fulfillment of the baccalaureate or associate degree.
MATH 101: College Algebra
Math 101 is a 3-credit course in basic algebra. The prerequisite is a C- or better in MATH 090 or Math Placement. Math 101 does NOT count for General Education credit. You need a C- or better in this course in order to take Math 110 (Trigonometry), Math 160 (Precalculus), or Math 151 (Business Calculus). You need a D- or better in this course in order to take Math 130 (Elements of Statistics).
MATH 102: Mathematics In Non-European Cultures
A survey of mathematical ideas developed by non-European cultures, including, but not limited to, those of Africans, Asians and native North, Central and South Americans. Includes culture and specific examples from the following areas of mathematics: number theory, topology, probability, group theory and logic. No credit under block G2 for math or science majors. Prereq: MATH 090 with a grade of C- or higher, math placement testing/ evaluation before registration. MATH 100 and MATH 102 may not both be taken for general education credit.
MATH 104: Fundamentals of Mathematics I
Mathematics content that elementary and special education teachers of mathematics at any level need to know and understand before beginning to teach. Designed to equip all such majors with sufficient knowledge and facility in mathematics for teaching it effectively. Includes number systems, structure of algorithms, number theory, properties of integers, rational numbers and real numbers, and beginning geometry and measurement. Emphasis on problem solving and reasoning within each topic. Required of all early childhood education and middle level majors. Prereq: math placement testing/evaluation before registration.
MATH 105: Fundamentals of Mathematics II
An extension of Math 104, this course covers additional mathematics topics that are relevant to the teaching of elementary mathematics. Topics include an extensive examination of probability, statistics, geometry and measurement. Additionally, there will be a continued emphasis placed upon the development of problem solving and reasoning skills. Attention will be given to how the content addresses the PA Common Core Mathematics Standards and the NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. If you are an Early Childhood Education Major (B.S.Ed.), you need a C or better in this course in order to satisfy the Required Related Courses requirement. This course is required for all early childhood education majors.
MATH 110: Trigonometry
This is an elective course for students preparing to take calculus who need additional background in trigonometry.
MATH 151: Calculus for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences
This is an elective course for business students: content includes elementary calculus and its applications in business, economics, life, and social sciences.
MATH 160: Precalculus
This course is designed to equip middle level (4-8) mathematics specialists with sufficient knowledge and mathematical experiences for teaching geometry and measurement effectively. The course includes the study of two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures, geometric constructions, congruence, similarity, angle measure, distance, area and volume. Connections between geometry and other mathematics topics, nature and art are addressed. This course will satisfy G2 credit for MATH.
MATH 205: Geometry for the Middle Level Teacher
This course is designed to equip middle level (4-8) mathematics specialists with sufficient knowledge and mathematical experiences for teaching geometry and measurement effectively. The course includes the study of two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures, geometric constructions, congruence, similarity, angle measure, distance, area and volume. Connections between geometry and other mathematics topics, nature and art are addressed. This course will satisfy G2 credit for MATH. Prerequisite: passing score on BST, and C or better in MATH 104 or department permission.
MATH 230: Data Analysis and Probability for the Middle Level Teacher
Designed for middle level (4-8) teaching candidates as an introduction to probability and statistics. Course will cover the following topics at an appropriate level: descriptive statistics, counting and basic probability, concept of random sampling, random variables and probability distributions, and statistical inference involving confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. offered periodically. Prerequisite: passing score on the basic skills test, and C or better in MATH 104 or department permission.
MATH 301/301H: History of Mathematics
The progression of mathematical concepts in the context of the thought and civilization of the time, from the Babylonians to the 20th century. Focus on the contributions of the Hellenic and Alexandrian Greeks as a point of departure for the evolution of geometry, number theory, analysis, and logic. Proofs of some of the great theorems. Offered every Spring semester. Prerequisite: COMM 100, ENGL 110, MATH 161 or 163, and junior status. This course will satisfy the Perspective requirement.
MATH 405: The Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Schools
- An investigation into the current content materials, learning processes, pedagogical methods, assessment strategies and technological tools associated with the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools.
- Students will examine the implications of the PA Department of Education Common Core Mathematics Standards (provided), the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM), and the NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (abbreviated electronic version to be supplied) on teaching mathematics in secondary schools. Included in the course requirements are extensive field experiences in at least three settings including mini-teaching experiences at local middle schools and high schools.
- This course must be taken simultaneously with EDSE 321. It is highly suggested that this course be taken the semester preceding student teaching.
MDLV 456: Teaching Middle Level Mathematics
Pedagogy for teaching middle level mathematics is aligned with national and state standards, current research, forms of assessment and curricular frameworks. Technology and hands-on instructional strategies are utilized. Prereq: MATH 205, MATH 230, and admission to Advanced Professional Studies. Coreq: MDLV 425, 466, SPED 331.
EDMA 461: Student Teaching in Mathematics I
UNIV 103: First Year Seminar–From pi to e through i
Elective course for first semester freshmen to examine, study, and analyze mathematics through a variety of mathematical lenses (applied, pure math, statistics, and education).
Graduate Courses Taught
MATH 604: Ethnomathematics
This course aims to introduce Ethnomathematics as a field by examining mathematics across and within cultures. In addition, the course is designed to strengthen and expand students’ understanding of mathematical topics (e.g., number systems, geometry, combinatorics, group theory) through study of the mathematics of world cultures. Furthermore, students will discuss ways in what is done in the course may be used to refresh or augment 7-12 school mathematics courses and develop school materials in Ethnomathematics.
MATH 697: Development and Use of Manipulative Materials in Teaching Mathematics
This course is devoted to the role of manipulative materials in promoting mathematics learning. A philosophy of using manipulatives is developed and integrated with a range of experiences proven effective in helping students learn mathematics. The topics and materials will range from primary to middle grades to secondary mathematics.