Levitating Sprite

  • This class right here was one of the coolest classes we had yet. It was insane to see a two-liter sprite get held up by a fricking piece of paper. It always amazes me how physics works in our work; how stupidly impossible things are just possible. We learned about how building modelers are using the exact same thought processes we thought in class to try and innovate the way that buildings are constructed.


  • This class was a class meant to demonstrate how press print is used and how to use it. Professor provided the class with a big wooden tray filled with tiny metal rods that had letters on the bottom. We learned how they were commonly used in a machine that would press down a bunch of these rods in a row on a sheet of paper to make a sentence. But we had no machine, so we just pressed down with our hands instead. I think mine turned out pretty good in the picture above. This assignment taught me other ways to write without using a keyboard.

Laser engraving some wood

  • For class we were brought downstairs to watch a demonstration on how to laser engrave. I had one of these in high school that was actually a lot bigger, and I would play around with it all the time. The teacher explained how to put all your data in the computer, upload your final product form the software to the laser engraver, and how to activate the engraver. It’s always so mesmerizing watching the wood get drawn on. Today I didn’t necessarily learn anything new, but I got a much-needed refresher on the steps to use the laser engraver.

Building Legos

  • Class today could only be described as a roller coaster for me. I was so excited to hear that we were recreating a Lego brick out of cardboard. This assignment was a segway into our next assignment where we will actually 3D print a Lego brick. The focus of this assignment was to showcase the inner workings of a 3D printer. How it prints horizontally instead of vertically, creating models of all kinds by thousands of tiny layers. I didn’t exactly realize that at first being so caught up in the moment of cutting cardboard. See I was thinking big, I missed when she said that were going to scale, so I wanted the biggest Lego brick in the class. I actually got pretty far and started the circles when Professor Painter walked over and asked where all my layers are. I was devastated to see my big brick rendered useless in an instant. But that is what I get for getting too excited over building a Lego. What I learned from this assignment was how 3D printers work, how they make virtually anything by going left and right.

Hazardous Waste

  • Today was a simulation day, giving us the scenario of a toxic chemical that needs to be contained safety. We were given many tools at our disposal, including the string and sticks in the picture above. I personally picked the sticks up myself since my thought process was to keep as much distance between the person and the chemical as possible. Although we tried other tools and tricks, our stick method seemed to be full proof, so we stuck with it. I would say that I learned to work with the tools that you have, it honestly seemed hopeless at first but we found a method that worked.

Signs hung up in Lehigh

  • For this assignment, I was actually supposed to join in with the class for the day of caring, but I had to unfortunately go with the honors college. Nevertheless, I had a job to do, and that was to spread the word and hang up posters all over Lehigh. My biggest takeaway from this was to get engaged with my community more. Going around supporting a great cause and getting to interact with a bunch of different students from every sport!

Building a Light Switch

  • For this class we took the time to learn about electronic circuits. There were two major circuit designs to choose from, a switch circuit, and a 2-way switch circuit. For our first challenge we needed to make a switch circuit in with paperclips in order to light it up. But our biggest Challege came when it was time to make a 2-way circuit. Easily my biggest takeaway from this assignment is the basic fundamentals of electrical happenings and dangers.

Course Portfolio Blog (FYEX)

My Academic Goal

The one big goal I am aiming for is to graduate from the honors college. The honors college is a prestigious honor that can elevate your career after graduation.  The only Caveat is that the classes offered are significantly harder than the regular classes, making it challenging to pass. My end goal is to graduate and put that honors college on my resume.