Governor Corbett’s Proposed Budget

We are deeply troubled by the proposed budget for Pennsylvania which cuts funding to state universities, including Millersville, by over 50%.  Our number one priority at Millersville University is our students, and it is the students who will suffer the most if this proposed budget is approved.  We hope that the legislature will see fit to restore some of the cuts to higher education. 

While we were not expecting an increase in funding, the massive cuts are upsetting.  Hanging in the balance is access to quality, affordable higher education for the children of Pennsylvania.  These deep cuts will change the programs and services we can offer to students, and it will affect their ability to graduate in four years.

Millersville University has kept tuition increases at an average of 4.3% over the last 10 years.  In addition, we have cut $11.6 million from our budget in the last three years.  We have been good stewards of the taxpayers’ money.  The proposed budget means higher tuition rates will be necessary, and the gap between revenue and costs means that services will be reduced.

We at Millersville are encouraging our students and their families, our faculty, staff and alumni to contact their local legislators and urge them to advocate on behalf of public higher education in Pennsylvania.   Tell them the proposed budget doesn’t work, and we need their help.   The future of Pennsylvania’s children is at stake. 

Francine G. McNairy

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