ASSP Student Chapter Receives 2021–2022 ASSP Outstanding Student Section of the Year Award

UPDATE: Read about MU’s ASSP Student Section Recognition Here!

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Student Chapter at Millersville University received the 2021 –2022 ASSP Outstanding Student Section of the Year Award. The ASSP Club will be recognized and awarded $5000 in June at the Safety 2022 Conference in Chicago.

Top to Bottom: Simon Maier, Kerri DeWitt, Adam Kreisman (Treasurer), Nate Meyers, Nigel Marquez, Kyle Smith, Jordan Branch, Skylar Tsosie, Brianna Reitnauer (Vice President), Emily McComsey (President), Phil Gomba (Secretary), Dr. Betty-Jo Bowers (ASSP Advisor), Halee Schick (Newsletter Editor/Historian), Vaughn Weldon.

Emily McComsey, President, and her board members (listed above) were dedicated to making the ASSP student chapter successful this year. The ASSP Club promoted student engagement and participation in meetings, research, activities, community service, and safety training. Board members received scholarships for their accomplishments from ASSP and other organizations. Some of the activities that the club performed were as follows:

  • Partnered with Millersville’s Marauder Graphics Club to design and print t-shirts given as an incentive to boost membership
  • Organized and held several technical meetings and a resume workshop
  • Attended the Governor’s Occupational Safety and Health (GOSH) Conference in Hershey, PA in October 2021
  • Participated in Millersville University’s Involvement Fair in February 2022
  • Partnered with the ASSP Central PA parent chapter to host two technical meetings
  • Presented research on pedestrian and driver safety at Millersville University crosswalks during an ASSP Central PA parent chapter meeting and Lancaster Safety Council (LSC) in April 2022
    • Eleven students completed CITI training to perform research
  • Helped the Millersville Lions Club perform a Medical Den cleanup project and a safety inspection at the Millersville Community Pool
  • Attended LSC monthly meetings on Zoom and an in-person
  • Attended CPR/AED training in March 2022
  • Hosted and participated in 24-hour Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) training by Purdue Farms in April 2022
  • Hosted Companies Day in April 2022
  • Performed fire extinguisher simulator demonstrations at the Women in Math, Science, and Technology Conference in April 2022
  • Attended and provided updates to the OSEH Program External Advisory Board meetings

Congratulations to MU ASSP Student Section on receiving this remarkable achievement!

– Contributed by Dr. Betty-Jo Bowers

Dr. Haughery Publishes Research Findings

Assistant Professor John R. Haughery, Ph.D., CSCE recently published collaborative research on the impacts of manure drying practices on electrical energy consumption in Iowa poultry houses (hen houses). Results of this study indicate that, “on a per thousand bird basis, overall energy usage was reported at 10.1 kWh per day, 308 kWh per month, and 3.7 MWh per year. Energy costs per thousand birds were US$0.81 per day, US$25 per month, and US$296 per year. Respondents from 16 facilities reported their facility did not have smart meters (i.e., monitoring voltage, current, power factor, and energy consumption), while 10 reported smart meter usage and 5 reported they were unsure. Managers were no more likely to be aware of facility peak demand or track peak demand regardless of whether the facility had a smart meter (aware: P=0.09; track: P=0.26).” (Haughery, et al. 2022).

With Iowa leading the US in egg production, the results of this research will inform future energy management practices at commercial poultry facilities. Furthermore, this research was conducted as part of a larger multi-year project title, Smart Peak Power Avoidance for Reducing Grid Demand in Poultry Facilities and supported by the Iowa Energy Centers’ grant program [grant number 310314]. This work is a product of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project Number IOW05590 was sponsored by the Hatch Act and State of Iowa funds.

Click read more to view the article summary is below with the full article accessible at:

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Construction Management Students Install Backstop

Student Athletes in Construction Management have installed a padded backstop at Cooper Park.

Anthony Del Grande and Zach Garlinger are both construction management majors and have utilized some of their learned skills from the program to install the padded backstop. These individual sections provide both protection from baseballs hitting the wall, and a great place to share our Marauder pride. GO VILLE!

– Contributed by Dr. Dominick O. Manusos

Millersville’s Chapter of NSBE Reactivated

Millersville University’s chapter of the National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE) has been reactivated. NSBE’s mission is “to increase the number of under-represented students to succeed academically, positively impact the community, and excel professionally.” Millersville’s chapter goals for this fall are to create a platform highlighting the engineering programs offered by the Applied Engineering, Safety & Technology department, and to inspire pre-college and under represented students. NSBE will be hosting community engagement activities, workshops, and networking events that will uplift the minority student community.

Please reach out to Jordan Branch if you have any questions or want to be involved with the group. Jordan’s email is

Gamma Epsilon Tau 2022

Four new members were inducted into the Omicron chapter of Gamma Epsilon Tau on Thursday, April 28, 2022. Gamma Epsilon Tau is a national student organization for graphic communication that was founded in 1953. The Millersville chapter was founded in 2016. To be invited to join, students must be in good academic standing and show an interest in, and commitment to, the field of graphic communication.

The induction ceremony was led by current Gamma Epsilon Tau officers— President Kaitlyn Conrad, Vice-president Julia Meassick, Secretary Olivia Keenan, Treasurer Ashly Dodd, and Historian Rowland Miller. Inductees participated in an initiation ceremony which included creating a uniquely inked pin.

We are proud to announce the newest members of Gamma Epsilon Tau – Omicron Chapter.

  • Micaela Cole, AETM, Graphic Communication
  • Kaylena Travitz, Packaging Engineering Technology
  • Rita Wienand AETM, Graphic Communication
  • Lauren Walsh, AETM, Graphic Communication

– Contributed by Mark Snyder