A student design team from Professor Cindy English’s ITEC 342 Computer-Aided Engineering Drawing course participated in the annual Made in Millersville (MIM) research conference. The conference is one of the largest student conferences among the 14 state system schools that involves over 150 students presenting, performing, or exhibiting their scholarly and creative work while gaining a professional conference experience. This year’s participants presentations were both of the synchronous and asynchronous formats for the virtual event. The synchronous presentations were streamed live allowing the presenters to be interviewed by professors and alumni who give feedback to the students concerning their work. Continue reading “MiM: Toy Creation that Taught So Much More”
Gamma Epsilon Tau Inducts Nine Students
On Thursday, April 29, 2021, nine students were inducted into the Omicron chapter of Gamma Epsilon Tau. Gamma Epsilon Tau is a national student organization for graphic communication. The Millersville chapter was founded in 2016 by Dr. Mark Snyder. To be invited to join, students must be in good academic standing and show an interest in and commitment to the field of graphic communication.
The induction ceremony was led by current Gamma Epsilon Tau officers— President Sara Franks, Vice President Alejandro Rosario, Treasurer Makenna Hewitt, Secretary Meghan Hlodash, and Historian Macy Souders. Inductees participated in an initiation ceremony which included creating a uniquely inked pin.
We are proud to announce the newest members of Gamma Epsilon Tau – Omicron Chapter.
- Kaitlyn Conrad, AETM, Graphic Communication
- Ashly Dodd, AETM Graphic Communication & Packaging Engineering Technology
- Hannah Ellenburg, Technology & Engineering Education
- Olivia Keenan, AETM, Graphic Communication
- Julia Meassick, AETM, Graphic Communication
- Rowland Miller, AETM, Graphic Communication
- Dario Santa Cruz Sanchez, AETM, Graphic Communication
- Zachariah Sarmir, Technology & Engineering Education
- Kyle Schell, AETM, Graphic Communication